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special drug enforcement groups


Active member
So yeah here in the A they have the Red Dog Unit which i think stands for Run Every Drug Dealer Out of Georgia. I think we have a few others with some crazy acronyms, but the red dogs are pretty crazy.

you will see these fuckers out in the hood taking down people wearing black mask and tactical gear. Its crazy.

its like jeezy says, "ford Taurus pull up, every body run"

any one else have any crazy unit around where they stay.


Active member
drugs and racism have always gone hand in hand...again we blame drugs instead of looking at real social issues...


and? the police use abhorrent tactics to enforce laws that only exist so that people dont have to take responsibility for their own actions.


Active member
if a taurus pulls up at my house it got towed here...they cant drive one here...lol.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
So yeah here in the A they have the Red Dog Unit which i think stands for Run Every Drug Dealer Out of Georgia. I think we have a few others with some crazy acronyms, but the red dogs are pretty crazy.

you will see these fuckers out in the hood taking down people wearing black mask and tactical gear. Its crazy.

its like jeezy says, "ford Taurus pull up, every body run"

any one else have any crazy unit around where they stay.

That's why the hood has to quit honoring the shit. Cops put drugs in the hood, then they try to take it out... Along with the livelihoods of the people who live there... Cops lurking in the shadows, you know how you roll, get a fucking real job...


Active member
do you guys ever watch that show like cops called DEA?

that type of shit and court shows is the only thing i watch on TV (know your enemy)

well on DEA the show them make bust after bust just by "flipping" the 1st and next guy...just turning them into rats w/in 5 min's...if they dont rat out right now they dont get another chance.

fukin low lif scum sukkin pussies...and they almost all rat right away.

i havent seen them bust a grower yet,....prolly cuz the ladder stops there, but fuck..be careful w/ who knows your bizness.


do you guys ever watch that show like cops called DEA?

that type of shit and court shows is the only thing i watch on TV (know your enemy)

well on DEA the show them make bust after bust just by "flipping" the 1st and next guy...just turning them into rats w/in 5 min's...if they dont rat out right now they dont get another chance.

fukin low lif scum sukkin pussies...and they almost all rat right away.

i havent seen them bust a grower yet,....prolly cuz the ladder stops there, but fuck..be careful w/ who knows your bizness.

true words....

I can't stand a pig, let alone a pig that loves rats.

Fuck a copper..... :nanana:

John Allen

Living on the outer edge of the emerald triangle you get use to people getting busted close to home. We have our own species of DEA to tangle with up here.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal

I've seen DEA, and yes they have busted a grower, it was the "season 1 finale" episode




I've seen DEA, and yes they have busted a grower, it was the "season 1 finale" episode


I say that episode last night. But to be fair, that grower was not like a typical grower on these forums. Most of use n these forums grow for personal use and maybe sell a little to offset the cost of their home grow. The guy that got busted on DEA was ratted on. To make matters worse, the grower was an ex-con and had a record for assault, weapon charges, etc.

They showed a scene where they flew a helicopter over the growers neighborhood, they used the thermal lens and one of them casually commented on how they can;t afford to use that thing to fly around town and scan everyone cuz it costs too much. I also noticed that all those DEA/cop looked like they were on steroids. :D


One to da two da three da four
Them dirty Red Dogs done hit the door
And they got everybody on they hands and knees
And they ain't gonna leave until they find them keys


leo are "tough guys" that hit home grows like they are hitting biker bunker meth labs - but wouldn't go near a real biker or biker bunker meth lab to save their lives.


Attack the little guy - make him out to be the "bogeyman", justify your piss ant work with BS stats and hollow lies.

And hide at nite while the real scum kill and rape us. Or steal us blind.




Active member
do you guys ever watch that show like cops called DEA?

that type of shit and court shows is the only thing i watch on TV (know your enemy)

well on DEA the show them make bust after bust just by "flipping" the 1st and next guy...just turning them into rats w/in 5 min's...if they dont rat out right now they dont get another chance.

fukin low lif scum sukkin pussies...and they almost all rat right away.

i havent seen them bust a grower yet,....prolly cuz the ladder stops there, but fuck..be careful w/ who knows your bizness.

thats like my favorite show recently. but anyways it seems like whenever they try to get people to flip, its always the lower level people that snitch and shit, never the big dudes. whenever they ask the bigger guys in the business, they always say fuck that.

also it seems like the dea doesnt have many phone wire taps. i figured if they dea was about to kick your door in they would know every call you make.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
The Paul Bunyan Drug Task Force is the big dog up north here, they mainly stick to meth lab busts lately but you all know how 'one thing leads to another' so nobody's safe.

Tweakers are big time snitches & will turn a person in on speculation of hoping to get off. If you're smart you'll have nothing to do with tweakers at all, not even a hello if you know them.


Just the usual narcs driving 300c's, huge pick ups, etc here in the city.

However out in the more rural areas of KY they have lots of programs to find / eradicate plants in the national forests.


no specific units in my area, but i'm sure in the "ghetto-er" parts of town there are.

like the above poster said...the DEA is raiding teh fuck out of people now because they know obama will (eventually, hopefully,)stop the medical raids. as to home grows...yeah they pick on the small guys, the home grows - because its the SCUM OF THE UNIVERSE THAT ROTS CHILDREN'S MINDS AND DESTROYS YOUTH. and/or, it's just easier to bust a pot grower than some biker-based meth lab (above poster)


all praises are due to the Most High
shit, out here, if you are targeted by a "special unit", you are dead, as simple as that.
luckily, no growers are targeted, only real criminals like killers.
these "special units" will go into certain places one day and take out everyone on their list, all dead, no chance to go to court or jail, direct to the cemetery/crematory.


Smokes, lets go
shit, out here, if you are targeted by a "special unit", you are dead, as simple as that.
luckily, no growers are targeted, only real criminals like killers.
these "special units" will go into certain places one day and take out everyone on their list, all dead, no chance to go to court or jail, direct to the cemetery/crematory.

damn bro where u from thats some serious shit


In my hood, the hookers fighting in the street and the dope boyz on the corner make good cover. Nobody even looks.