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Spacing and Contact Inhibition?


New member
I performed a search and did not see any material or posts related to this situation.

I did however read the thread about mixed species competing for root space. This I understand, but was curious if there was any empirical evidence that suggests the growth rate and flower production of these plants are affected by being placed too close to each other, or if growth is just slowed due to lack of light?


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i find that plants with more light/elbow room will indeed fill out far better into a more desirable canopy (especially if monocropped in a room)

outdoors, plants also enjoy proper spacing to achieve the most from each plant...

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
similarily to Dontstep, finding if they are planted pot to pot, they will be longer and skinnier

and if placed with room to breath they fill out more and get fatter

guessing it is not a strain thing but a reaction to light if there is competitiion sideways go up, that's where the light is coming from if you need to compete make sense to grow towards it, especially if no room left or right...


New member
Thanks for the input. I was curious/concerned about it. I went from a DR120 and added a DR150W. Each tent uses 1 400 and 1 150 HPS light. 3 Indicas in one and 3 Sativas in another due to the differing heights. I put the Sat's in the wide tent and LST'ed them.

My concern was that not enough light was getting to the lower portions so I LST'ed them to allow more light down lower. It is paying off but I know I may be wasting space. The additional tent purchase is for future projects anyway and the 120 will be the mother room.

Based on my original post, I wanted to be sure that they were spaced correctly going forward. Thanks.