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South Africa: Rastafarians Vow To Keep Smoking Cannabis


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like anyone is supprised right?

dailyDispatch said:
TWO physically disabled Rastafarian brothers, who have been arrested three times for the possession of marijuana, say the law will not stop them from smoking the illegal herb.

The Rastafarians claim they need to smoke dagga in order to “connect with their God”.
Last Friday Zerah Mayo and his older brother Adwah Kamini, had their case thrown out of court on a technicality after they were arrested and charged with dealing in drugs earlier this year.
To them, this is a victory. And the brothers claim they only smoke dagga and do not sell the illegal drug.
Having their door kicked down and their house raided by police in the middle of the night has not deterred the brothers and they openly admit to smoking the banned substance.
Mayo, who was born with only one arm, and Kamini, who is wheelchair- bound due to cerebral palsy, have a pending case of possession of drugs against them and have previously been found guilty in the East London Magistrate’s Court for smoking dagga .
For this they received a suspended sentence.
Mayo and Kamini are just two out of nearly 100 Rastafarians in East London battling to have their “religion” and culture tolerated by police.
The Boston College students joined the Boboshanti Salvation Church in NU7 in Mdantsane a decade ago and have been fighting against the law ever since.
The local church, which has its headquarters in Jamaica, now boasts more than 80 members. Congregants worship the “Black Christ” – Prince Emmanuel Charles Edwards the 7th – who is the eldest son of Jah Rastafari, from whom the culture was born in the black slums of Jamaica in the 1930s.
Ordained members of the church dress in red and white robes and wear turbans on their heads.
Mayo explains “this is to protect our dreadlocks from the filth of the planet”.
They also wear pictures of Edwards around their necks.
Mayo, 27, explains that marijuana is traditionally smoked three times a day – morning, afternoon and evening – before praying. Church is held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
The East London-born Mayo yesterday told the Dispatch that most Rastafarians believe that marijuana is the “true blood of Messiah – our God”. — By KATHRYN PARKES, Court Reporter, [email protected]
the link


Congregants worship the “Black Christ” – Prince Emmanuel Charles Edwards the 7th – who is the eldest son of Jah Rastafari, from whom the culture was born in the black slums of Jamaica in the 1930s.

um he's not a god, just a man like you and me no one special, he was initiated into Martinism.
this is not religion, it's idol worship.
god in man?
The destruction of the White Man's race?
read about Rastafari
I don't think so...violent yes. proven yes.
sorry I don't believe in any fucking Man


i am a rasta.
i have read of the birth of the Ethiopian Prince
however... like jews, muslims and christians alike, rasta does not have one mind but many, not one story, or one belief, or love but a vast array, as rasta as a people are different. built, perhaps, on the same principles or founding idea, but with a multitude of practices and interpretations of the meaning, what is, who is... rasta. hear mi say dis, and you will feel the truth i speak of... we belivers all know the love of jah, Jehova, the true king of king and lord of lords, regardless of the shape he takes or the story through which his message is taught.

many stories have been passed down by the ancient ones, many more live within our blood. Genetic codes and linguistics all hold secrets of our roots and ties to one another, for not one man or women or child on earth can say, he or she is not related to the next, and so if one is the child of God than we all are...

Rasta, is about how you carry yourself as much as what you believe.
These brothers are not by extraordinary nature violent nor is any other rasta, but defiance is a great hallmark of rasta. not defiance for the sake of violence, but out of a knowing that cannot, they will not be enslaved, or separated from the connection they have... the true, real, holy and unrepentant connection that every being has a right to, the God given, unalienable right to a spiritual life, which is at the very core of our existence- our reason for existing at all.

please be careful to when painting people, one stoke usually isn't enough to cast the variety of hues it takes to portray a whole peoples.


Jah is a slang or shortening of the proper name of God, Jehovah. the rasta believe
Ras Tafari (or Emperor Haile Selassie the First, King of King, lord of lords, conquering lion of the tribe of Juda) was a direct descendant of Queen Sheba and King Solomon (Solomon was the son of David, yeah the one that killed Goliath) and also the son of God.

" In an Ethiopian account (Kebra Nagast) it is maintained that the Queen of Sheba had sexual relations with King Solomon (of which the Biblical and Quranic accounts give no hint) and gave birth by the Mai Bella stream in the province of Hamasien, Eritrea. The Ethiopian tradition has a detailed account of the affair. (See Queen of Sheba)
The child was a son who went on to become Menelik I, King of Axum, and founded a dynasty that would reign in the eventual stalwart Christian Empire of Ethiopia for 2900+ years (less one usurpation episode and interval of ca. 133 years until a "legitimate" male heir regained the crown) until Haile Selassie was overthrown in 1974. Menelik was said to be a practicing Jew, had been gifted with a replica Ark of the Covenant by King Solomon, but moreover, the original was switched and went to Axum with him and his mother, and is still there, guarded by a single priest charged with caring for the artifact as his life's task.
The claim of such a lineage and of possession of the Ark has been an important source of legitimacy and prestige for the Ethiopian monarchy throughout the many centuries of its existence, and had important and lasting effects on Ethiopian culture as a whole. The Ethiopian government and church deny all requests to view the alleged ark.[11]


its all what you know to be true, relationships, preparation for what's next... BIBLE (basic instructions before leaving earth)
the earth is already in space, why should you die to go to heaven?

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