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Sour Slut


Weedman Herb

Thanks Murph ... Yeah ... she's a real stinker. Jimmy Nitz did this cross a while back. These pics are from the Infamous cut but we might have some beans of it floating around somewhere too. Space Queen X (?) Diesel is what I believe it to be.
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Frosty looking slut you have there. Would like to see her bigger tho. How's the smells/taste? Any smoke reports yet?


Rocky Mtn Squid

Sour Slut is a cherry diesel that I've grown on several different occassion's.

She's ECSD x Space Queen, making her about 50% sativa, 50% indica.

She can be finicky to grow, but will reward an experienced plant whisperer with big yield's, potent bubble hash, and diesel tasting honey oil..... :rasta:


Weedman Herb

Kabong ... thanks. It's just 1 plant.
Medusa ... RMSquid hit it right with the taste. Kinda like a fuely cherry sweet tart. She went around 70-75 days. Slut fills out better under a 1K (that was under a 600)IMHO. That cutting was flowered directly after roots showed.
RMS ... Always a pleasure. It really is all about the hash. Nice pics. I hope all is well with you and yours.
Techna ... Indeed!


Active member
haha love the name! those look killer WH! and that oil make's me dizzy just looking at it...damn...another strain i want lol.

Weedman Herb

luciano ... I'm guessing she went about 10-12 days longer than what's in the pics. I have some Done and Chopped pics somewhere too that I'll have to find for y'all.

Weedman Herb

My brother from another Mother (and pappy for that matter HeHeHe)Sorry about dropping off without notice and all. You know how I get treated around here sometimes (due to my own actions/faults ... of course ... not wanting to reflect ill on the site as a whole or its management). Thanks for popping in and checking out the Slut ... I miss our wrapping bro ... get with me soon ... West Side East Hill Folk represent ...


New member
damn that looks amazing.

i have a question for anyone who knows how.. IC won't allow me to put pics in my posts, it keeps saying "Your Post contains one or more URLs, please remove them before submitting your message again."


Active member
i cant get enough of anything sour...sour cherry diesel sounds fucking amazing

how did the OutDo go this year?

Weedman Herb

hj - No outdoor this year.
ElGato - zup Thanks for popping in. I guess we need Jimmy to straighten that out but I think RM Squid called it right.
smoooth - Yeah ... she packs on the resin for sure.


one in the chamber
Weedman: I thought you'd met my ex-girlfriend when I saw the thread title. Looks like your sour slut's a lot nicer though! :)

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