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Sour Jack sayz............hellyeah


To Have More ... Desire Less

well of the 8 plantz that grew out.......only one is a confirmed girly.....
culled the malez......and topped the girl......

so there coming along .........just slowly.......after a LITTLE REVEG....
there will be sumthang to see...............


To Have More ... Desire Less
sorry for the delay.......itz the Holidaze............

sorry for the delay.......itz the Holidaze............

Well after much upz and downz..........and plenty of obsticalz.....
I have had a hell of a time w/ Karma's genetic's......
only managed to land ONE good female from my Sour Jack test pack....
In addition to not landing ANY girlz from the Lucifier OG.....
I just felt like I had let my man KARMA down.....
So I had to make the most of her and top her several times to promote multi-branching........then cloning.the hell out of those........
which then led me to flowering out clones .......then giving me the chance to find and keep a TRUE mother plant straight from seed........

and I think I have.........she swells and the frost is kick'ing in @ 4.5 wks of flower............
another 4 weeks and she will be .............Brain Chronic......for sure....

AGAIN...............BIG thank U to KARMA...........for the chance and the patience..... wish I could have giv'en a better grow/show......

BUT.......the SourJack...........Clones very well in under 7 dayz......
stayz short and stout.....not allot of stretch in my pheno.....
She can handle stress w/ out freaking or going Hermi.....
She is a CAL/MAG.......hog for sure....... But she don't need much N......and she trains and bends like a SUPER-CHAMP.....
Defiantly the way to go....for the best yield.........she can be bent in half.and made to BUSH out........see pic'z......
very simple almost nondescript smell in veg....BUT a sweet sultry...kind spice to her in flower.......
I'm really hoping to snag another pack when these get dropped for the general public.........one hell of a genetics stable killer cross....











again.............BlessedBE............Karma and Krewe......in 2011
the year KARMA........takes the cup................:jump:

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