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Sour diesel in a 250w vert, fytocell hempy air pot stealth micro grow

Photon Puker

New member
Awesome setup. Sounds like you've got the perfect amount of intake for a good passive system. I love microverts.

One thing I would do is trim all of the stuff on the backsides. They won't get light, and it will help focus energy to the sites where you want buds. Don't be afraid of getting rid of a good amount of stems on the backside. When they're healthy you can get rid of 40-50% of the total plant. Just make sure to let it recover before you stress it again. I trim about 2 weeks before i switch to flower, then switch, then two weeks into flower I'll get rid of some more leaves if I know the strain still has a little growing to do. The end result will be bigger buds instead of tons of small buds and airy larf. Keep us updated.


Thanks man those are some good pointers :thank you: I did clear most of the foliage at the back, but left a fair whack there as I didn't want to stress it too much.

A lot of the foliage is fan leaves. I'm a bit unsure of what to do with them at this point in veg. Should I remove them entirely? Atm I'm just tucking them back behind the screen, but there isn't really that much light there, so not sure if it's worth keeping them.

I'm also unsure of when to flip. I was thinking another week maybe? Sour diesel can stretch up to 3 times so =/


Photon Puker

New member
Hey Eol, how's it going?

Yeah you're right about sour diesel, it can stretch like a mofo. I would actually flower now, those girls are going to explode. I would also do a trim session a good 7-10 days into flower, top them too, that will slow the vertical growth a little. I would definitely lose everything in back, if it's not going to get light, cut her off. Don't be afraid, just don't go to town too much. If it's healthy, which they look to be, they can handle it. Good luck, and I'll check back soon.


Hey Photon, yeah they're doing pretty well. They were in shock I think for a few days, which is understandable I guess after being bent all over the place to fit into the screen (as much as 90 degrees in some cases), so they haven't grow that much. But the past two days they've been getting back to normal growth which is good.

There's lot's of side branching going on atm, which isn't too ideal as I want the main tops to grow round the screen so it fills out nicely. I'll just start pruning them though if it becomes an issue.

Ah you think I should flip now? Nice one, thanks man i'll probably do that tomorrow or the day after. I'm thinking about swapping the cmh out for the stretch as it encourages so much foliage growth, when all I want is bud sites =D - I think a hps will be better for this reason.

I'll probably start removing the big fan leaves over the course of the next few days as well.

Anyway here are some pics:


This is inside the screen facing the far left, as you can see there's still plenty of screen to fill and it's not even half way around yet.


Here's a view of one plant from the back, need to train it to cover more of the screen down there:


Cheers! :wave:

Photon Puker

New member
looking awesome. you're right, let them train around the screen a few more days, then switch. You are going to be amazed at how much they stretch after you flower. keep up the bomb ass work, and keep us updated.


Thanks Photon =)

Time for an update then, they're currently on day 5 of flower. They're starting to stretch a fair bit now, nice to see the screen filling out a bit more :D. I am a bit concerned that I didn't let them veg long enough, but we shall see.

I've had to trim the bush a fair bit as it was getting too congested where I initially trained the branches in. Hopefully it wont be too stressful for them, I gave them a splash of superthrive today so hopefully that'll help.

Here they are post trim:


I'm pretty high and find this picture preeetty trippy :bigeye::


Got them at 3/4 grow, 1/4 bloom @ 800ppm

Peace! :wave:
u can really tell the apical dominance in cannabis doesnt know what to do in vert grows, esp in veg is this noticable, i prefer lst horizontal veg then if u want to vert u flip your light that way after the strecth n apical dom is over, strecth finished and the buds are gonna start filling in u flip to vert, best of both worlds, tilt the plants on there sides and blast them, just my two cents but your stuff looks good.


Those are some thick ass branches! I'm interested by how you positioned the 2 large plants. I would have put them on opposite sides and topped them so side branches fill out the sides of the screen, but you've instead put them next to each other and trained the tops away from each other - very cool! At least that's how it looks to me in that picture - very trippy indeed! And you've got me thinking again about expanding the size of my lights-cage, I like the way yours looks.


Hey guys, sorry late replying, been hella busy with work recently.

sLai*kRoLa, e_24, thanks for stopping by!

IwannatokeNbone, that's actually a pretty good idea - watering a pot positioned on its side would be tricky though. Something to think about for future grows though definitely.

GoozMan, that's what I would have done in an ideal world, but there wasn't enough room left in the cab as the fan takes up a so much room. The only way I could fit the circular screen in was with the pots as they are.

I'm paying the price for it now though; the trimming I had to do to ensure each plant grew in one direction across the screen, has meant that a lot of the stretch has been pretty much wasted. There hasn't been enough lateral growth at all, and the plants are starting to flower and it's been over two weeks since I flipped. In essence the stretch is nearly over and not even half of the screen is covered.

I've got them on pure veg nutes just now, in the hope that I can squeeze some more growth out of them, before they stop totally.

I also went away and came back and found a small light leak - eek! There were a couple of balls on some branches which were closest to the leak. I chopped them quick; hopefully I didn't miss any - if there's any on the plant furthest away I'm fucked!

Anyway, onto some pics:


As you can see, plenty of empty screen =(


Can see the flowers starting here, sorry about the quality my camera doesn't do to well with close objects.


Cheers all!
HHHMMMM...... It's got:
  1. Diesel[x]
  2. Vert. [x]
  3. Micro [x]
Seems like all the ingredients for an amazing grow. Plus CMH for Icing....

Oh my,my,my