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Sour 60 grow

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Day 11 and still no change in the front but today I'm posting two pics. The one of the entire group and then one in the back that just has my attention. I will be starting a cycle of Big Bloom on them as well.


they are happy for sure. Your cab is identical looking to my veg cab. Though i have a MH running not a hps. I'll be watching updates... If my payment didn't get lost in the mail i would have my sour60's soaking by now. i am jelous. Hope you get a nice colorful sour bubble leaning pheno.

Can anyone explain what that second plant in that pot is?

Plus, I have also heard that several studies have been made which concluded that roots being shown or not, did not have a major effect on the yield or the grow rate of the plants.


what soil did you use. its a weed, but not the kind you want. see if you can remove it but make sure you get as much of the roots out or it will keep coming back


The vagrant is, I think, commonly called Lambs Quarter, a common garden weed. When they are young they taste like green beans when steamed. Good luck on your grow.
Day 12 Big Bloom added the holes are at the bottom of the 2 liters. Also yes i have seen Dr.greengenes do this method too. Also thanks you guys for identifiying my mystery guest I kicked him outta the clubhouse. Todays pics. for your viewing pleasure.


Be honest with us, you really are a Pepsi rep trying to sell your soda to stoners. :D

Looking good. hehe
Nah but damn if I was this would be the marketing cash cow. Buy Pepsi and we will bring you a sea of green lol. Anyway Day 13
it's snowy outside but these girls are safe and warm indoors.
I'm alternating Days with Big Bloom added to the water and days with out it added. I'll have to addthe carbon and Odor Blockers this week. They are begin to produce a smell. Day 14 and they see happy to me but I can only hope they are.
Day 15 and since it's been over a week the three containers that showed no sprouts were removed. Leaving only the healthy growing plants in the grow area. They are still vibrant and lush green and they appear to me to be doing well please if you see anything suspicious in my pics, post something or ask to see a pic of an individual plant. I'll be happy to oblige. Here is todays picture.
I guess if it goes wrong with these bottles well I'll learn from it. Though I'm optomistic this will be fine. I'm glad you will keep a watch over this. I do appreciate both your skepticism, and your opinions. Alas though I digress to day 16.


could you get closer pix? what are you feeding her? what are the temps insdie the box?? let us get more info on the thing.
Temp ranges between 75-to 86 degrees F. The soil has been tested several times fr it's ph, each time it came up for the perfect line for it. Todays pic I tried to get closer so you could see them better. I may take another one and post it as well. Todays pic is here.
Ok everyone my math is horrible and I've been thinking back and actually I've been off a couple of days for each post we are actually around Day 20. My apologies. Well today I moved the lights up to give the girls more room to grow hopefully upwards more. I also would like to mention my method of Temperature regulation using frozen water bottles. If you use this method please do not leave the caps on or you will have a water spray from the cracks of the lid due to pressure. I will be posting two pics. I was asked to give a good close up shot and I was happy to oblige, Here is the group shot first.
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