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Sour 60 Big/Thick


I'm not really routine with anything I do, I just go by what it looks like it needs, each plant seems to have different nute preferences so I never get to structured.

Agree that your Sour60 looks great raz... even with no predetermined schedule I wish we knew what it was for reference, they turned out great so you must have been right on.

Did You just run the 1 under the 400?


Active member
I had 11 sour 60 fems under 2x400w HPS, The bushy pheno was the one I took the most pictures of but all of them were beautiful. Very nice pics chyna, I trim a little more off but I still wind up smoking that trim anyway because of how frosty it is, definitely gets the job done. As a general reference when I starting using ferts I used generally about 1Tbls of big bloom and 1tsp of tiger in a gallon and just checked the Ph to make sure it was within the desired range. Big bloom seemed to raise the Ph up a lot and tiger seemed to bring it down substantially so they sort of balanced eachother out.


Active member
Here is a total chopped down picture of the yield on that bushy sour 60 pheno. The total dry yield from it was 60g's and if I include some of the smaller popcorn buds not shown in the picture it goes up to 65g



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Nice plant man, the FF bloom nutes always grow monster colas. :joint:


sorry im new to auto flowering strains
i just did a research on auto flowering
so im assuming you cant make a mother out of this strain..
what about clones?
can you get clones from it?


and when i buy a pack of these seeds, would they make seeds when mature if there is male and female in it?
when would you know when you should separate the sex?
Yes, they would make seeds. You can't really make a mother, and cloning i think I saw someone say they did it but i don't know what the purpose of that would be since you'd be cloning something that's already trying to flower and you can't just make it go back into veg mode with 24/0.

From what I gather what most people do is buy a pack, do an open pollination to create a shit ton of seeds, then pop 2X as many seeds as # of females they want, and just let em roll. Otherwise you'd be buying a new pack of seeds every grow since cloning and keeping mothers isn't really a viable option. So it's a bit of a departure from traditional growing if you want to keep on growing the strain.. Ya gotta keep a big stock of seeds on supply. Which also introduces an initial extra time window once the seeds are purchased to then make more seeds. But after you got a ton of seeds then you can have all kinds of fun at unique times of the year.


Looks like a great harvest man!
60 G from one plant! Quite a bit more than Im expecting from my S60's
Im going to be growing 25 in a 2 X 6 closet floor space.
Am thinking of growing with either a 400 W MH or 400 W CMH through both veg and flowering.
Im also going to be using the Black Gold Rose & Flower organic tea with FF potting soil.
Im hoping to have 10-12 flowering females with a pretty good yield.
Definetly will be lookign to your thread for help!


Active member
Thanks for the compliments. S60 is one of the best yielders overall pretty steady yields between 1-2 oz. good luck to all those running the sour right now.


Active member
Yeah, like ME! grrrrrrrrreat job on the yeild! that's why I got em'! chk out my gj peoples!!