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sound proofing room and room design


Can you maybe post pictures of what he did with an explanation if you could. Me knowing a little bit about electricity makes me curious.
he has not done anything yet I will post pictures when everything is complete he still needs to get parts and what not but I assume by the end of this week he shall be putting in electricity in the room...

on a second note I will be constructing a light fixture that hangs inside the tent that will hold all 4 lights at equal distance from each other and all the walls and I will be mounting a pulley system to raise and lower the lights according... (wood will be supplied by a scrap pile from my brothers father) I may have to punch a few holes in the tent for the wire but that's not a big deal for me...
so I will have 4- 2x8 and cut them down to about 78" than ill mount a piece of wood that attaches 2 pieces together (so its a brace) so I will have 2 structures that look like this I_I (flipped around tho) and than another beam that connects the 2 structures to make it into a square.... on the inside I will make a square and have a pulley on each of the sides to lower or raise the square inside of the tent.... had this idea last night


UPDATE!! on wiring ok, so first what he did was try and fit the wires into the box that is connected to the stove plug... since the wires were to thick to fit in he spliced them together and with the end of the wire he attached it to the stove plug (female side in the box
next what he did was pull the wire through the wall and than connected it to a disconnect box that has 2 - 25 amp fuses
the bottom wires go to the top of the box and the top wires that are from the timer goes to the bottom of the disconnect box
and than since I wired the timer box everything was completed it seemed quite simple if you knew what you were doing

points : if you can fit all the wires in the stove "box" with out splicing I would do that, but since we couldn't do that we needed to splice..... also I used 8 gauge wire


got the lights all up and the insulated ducting in, so all I need is the window part were I can exhaust out which should be done by this weekend, and to cover the window I am putting bamboo mat which I cut to sixe of the window and attached the black and white material to the back of it and than ill be attaching it to the window by self tapping screws and that way no light will be able to get out :)


ok so I got the big tent up and the frame built and the lights and fan are in it running just to veg my girls a little more before I flip them into flowering..
now I have a heat problem even tho im using air cooled tubes... I think this is because my 2 fans that are pushing air through them one is in the flower tent (big tent) and the other is in the smaller beg tent so all the cool air gets sucking into the smaller tent before it has a chance to get cooler air in the bigger one.... my solution will be to get another 6" fan and just blow out side air into the tent and see if that helps cool it down a little

another problem.... I have gotten spider mites again some how so I bought some stuff to get rid of them but I hope I can get rid of all them before I switch to flower..

the power: seems to be working great the set up is up above.. I have not blown afuse and I have had all the lights one and what not with the stove using the oven and the stove top all at once :) im happy lol

watering system: works great and I barley have to do much work, and since I love watching my girls I will be able to tell what they need

ill be posting pictures soon of the whole room I just need to attach 4 more posts to the veg tent and all should be good with cleaning up a bit


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor
Hey Greenbean,
You've been busy! Good to hear things are coming together.
I would prioritise treating those mites, as they can get out of hand & it will have all been for nothing.
You don't need to filter the air passing through the lights so I'd think about isolating the light run of ducting, so it's pulling in cool air.
Good luck GB & keep up the good work. :tiphat:


iffy - thanks for dropping by again :) and I got this stuff that farmers use for mites and what not so I will be treating them every 3 days, till they are gone even if it takes a month longer :( , as for the lights i need a carbon filter in the flower tent, not now since im not flowering in the tent but after the mites are gone ill need it so one fan is like this
in veg tent - fan - insulated ducting - (in flower tent) - air cooled tube- ducting - air cooled tube- out the window
(in flower tent) - carbon filter- fan - air cooled tube- air cooled tube - out the window
now since my flower tent is like 30 - 35 celcious im thinking this...
(out side of tent) fan on ground - tubing that goes into the flower tent to bring cool air into the tent (on timer so it goes on when the lights are on only. i just need to bring the tent down about 10 degrees or so, out side here is getting chilly gets id say down to about 10 at night or even 16.

right now i have 10 blue berry plants that are in 4-5 gal pots and 1 medijuana and 2 chemo - full mature plants
also i have 2 more medijuana clones, 2 chemo clones, and about 6 more blueberry clones ... all have rooted but don't have many leafs yet
and than i have 9 cheese seeds from http://www.amsterdammarijuanaseeds.com/Cheese-marijuana-seeds.php i think.. these are about 3 weeks old id say haven't really been keeping track of the time they have been around for.

I haven't found any grow journals on the cheese only by greenhouse seeds and blue cheese so I may make a journal about these seed company.

ill post some pictures up tm or on Monday so u can see whats going on


OH! About wiring...
I forgot to mention something the 120 and 240 times board is hooked up,so either (I do believe this is how it goes) the red wire (with power 40 amps) goes to the one receptacle, while the other live wire (black?) gets hooked up to the 240 volt timer board. im pretty sure that's what happens... so I have 40 volts for the 120 stand alone and 40 amps for the 240 volt timer as well. since there is 2 leads ... (again I think that's the terminology) one lead is hooked to one receptacle and one is attached to the other, they are using one wire but 2 different sources of power.
correct me if im wrong on how he timer board is wired up... but this is so people don't wire the 2 lead wires to the same receptacle while would be very, very bad (which I did not do)


the ladys are not al trimmed up and are going into 12/12 this sat again I have 1 medijuana 2 chemos and the rest blueberry not to sure on exact numbers right now

this picture needs to be rotated sorry about that but as u ca see my flower tent which is yellow kinda and the garbage cans that I am using as a res

that's my carbon filter with the inline fan (6")

and 4 aircooled lights, 2 mh, and 2 hps, the temp in my flower room is actually quite hot so I need to ac it somehow.... need you updated :)

yes I keep my room at 68 and my flower room stays between 74-78, hell you are in Canada open a window and filter the incoming air, and run your lights at night when it is the coolest so it is easier to cool everything, gotta save power were you can.


i am doing that haha the weather here is hot especially in the summer we have had hot days that went up to 50 with the humidex its crazy and I will be doing it at night to save money and to keep things cool the window is open in the room for fresh air, I may buy a ac unit and just keep it on in the summer cause sum is crazy sometimes down here and winter just gets super cold as well with little humidity
mytent right now with the lights on 20 hours a day it gets as hot as 93 but my plants don't seem stressed at all which is awesome I think :) but I will be working to cool that tent for sure by this sat
nice seeing you again rocketman420 :)
yea humidity is a bitch were im at 80%+ all summer. if its above 60% you can get mold and mildew so a dehumidifier would be good too. everything is looking good nice strong stalks on those bush's. good luck now the fun starts
get you a calendar or notebook for notes. its a good idea to keep track of everything very well it will help you out a lot in the long run. you don't know how old the cheese is, write it in your book when you planted when they popped and veg times ect. its good to know these things so you can get your schedule down. time is money, if you got monthly cycles and you fuck around for 2 days in between every time that's almost a whole harvest a year your missing out on. there's a learning curve for sure, it never stops.

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