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sound proofing room and room design

you wanna use a metal halide for veg it has more blue spectrum that is good for veg. the pink horlilux is a high pressure sodium whick is high in red spec good for branch growth and flower. if you use a hps during veg your plants will stretch really bad. I have friends who use a MH for the first two weeks of flower to cut the stretch in half. if you have room in your breaker box you can run the wires very easy on the outside of the wall, easy for quick removal. 240 v breakers will allow you to run twice as many lights on one breaker. you can run 2 1000 watt lights on a 20 amp 120v or 4 1000 watt on 20 amp 240 v breakers and the 240 v is what the lights were made to run on. what you plan on running should be fine on what you have. the only thing I don't see is a AC. you gotta think when you exhaust a tent into a room it heats the room up, with no ac your room will get above 90 within an hour with those 2 600 watt lights. I exhaust my 2k into my attic and I have a 200 watt and 600 watt exhausting into my room and my AC run quite a bit. I keep my room at 68 and that keeps both tents at around 74-78 and that's a 12000 btu. if I were you I would get a freestanding AC at least 6000 btu better to go with 10000 btu, rule of thumb 5000 btu to every 1000 watts of light. when you plan a room design it seems to have less room to work in than you think. I got a 4x4 2x2 and 4x8 tent in my room including 3 reservoirs dehumidifiers, etc. and its a 11x12 and I have just enough room to work except while drying, damn racks take up a bunch of room.


all my exhaust will be going out the window out of a window fan that no longer works thats my exhaust root. as for the wiring i would prob not want exposted wires that people can see because i will be having my parents and other friends that dont know about what im doing, and plus if my super ever came in and saw that he would be asking questions imo i just think i would be a pain even tho i could produce twice the amount, it would also be twice as much work. as for a ac im not to sure what ill do for that i may just not have one for this year and see how high my temps go...
and that is a good idea about drying racks do you use ones simular to were people put wet towels on?

as for the guy on the last page the 4 -600 watt lights would be spaced apart each one in a 4' x 4' area (feet) not to sure the meter conversion...
you defiantly want a light over every 4x4 of space.at least 50 watts per square foot is optimal. the drying racks are round and made of fabric look up herb drying racks on ebay. they are $25 and will save tons of room not having to hang up side down.
you defiantly want a light over every 4x4 of space.at least 50 watts per square foot is optimal. the drying racks are round and made of fabric look up herb drying racks on ebay. they are $25 and will save tons of room not having to hang up side down.

Ideally that'd be great, but keeping temps down is difficult, even with huge air transference. I have 4 600w spread over an area of approx 22 square feet, which is 1 600w per 5 and a half square feet. It does a good job, and the way I have them set up I have a fairly even light spread. Still its over 100w per sq foot. ;-)

I'm running a grow journal on IC, and will be going through the set up of the room over the next week or so if anyone should be interested. Constructive criticism is always welcome here. https://www.icmag.com/modules/Journal/viewentry.php?journalid=1381 ;-)

Trev :tiphat:


so i got my apt over the long weekend and the room is actually 9' x 11.5', so I will have a 8' x 6' tent and a 4'x 4' tent.... it will be a tight fit but will work...
I have 2 breakers in the room one on each side.. one side is 15amp connected with other bed room and the other is a 30 amp...
for the 30 amp I will convert it into 240watt to get about double the amps so I can run most things off that breaker,,
as for lights I will have 4- 600watt lights (i was thinking maybe 4 -750s but i think that's to much) and I will be doing hps, mh, hps, mh to get a even amount of light through out.(in flower) veg will just have t5 system in it..
i think i will set up a auto watering system but it will turn on once a day...
i will have insulated ducting to keep the heat out of the tents and for the air-cooled hoods..

right now i have all my stuff from my other place in that room... and the door was not shutting properly because the door was to high it was hitting the frame so i undid the top screws till it became level
i will need some plywood to cover the window (only the sliding window part..) and ill board up the window with the black and white plastic stuff (forget what its called) and than make a box and that will be were i exhaust from..
i will be running 2 dehumidifiers and 2 pumps (for the res)



my cost for everything will be close to 2 grand for all the lights and tents and tubing, pumps, and other stuff.. since I don't need to buy a 4x4 or 2 in line fans and a carbon filter I can save some money, plus I don't need and nutes so that's a plus,
ill be putting up my 4x4 either tonight or tomorrow so I can get started on cloning and my mother plants. hopefully by the end of this month ill have everything up and running, I will take pics of the room sometime before things are done
I use roofing felt to cover my window, I have a good bit because of my job, check out a guy with the name rocketcity_tuning on ebay. I got a tent for a friend from him for a good deal and I like it way better than my secret jardin and they are half the price. they have a bunch of different doors which are very light proof unlike my light leaky jardins. you don't need 2 dehumidifiers. I got 1 35 pint in my room runs half the day and it is always at least 70% humidity were I live. I keep mine on 60% and my tents stay between 45-55% humidity. sit it up high and run a tube to a big tote to catch water so you don't have to empty the little bucket ever day sometimes twice. I would get an AC im pretty sure you will need it with all those HID lights.


for sure ill look on eBay for that guy and thanks for telling me I really only need one :) that will help on costs a little as for the blumats watering system I know its good and more energy efficient I am just not to sure if I want to go that root yet but I have been looking into them the only thing is I may not be using coco and I heard coco is prob the better thing to use than pro mix hb


i tried to find him on ebay but he is not on there anymore do you know a web site or another name he would be under?
I think its a different seller but the same tent. I know 2 people that grow in 3x3 and flower in 4x4 and love these tents, very well designed wish I had one. I make my own soil, I've tried coco and went back to soil with high perlite. I just got a flood and drain table so im about to try rockwool, its more expensive but so much less time consuming on set up and such. just give it all a try over time, I would start with soil it is a little more forgiving, but different strokes for different folks, you gotta find what works best for you.


this is the tent I bought http://www.ebay.com/itm/78-x78-x78-Mylar-Hydroponics-Grow-Tent-Room-6-5X6-5X6-5-Full-Height-T008-/281123192664?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41743f7f58 I had to down grade a little but I think it may make the room have a little more space.
I was considering a flood table thing but I may try that later on. (raised bed)

and I just wanted to thank you again with out your help I would have been stranded :) thank you rocketman420

as for what im doing for the first run since I have pro mix bh I will use that and see how things go and than I may change to coco or a soil but I was thinking of reusing the promix but we shall see how that goes.. the tent should be here buy next wed so ill buy the lights and stuff prob this Tuesday and go from there I may need to make some braces but I wont be flowering till about late july at the earliest. also need a converter to change my power to 240v (your idea again) just found a easier way instead of wiring it to a breaker. my 4x4 will prob be going up tonight or tommorrow
looks good everything is all trial and error. I was in your shoes a little over a year ago and time goes by fast and you learn a lot in a short amount of time. im glad I could help there have been tons of people help me out on this site it all goes around. good luck holler at me if you need any help.


thank you man and this will be m second year of growing but the first was really all trail and lots of error now I know about ph and sider mites and other stuff you learn so much by doing a few runs its crazy


ok so I found out I did something wrong the fuses I thought was in the room was not.... so I only really have 15 amps in that room... saying that the other 30 amp breaker was in the kitchen I guess for a microwave or something so I will be rewiring it have the wires run down the wall onto the floor and have something cover it up run it under the stove and through the wall were I can hook up my 240 amp timer to... which I bought yesterday along with 3- 600watt power sun ballasts and 4 air cooled tubes. which I paid for 1010$ the tent should be here today that cost me about 300$ and I still need to pay about another 500$ I would say..

so first things first I have to wire up the room so I will be buying wire tonight
if its a 30 amp breaker to the kitchen and its 2 pole its 240v and most likely to your oven your microwave should be a home run but only 120v. don't splice into anything especially if you have never done it. you need dedicated lines wired right or you can kill yourself or burn your place down. 14 gauge wire 15 amp, 12 gauge 20 amp, 10 gauge 30 amp. if you are running 240v and only 3 600 watt lights you can run a 15 amp. the bigger breaker and wire you run the less likely you are to have problems. remember bigger wire on a smaller breaker is all good. never run to small wire that's how fires start.


I am an electrician if you need any help with anything. Its not hard to run dedicated circuits if you have open breaker spaces. If its close to your grow then your golden.