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Sorry Skunk Man

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Hi, All.
Marco, before publishing that article, it would have been a great idea to come here, and (privately) ask Gypsy, Dutchgrown, Mr.Haze, myself, or any of the handful of people here who know Sam personally, about his character. The information you could have gleaned here would have averted this article (and I call it that, loosely!) from ever being published.
Old, broke-ass smugglers with no stories to sell, and pickled brains, tend to fall apart with age-not improve. Remember that.

He didn't even have to ask anyone,when I first joint IC that douche JessE put up that History of Haze article of his with the slander against Sam in it,I wondered at the time why that post wasn't binned strait away after a while I realized why, enough information came forth in that thread for any sane rational person to conclude that 1. JessE was a major douche 2. this was all bullshit being perpetrated by angry men with serious mental health issues and delusions off grandeur..if I could come to this conclusion in a couple of hours of researching the archives here why couldn't you Marco Renda you call yourself a journalist don't you , isn't that you obligation as a journalist to check the facts? I live in a small country town and could't image what it would be like to have someone attack my reputation in such a malicious and cowardly manner ..$500 to charity I here you say ..you a not a man if you think that will help
$500 for the thing that is most important to a man your reputation ...suck my dick sir that is a joke I dont think your sorry will mean much to all the peeps you have offended nor do I think a simple sorry is going to repair the grieve and pain you have coursed to a great man..piss of Marco Rendaa you disgust me


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
well, the apology did so some good...i dont know if its good enough for sam, not my business..i dont know the man...but ever since the article, i havent bothered with either side, sam or marco, no seeds or mags cuz i didnt know who to believe...now i do...i remember noone would answer my questions and i think i even had a thread binned asking what the f was going on...well, im glad to know now...


The original Cali-O was all indica, had very dark, waxy leaves. It got crossed to a skunk in Holland to improve bud structure, calyx to leaf ratio and yield. They lost a lot of the taste and character though. Back in the 90s you could still find some nice indica phenos in Dutch Cali-O.

I don't know Sam personally, met him a couple of times briefly in Holland at cups, same with Joe Pietri, met him at a couple of expos and talked to him.

I was just trying to stress the point that just because this particular episode was so distasteful, it shouldn't deter people from wanting to know more about our history, if that was the outcome then this would be doubly sad.


Active member
Wish I could find someone holding the original Cali-O, not the dutchified crosses. My cousin used to get his from an old timer who had been running it since my cousin was coming up and he was the one that introduced me to green... original cali-o popped my green cherry. It was some tasty herb.

Tom Hill

Active member

Let's not sound like we are in anyway belittling this with any such phrase beginning with "just because" -that's pretty fuckin easy for me or you to say- not being Sam. A horrible act has been/is being committed, and in case I'm not coming in clear - I am/was deeply offended at any distractions away from that, as well should anyone else be, imo. In my opinion, this is not the time for any of that other shit. If folks can't get the ground rules clear in their heads -guard them well, hold them sacred- then quite frankly there is nothing more to discuss with them as far as I'm concerned. -Tom


Active member
I don't have a dog in this fight, but it seems to me that the issue at hand is certainly of more import than the origins of Cali-O.....JMO.


I was using that as an example. Just saying that because this issue has left a sour taste it shouldn't be allowed to put people off delving into the past history of our industry. If people don't take an interest in the truth then liars get away with building myths around themselves.



Let's not sound like we are in anyway belittling this with any such phrase beginning with "just because" -that's pretty fuckin easy for me or you to say- not being Sam. A horrible act has been/is being committed, and in case I'm not coming in clear - I am/was deeply offended at any distractions away from that, as well should anyone else be, imo. In my opinion, this is not the time for any of that other shit. If folks can't get the ground rules clear in their heads -guard them well, hold them sacred- then quite frankly there is nothing more to discuss with them as far as I'm concerned. -Tom

Well sorry if I offended you. Of course, there are basic principles involved here that have clearly been breached and Sam has been gravely slighted, and we should all have sympathy for that. I just wanted to make sure that as in war, the first casualty of this affair wasn't the truth. Joe Pietri said his (distasteful) piece, Sam has said his piece, surely the way to move forward from there is to then establish the truth?


years ago I got sum skunk1 freebie's from Sam, then I got some Durban x Skunk freebie's from Sam.then I got about 6 packs of Haze x Skunk from Sam as freebie's,found a female amongst them that is the jewel in my garden I got all these for nothing..now lets see what has Treating Yourself Magazine JessE and all the the other retards that have been maliciously running with this fabricated story done for me Hmm Nothing what a surprise..thank for sharing so generously with the canna community Sam
Its the horse that counts not the horse shit
Sam 's Durban x Skunk

Tom Hill

Active member

As far as I'm concerned they can wallow in a warm bath of their own hype/lies. They can twist the truth any which way they want, make-up ridiculous stories about lines, and on and on. But they can't out a man, they can't accuse him of the worst based not on irrefutable evidence, but rumors and theories, and testimony from the lowest of the low, no sir. And godamit we better get that part right or we are all screwed to the max, and deserve the worst for ourselves.

We'll never get to the bottom of much in this industry, that's just a fool's errand, and laughable to seek it with such fervor. Some of the truth here in this particular case is just none of our business. We don't get to expose a man just so that our personal curiosity goes satisfied, that's damn sure not how it works. As far as I'm concerned there is a lesson to be learned here (at Sam's expense no less) and then it should be backed away from. I am incredibly shocked -as I said earlier physically ill- that this, what many regard as a sacred given, seems to be news to the boundless. -Tom

Tom Hill

Active member
It was a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation out of the gate. I hope more are grasping that now. Totally FUBAR.


This is what Nevil just posted on the Mr Nice site about this:

Neither Marco or Joe Pietri checked the statements that JP attributed to me before publishing. Before making statements that are damaging to someone's reputation, you need to be sure of your facts, or have first hand knowledge.

I stand by my testimony re Sam. I was there, I had the documents from the Australian Federal Police that Sam gave me and I passed them on to Mario Lap. The rest is history.

I don't know what Sam has said to Marco, to do an about face like that. JP's article was not factual and therefore an apology is in order, however it does not mean that ALL of the allegations were false, I know they are not.

Tom Hill

Active member

The thing with Mario was that his words something to the effect of "and the next thing we know these creeps took over" were suspicious, as in preconceived, extremely bias, and just as likely to be EU jealousy rearing its head as anything else. And Nevil, well his partner was just out hanging with this guy that is supposedly a DEA informant etc. Paalleeeeazzze. Anyway it's all moot, bring us just one single victim, with one shred of solid evidence, as of today there are none, none except Sam. I imagine Marco was set straight and brought into the loop regarding certain intricacies that go along with certain things - and he, unlike others, was in the end a big enough boy to finally grasp it. -Tom


Yeah, Shanti is hanging with RCC, Nev isn't sure it's a good idea.

Folks have their agends, I guess, as you say, the truth is maybe not our business.

This whole episode has been rather unfortunate on a lot of levels.

It must have been very upsetting for Sam, that is sad.

I guess the moral of the story is that one must check one's facts before one prints, as Nev pointed out.

Respect to Marco for taking this step and let's hope it means a higher standard of journalism in future.

Kiwi Star

You can't just write off what Nevil says because Shanti has something to do with Sam. Shanti has acknowledged the issue before and said something along the lines of he'd rather do something for the benefit of the cannabis community rather than hate. Many people could learn a lot from that all loving hippy god.
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