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Sorry Skunk Man

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Hopefully someone will set the record straight in the near future, right now we have a load of bile from Joe's side and very little in response. There are a lot of unanswered things that were brought to attention and should be answered.

Ed didn't want to talk about it, but in a response to me wrote:
I have heard rumors that I was involved in this (Watson's transfer of seeds).

I was never more than a casual friend of his, we never collaborated on projects together. Please do not link me with him. He and I have always lead our own lives.

Not much from Mr. Rosenthal.

Donald Mallard

el duck
I have to say there is NO TRUTH to him ever selling any feminized genetics nor is he a DEA agent / informant. I would personally like to apologize to him for publishing the article by Joe Pietri. I also would like to thank him for showing me that Joe Pietri stated in his book King of Nepal ( Pg. 53) that he himself worked with the DEA to get someone he worked with busted with 500 kilos of hash. Now isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

I have come to realize that Joe Pietri is nothing but an angry old man who is jealous of others.

I guess that I am now going to be on the recieving end of Joe Pietri as he is pissed off with me. I not only pulled his article from TY # 26 slagging off Skunk Man , Ed Rosenthal , Steve Hagar and the rest of the crew over at High Times but I also informed him that I am no longer going to publish any of his articles.

So again my appologies to Sam Skunk Man.

I also appologize in my editiorial in TY # 26 and in person at the High Times Cannabis Cup


Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal

It would be nice to see you post that at mns also ,
they have been affected by that kind of article and are still defending it there ....

Tom Hill

Active member
The only bliss I see is for twats still buying into that article, and any of the like. They wake-up still convincing themselves no wrong was done, and that they personally owe no reparations - how convenient, but how very cowardly too. Idiots to this day armed with this smut totally afoul of the facts, lay in wait of some public defense, as if we were practitioners of some bizarro Napoleonic code. Imagining myself in Sams predicament makes me sick to my stomach. Knowing how many out there allowed and participated in this without proof also makes me physically ill, it's just not done.

For the few who have been privy to many more of the actual facts throughout, but can't voice them because it's not ours to do, this is truly a friggen nightmare. -Tom


Active member
Hi, All.
Marco, before publishing that article, it would have been a great idea to come here, and (privately) ask Gypsy, Dutchgrown, Mr.Haze, myself, or any of the handful of people here who know Sam personally, about his character. The information you could have gleaned here would have averted this article (and I call it that, loosely!) from ever being published.
Old, broke-ass smugglers with no stories to sell, and pickled brains, tend to fall apart with age-not improve. Remember that.
One reason I have had such issues with High Times magazine in the past is that their weed-muddled fact "checking" generally sucked....
With cannabis reaching new levels of acceptability all over the world, the last thing you want to do with a magazine like TTY is slander one of cannabis' foremost researchers.

I think that,given the severity of the slander, and that you initially, seriously (in print!) defended the moron that wrote the article, that:
A) A $5000.00 USD donation to Sam's favorite charity and
B) A Page One, BOLD printed apology, with FULL retraction, and a copy of the $5000 money order donation from TTY to "charity X" of Sam's choosing

....would be adequate.

Sam's a great guy, and this sort of printed slander cannot be allowed in out community, and now it's time to make amends, in a Big Way.

That said, saying "I'm sorry" was a good start.



I hold El Roacho's
Originally Posted by evlme2
I think a full page explanation/apology in an upcoming issue should be in order.

First Impressions are the most Important that stick in someone's mind and this also goes for reading any article that has someone who is very well know and respected like Sam and I for one back Chimera and the quote above as a good starting point.

Your only as good as your name and reputation and when it gets damaged beyond repair it will take some time to fix the damage the article has caused and after years of work and a reputable name and person like Sam this has spread through the Cannabis Community like wild fire. We can also help make sure other peeps know the truth to rally back and help Sam as he has helped us when we needed him and I for one would put my name on the line to help Sam regain the reputation he has lost. Sam is a kind helpful person and a Valuable Asset to the ICM & Cannabis Community.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
i never bought any of that shit about sam when i heard it.

for those of us who go way back around here,
who wants to bet me that shaolinbushido ain't that old man?
remember them videos he was linking all over this site way back when?
slammin SamS and whatnot.

not too mention them OGK conspiracy vids, LMAO!


ICMag Donor
Now that Marco has come forward with this, there's something I'd like to know.

What compelled you to be so angry at Sam and go after him the way you did? There had to have been more to it other than the washed up Petrie telling you that fable. You were angry and malicious to the point we almost had to do something.

On top of that, article upon article were printed that IC mag was harboring a member of the DEA. We all knew the score, but many new people had no idea. Gypsy was very calm in the way that was handled.....

So if you really want to "clean the slate" as you say, what else was motivating you to do what you did? I think it's only fair under the circumstances that the truth be told. Don't you? In Dec 09 when I discussed this with you and told you it wasn't true, you sent me a PM telling me that you had proof regarding all of this. I asked for that proof and you refused to give it to me. Is that something you can part with now?
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stickey fingers



SAMs reputation to me is GOLD ! as long as i have known cannabis, i have always thought of him as one of the pionners of cannabis, SAM SKUNK MAN insperation in a name ! i am glad my small all inclusive home at the IC does not include the usual bullshit that goes on else where.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have known Sam for well over a decade now....have been invited and visited his home and met his lovely lady.....spent time with him looking over all the cannabis collectibles he has meticulously gathered over the last 40 years or so and listened to him enough to know that he is most probably the most educated and informed person I have ever met on the subject of cannabis.......Sam is truly passionate about all things to do with or connected with cannabis especially his dry sieved hash which he has toked with me on a few occasions.....

We are extremely fortunate to have Sam as a contributor on this site .......and over the years I have distributed many kilos of great seeds for free that have originated from Sam....

It was obvious to me from the start that these slurs against Sam's character and history were made by someone that does not know him and was just trying to cause a scandal......


perhaps, TreatingYourself could purchase SamSkunkman genetics and have them be given out to the community through the bay/bou.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
perhaps, TreatingYourself could purchase SamSkunkman genetics and have them be given out to the community through the bay/bou.

It doesn't seem fair that the community should be rewarded since many participated in the trashing of Sam's name.

Tom Hill

Active member
I am sorry FM,

But I really do not think this is the time to be discussing the origins of boring-ass Mexican hybrids. Not when it is extremely obvious how dire the need for discussing the godamn rules of order and how they should be observed in matters of far greater importance. -Tom


Just trying to think of a way that SamS' gear can get some bounce.
brand asassination.


I just wanted to see what you said. Jerry Biesler bred Cali Orange from Afghanis, no Mexican in it.

Here's a Cali-O t-shirt sold by Jerry B in 1978:


Jerry B is a legend in hash circles and was one of the first people to introduce broad-leaved varieties to Cali.

See, while a lot of what Joe said was crap, there is still a large part of this issue that people are ignoring.

Shantibaba did an interview in an Italian magazine where he contradicted some of Sam's side of things, but I've yet to see anyone mention this.

I just wish we could deal with this by establishing the actual truth rather than further back and forth about the whole sad Joe Pietri saga.

So little is actually established as fact in the history of cannabis in the last half a century, Sam has had plenty of opportunity to tell his side of things but there is precious little mentioned about the other pioneers if modern cannabis breeding.

No-one ever mentions Exotica Seeds, Lowland Seeds, Sacred Seeds gets a mention but only in connection with Sam's later work. This is a 1980 Exotica Seeds t-shirt mentioning nearly a decade of experience:


Sacred Seeds was supposedly established in 76, Jerry B was selling Cali O seeds in early 72, Exotice Seeds were established in 71-72, but so little of the actual story is widely known, I just hope that the outcome of this Joe Pietri saga is not that people stop asking questions about the past, just because Joe messed things up doesn't mean we should stop showing an interest in the history of our industry.

1981 Sacred Seeds Ad from HT:


Sacred Seeds packet from the article with the Haze Bros soil mix recipe:



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Tom Hill

Active member
Well FM, what can I say. It damn sure wasn't any kind of broadleaf when I grew it, but this was admittedly after the Dutch got their hands on it.

I am ignoring much of this other bullshit because it matters not, not compared to the more sinister evils committed here.

I heard Shanti did an interview, but I have not heard near a peep from him since on the matter. I would hope that if he had some irrefutable evidence he'd bring it - but he doesn't.

Yeah, lots of folks feelings are hurt because they aren't mentioned or revered more, or because they have been called hacks or thieves. Boohoo. They feel Sam has an ego, or they generally don't like his personality etc. This is the obvious truth/answer JJ is looking for. This hurt/hate -not facts- is sadly what's driving the folk who have committed and continue to commit these heinous acts. To them I say you don't like a man, tough shit, put up proof or shut it when we are discussing matters of this most serious nature. -Tom
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