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....soooooo sick of summer

i live in wisconsin. its 90-100 and humid from mid-june till mid august. then from november to april its fucking 40 below. ok more like 10-15 F...either way, i get the worst of both worlds.
the only advantage is i live close enough to lake michigan to get lake effect on days when the wind blows any easterly fashion. theres literally like a wall of heat half mile from the lake where it jumps from 75 to 95. growing season starts the end of may most of the time and ends the beginning of oct.


weed fiend
I'm in the southeast but I'm up about 2500'. We get the cold and heat too. Bad thing here is the humidity. It's not that bad during the day... ~50%. But night time gets 80% and higher.

It wasn't that long ago we didn't get 90* temps until July. This year was late May. We used to be ~15* cooler than the nearest lowlanders, now there's little difference.


ICMag Donor
people leave the area im every year around june because it gets so hot till the middle of septemeber.I keep hearing from different peple i see ,that its hotter up north and out west beacuse their no breeze .I guess i can be fortunate for that.

This weather really fucks up my grow ,as i don't have enough power to run 2 a/c 's and all the other shit .But about the weather .....I would take the heat over ,more than 2 weeks of snow any day of the week.Along with the depressing sky.I had my 20 years of snow.

Now that i got spoiled with the weather,i can't imagine living anywhere else besides ,maby California because of the weather.For me its a daily ,quality of life issue.It really makes a huge difference in how you feel day to day (for me ) ,when its nice out and sunny..


Love winter. Snow is one of the most beautiful things in the universe.


Natalie J. Puffington
It all depends where you're coming from I guess...

I've moved a LOT and lived in a lot of different parts of the US; and IMHO, Colorado's weather, particularly the summer, is remarkably nice!
Yes, it does get hot, (it got up to 100 here today), but it's (almost) never humid; (which makes a tremendous difference);
and even when it is disgustingly hot, it always cools off in the evening, to the point where you can open the windows, and usually even need a light blanket in bed.

I flippin' love summer in Colorado!!!!!!!!! :yay:

First exhibit: Nedfest and Red Rocks... :whee:
There's nothing better than seeing a show at Red Rocks, (except maybe seeing one at the Gorge.)
Listening to the music you love, soaking up all that energy, in the midst of such utter beauty, as the sun sets before you... It gives me the chills every time.

And finally I give you the fantastic farmer's markets and CPA's. :yummy:
Palisade peaches + Olathe sweet corn = ridiculous!! *drools* I've never had anything like it; it ruined all other corn for me, for life. lol.
EDIT: Just had some Olathe sweet corn with dinner...ooooooo my gosh! It was hands down, the best I've had yet this year, maybe even ever!!

Enjoy the rest of your summer guys!! :smoker:
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dreadlocks dont help for heat factor in the summer time :)

dunno if you have any at this time


Winter sucks.....no fresh fruit and veg from the garden, no butterflies or bees buzzing about and you cant go out to the garden and get the waft of cannabis or cottage roses filling the place with beautiful scents.

I hate the dead season.

Sour Deez

I dont mind the heat or the cold really, I just hate the HUMIDITY!!!

I can take 100 degree days, but when u add 80% humidity to that its just disgusting. Feels like a damn sauna.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
For growing, I love the winter. There is no way I could grow outdoors as I can't handle the rigors of guerilla growing any more so I grow indooors only. If I grow in the summer time in addition to everything else I have to run, I also need to run an AC and that really cranks up the electric bill when something in the same room is constantly trying to drive temps upwards.

In the winter though, I just pull in cold air from outside and exhaust into an outer room (my grow space is a room within a room) and both rooms end up staying a comfortable 75-78 degrees with 50% rh lights on and 30%rh lights off.

There's no such thing as a totally dead growing season if you grow indoors and you can also enjoy the smell of fresh growing cannabis whenever you want.
Well I love winter! I love the snow and the cold, but moreso the snow. (like you couldn't tell from my name) I enjoy all 4 seasons though, the problem is that it seems we have 6 seasons now. The usual 4 and the mud/muck/monsoon season of late April through May, sometimes lasting into June. And the murky gloomy season of late October and November, sometimes lasting into December, when there are no leaves on the trees and it is cloudy and depressing and little to no snow. I can say I hate those 2 new seasons!

I do love summer when I visit the beach, I do love all the summer neotropical migrant birds and the thrushes singing in the evenings. I do like being able to grow some of my own food then, but I hate humidity and don't care for the pest bugs much either. I hate sticking to the toilet seat or other seats or a sweaty wet pillow.

Fall is nice, with the leaves changing into all kinds of colors (ok mostly various shades of yellow or orange or red) and the air being probably the most comfortable of the year. But it is slightly depressing knowing summer is over and the gloom season is right around the corner. November was always kind of gloomy but at least you could look forward to an occasional snowstorm to brighten things up. Haven't had Nov snow in prob like 10 or more years now.

And then the mud or muck season, yuck! Does that ever suck!
Winter concludes more abruptly now and a lot earlier, by mid or late February and this year (despite a really snowy few weeks) around the 5th! Then comes the muck from the rapidly melting snow pack, after which a few weeks of almost droughty conditions and I am like well, maybe I can get the garden in record early this year. Just as it is almost dry enough, the rains come and come and come. It used to be too wet to plant until mid to late May but then dried out. Now, it almost seems possible to plant in mid or late April, maybe it is for folks with looser soil than mine. But I find myself having to wait until June or even July to plant now! I just got in some stuff a week or so ago and not just fall crops!

And it depresses me that there is less and less winter on average every year. A white Christmas, virtually assured earlier, now happens only about a third of the time. I love snow, particularly big snowstorms. I love the clean cover of white, then seeing all kinds of prints in the snow and birds at the feeders (winter is not a dead season, except for deciduous foliage). I love the cold crisp air. One winter it never made it above 15 for like a month and I got used to it and became comfortable being out for hours in those temps. When it reached 35, I found it oppressively hot and seriously considered going swimming! :D