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Sonja's PK??



Gotta say I'm pretty excited about growin this Grindhouse gear , this and the new Rez C99, Almost brings a tear to my eye LOL :muahaha:


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm such a burnout sometimes.

Looks KILLER! I wish I had those beans,they look great.
Hey Kinger, I only have a couple seeds left but have a bushy mother with lots of growing tops :wink:
Nice nugs Zombo :)
Thanks Blaner, I appreciate the kind words.
that stuff looks great, nice cross Zombo.. rounders
Thanks Rounders ,it is indeed a nice cross,I'm hoping to get more of Steels work.
Zombo , that was one hellacious looking plant , looks like you got a good one , anxious to hear of your smoke report . Tha dried nug pics look great , nice hues . Wondering which plant dominated in terms of high and aroma , as it appears that tha PK is very present within tha cross . I'm partial to tha Sonja , always looking for her dominance in crosses just 'cause her "head" is such high quality .
Thanks Steele,for the compliment and for making such a wonderful cross.
I'm terrible at smoke reports,but I did smoke all 4 plants.,and in the end, I wound up liking plant #3 the best.

Like i said I suck at smoke reports but I can say it has this very appealing taste,kinda on the fruity side.I found myself smoking it just cause I liked the taste,the high was just a bonus.
I liked to smoke it before I went to work,it has a good high that won't make you tired.A high that didn't make me anxious or paranoid.
It'll be in my garden for a long time to come.I kept both plant #1 and #3.
can you describe the aromas on the different phenos? they look amazing, great job man.
Hey Kat, man,thats a tough one.I have a hard time with the smell test as well.I'll get to you on that.
Gotta say I'm pretty excited about growin this Grindhouse gear , this and the new Rez C99, Almost brings a tear to my eye LOL
Zoolander,good to see you dropping by.I'd be willing to bet you won't be disappointed in any of Steeles gear.I gotta get me some of them SourBubble BX.


Active member
yeah Zom frosty indeed. how does she taste and smell? she is almost as frosty as the White, very close.


Damn , can't believe I over looked this thread fer a sec . Glad to see tha finished pics Zombo , beauties ... Looks like a tasty toke .

Thanks fer tha compliments and such friends ...


Speedy, you a new member or an old one with a new handle? Just curious as these were put out some time ago in limited numbers! Not many folks got these, however several members here at ICMag hold mothers, with slips goin' 'round. Got pics?

New member..... Welcome to GrindHouse. Old, well, welcome back.

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