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Sometimes you catch things you Don't Want to Catch. Like Skunks. or Herpes.


Hi ho here we go
Dog spent the night outside..

Dog spent the night outside..

He got Skunked again last night :moon:

I think it's a territorial thing. The Skunk family must live just on the other side of my fence up the hill.

All of the canyon dogs were barking last night.

The dogs think they own the hillsides :party: The Skunks think they do...


Well-known member
I use 1/4 cup baking soda mixed with 1 quart H2O2 and a dash of dish soap. Lather up and rinse off thoroughly. Then dog shampoo.

My dog hated baths…it was always a struggle and I ended up stinking badly too…had to then give myself the treatment sans the dog shampoo.