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something is eating my sour bubble clones leafs

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
believe it or not, bugs DO make their way into some pretty damn well kept, pristine, sealed off, controlled environments....


believe it or not, bugs DO make their way into some pretty damn well kept, pristine, sealed off, controlled environments....

Look I don't get any satisfaction by going rounds with you guys....

This is really a frustrating circle jerk!


Seriously fella do you think I am going to document a deterioration of plant tissue with $1800 worth of photographic equipment and not see any insects eating away at my area of focus
over a few days time ?
This takes place over a few days incrementally in one area of a Leaf...
I have 30X jewelers loupes as well....
I can count the hairs on a spider mite's ass with my lenses ....

But it doesn't matter as the amount of material that melts away would take a million mites or lil creatures to consume in these short hours...

and it's not biting or sucking type destruction in case you've missed it....

There are NO Bugs! for fuks sake m8! :kos:


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Active member
This is indeed a circle jerk and, you are the pivot man, Cabron! Open wide!

You will be toast very soon...calling people fools and dumbasses...among a myriad of other rude comments.


This is indeed a circle jerk and, you are the pivot man, Cabron! Open wide!

You will be toast very soon...calling people fools and dumbasses...among a myriad of other rude comments.

Ohh hi there BGT..:tiphat:

I see you have come back to troll
with nothing of any use to this topic as usual...

Your specialty I see,,enter into topics that you have not 1 bit
of experience in ....not one bit of knowledge in..

But you wanna stroke your lil ego by sounding as if you are the authority on them...

"Hormones or something! " :wave:

show us some pics or see the door...

Your PM's are so special ,,,,you'd think you were filling in as site admin and run the place the way you talk smack...

see ya Ken Tuk!:wave:

Open wider Ken Tuk cause mine is Bigger .....


You're the lil OCD posterboy aren't ya...

well I'm not interested
You wanna take a drive through OH
come up and see me,,,I'd love to
show you the Michigan soil

Let ya taste it ...

I'll document this at another site w/o
lil OCD Hillbillies ....

Send me an addy so I can get you a new Rebel
flag to hang in front of yer trailer Ken Tuk!


I'm dealing with your exact issues right now.
I see the exact same leaf damage, though not lots of it. (perhaps this is why I paid it no attention and assumed it was from FIM, maybe it was?). I do not see slimy silvery trails, but on some leafs it looks as if there is still light water on em. (This simply can not be.) Usually mid level leaves.
I do see the peppery dots as well, although not much at all.
The only thing your leaving out is this:

A tiny, very small bug that at first site I thought was an larvae. yellowish/orange (brighter orange.) That hops/jumps around if touched. Does not fly.
I only started adding the pieces up because of a chance notice of this "larvae" (bug).
I thought it was aphids. (Maybe it is. doubt it.) The bug hangs out on the backside of the leaves, and will attempt to run to the front if you turn the backside to face the light.

thrips or aphids?
no matter they all will be dead soon.

Thrips... My worste nightmare especially when there's a virus around. Get rid of infected plants and thrips or they will make your life a living hell.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member

This is really a frustrating circle jerk!

sorry it had to be so frustrating for you... perhaps the other site will make things pop off a lot more enjoyably for you...

Sorry OP, but I am going to have to go with THRIPS or Snail/slugs.... they can both be ended pretty easily...



Hey Lone wolf...

Not to worry...

First let me say you guys are great!
You were right all along...

I caught the culprit this morning as I entered my grow room
with my coffee I noticed some dust on the tops of some of my plants
It was white, and my attention was then drawn to a box cutter on the
floor besides a plant ...

I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and looked up...

Holy shit! I almost dropped my coffee...


I should have just dropped all my personal research into the matter
and just listened to you guys a long time ago..

After all most people have slugs and snails make their way into
their homes and sealed grows,,,I know I know ,,,a snail can never
travel over textures like carpet and they don't make their way into
homes anywhere I have ever lived...

But hey! we have special people here ...and damn it!
They deserve special circumstances...

After all they have Seal Team 6 Kittens invading their grows...

I'm done with this forum,,,there is actually a few places
where growers congregate and have functioning brains,can
read ,comprehend and aren't dumb as a brick!

quoting and replying to one's self should have been my biggest
indicator that I was in the company of seriously whacked out buggerz!

Gbye ! BGT I will miss you most Darling!


Active member
I normally encourage members to not take off in a huff when they get mad about something. Often times rational people can discuss things and more times than not they can come to at least some sort of agreement. At the very least members with dissenting opinions can usually agree to disagree on any given topic and, they will usually continue on without continued confrontation.

In your case, I encourage you to hit the fuckin bricks without delay. Just about every post you have on record here has confrontation and ill will. You call folks names at the drop of a hat...and not because they brought on a name calling but, simply because they disagree with what you provided. All a person needs to do is call anything at all that you comment on and you start in your rude shit and name calling. Not only that...you go a bit further by offering folks to come see you in person so you can "show them how the dirt tastes where you live" or some similar form of violent provocation.
Fuck that sort of stuff. It is clear to me that you are either a hermit that interacts with very few humans or, you spend a whole lot of time nursing your busted lips and bruised ass.

Couple your rude disposition with the fact that you violate the TOU just about daily and, I think you have made the best decision for all of us.


Registered User
It seems a lot of peeps from the AA area have this superior & holier than thou attitude... not everyone of coarse, but I've noticed it several times in a rather short period of time... and they don't mind showing it...? But pricks & trolls are everywhere... they just might have a social club there...

BGT~ it provides a bit of amusement at least... you fukn troll! ;-))


Dude I thought AA was home to the best growers and that's why they where so stuck up look at all the good weed in the dispensaries there........ NOT

Cabron seen ur grows at the cabana there sick but u sir r a prick....... If someone says something different they don't have to be a troll.... Actually some of these people are actually very educated....

*This is only sort of directed at you cabron as your grows are good and top notch.... But your ego and your unwillingness to have a debate without being a prick is easily noticed
Growers have the biggest ego's it cracks me up..... I see it everyday at work.....Funny thing is I see there EGO'S but the few that have actually attempted to back up there ego's had nothing worth remembering....


ive had the same problem, every now and again i get a leaf with a hole nothing massive, i also see those white bugs that are small on my leaves sometimkes they hide from the light if you turn the leaf over, a bit bigger than a springtail but smaller than a bnaby thrip, the damage i have is minimul so im not bothered to much, i do how ever know it isnt a fungle infection, that im sure of, lets get this thread back on track guys argueing doesnt help any1.


BGT @ Cabron-->"All a person needs to do is call anything at all that you comment on and you start in your rude shit and name calling."

Brother, you dont have to call him on anything, just asking a question is enough in his mind to justify lighting the flamethrower. Really a shame, he seems like an intelligent person...but you cant fix dick head and for that reason alone, I wouldn't listen to him or pull him out of a puddle of runny shit if he was face down in it making bubbles. IMHO, he has shown enough reason to be banned from this forum. Maybe he can go over to Cannabis Culture and stroke RebelDawg and Earls egos, they seem to be cut from the same mold. Or better yet, go jump on sublbc's YouTube "Soldiers" list. I cant blame the OP for not coming back to this thread, not at all. PEACE


Hello good people and warm souls.....

This has been diagnosed in 30 minutes at the other forum
where there are people that think as I do...

On my departure here I will leave you the answer....
and wanna know the humor here??

1. It is indeed a Bacterial symptom from Xanthomonas

2.Much of the study comes from a University study...:laughing:
you know the same place that BGT says isn't worth a damn
because they are the learned..:jump:

Yeah you know the same universities that Industries go to and Govts with grant money to do the research on subjects such as this...??:wave:

Lucky you have intellects here like BGT though,,,,
so you will all be fine...

Take care of the newbs on the mosaic virus thread as well BGT ,,,
with all that knowledge you have....and vast Lab experience...

which lab was that btw ?
Xanthomonas campestris pv. cannabis



Soybean Rust

Bacterial pustule
Xanthomonas axonopodia pv. glycines

Upper and lower leaf surface

Upper leaf surface symptoms

Bacterial pustule lesions begin as small, light green lesions. Older lesions may be darker and range from small spots to large areas of dead tissue formed when smaller lesions merge. The water soaking common to bacterial blight is seldom seen with bacterial pustule. Initially the center of the lesion may be slightly raised.
Lower leaf surface symptoms

The raised center or "pustule" may be more evident in lesions on the lower leaf surface and might be mistaken for soybean rust pustules. Bacterial pustules do not produce spores; viewed under magnification, they may show cracking or fissures rather than the circular openings characteristic of soybean rust.
Canopy symptoms

The bacteria that cause bacterial pustule are spread by wind-driven rain. Outbreaks typically develop several days after a rainstorm or hailstorm. Symptoms are most evident on growth that is expanding at the time of the rain event.

Bacterial pustule is favored by wet or rainy weather. Disease outbreaks usually occur 5 to 7 days after wind-driven rains. Bacterial pustule is not slowed by high temperatures, as is bacterial blight.

The bacterial pustule pathogen survives in infested residues left on the soil surface and may be seedborne.
Distribution in Missouri

Bacterial pustule may occur throughout the state. However, there had been few reports of bacterial pustule occurring anywhere in Missouri over the last 5-10 years — until the 2004 season. The unusually wet conditions of the 2004 season and the number of major hailstorms in the state led to the occurrence of bacterial pustule in many regions of Missouri.
G4442, new December 2004
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Sorry it's not ceiling cat or snails guys....

I'm glad I'm the only one here that doesn't have snails crawling in my house...
nor do I have thrips that eat inches of plant material away...

This is a Big site and has plenty of good people
but there's just enough BS artists to ruin it for the
"Learned" .....LOL how ya like that BGT?

I never cared for BS! can ya tell ?

A Few more of my personal pics of this phenomenon for
your viewing pleasure.....of course...






The difference between a guy like me and BGT and Miway is this..

I speak from hands on experience and have pics to back up my opinion as well
as I do my homework ....

I don't talk about anything unless I'm certain of it and have put in my time.
Therefore others may benefit from it...

Clowns talk smack ,have nothing to offer,,,no pics ,no experience no links

Just BS!


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You people beef more then rappers, i sprayed my plants with some sprutiz from the local shop problem solved. Thanks for all the answers though. Btw be careful if you use that stuff, too much will kill em

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