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Something better than a bic lighter?

Scotch Mist

New member
I've been thinking about how I shouldn't really be smoking with a regular lighter. I've heard all over the place that you're basically inhaling gas fumes, and that it destroys the taste of bud. I can't tell on the taste because all I've ever used is a bic lighter, and hemp wick once but with some low grade bud.
I need to get something like one of those glass rods you heat up or a roll of hemp wick, just something that doesn't use butane.

Any thoughts? What is everyone using to smoke??


Solar bowls is da shit. grab a magnifying lens and spark er up.
On a serious note, refillable butane is better for the environment(bic lighters fill up tons of space in land fills), but might not be the best to inhale.

You could also use matches and wait till they burn past the tip, then light up the bowl/joint from there.

or use beeline: http://www.thebeelinestore.com/


Active member

Yeah dude I tried a lot of things but always went back to the lighter until I discovered the hot rod!

I will never go back. If you think vaping is lacking then this is for you.
You get a giant vape hit and minimal combustion.
I need that little bit of combustion to know I have smoked something.
Find someone to make you one and get yourself a lil tank of pane.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Smoking in my bong,I just place the weed in the bowl and then with a butane torch, vaporize with the flame outside the glass bowl.Works fine and easy,just need to remember the bowl will be very hot :D ah...and don't do this on colored bowl, it will probably damage it ;wave:

Scotch Mist

New member
Yeah dude I tried a lot of things but always went back to the lighter until I discovered the hot rod!

Yeah that's what I meant! I'm gonna see if any local glass blowers can make one, I know there's one reallllly good glass blower in my area. Did you get yours custom or did you order it online? It kind of sucks you have to use a little torch to heat it but it's worth it.
The beeline is really cool but I'm not a fan of beeswax. The I-tal wick is awesome too but unfortunately they also use beeswax- But they send you a small free sample if you send them an envelope :D I'm gonna get one

The link below contains a pretty thorough discussion of different alternatives... a lot of in-depth back-and-forth about butane fumes and other stuff including soldering irons with a ceramic heating element. (The conclusion I've drawn for now, is that I'll stick to Bic.)


Ty I'm gonna check it out, and for now I'll just have to stick with the bic I guess


I use beeline and a hot glass rod. Beeline doesnt leave a wax taste. its just to keep it burning slow.

Get the thick stuff if you use water pieces.


Active member
i bought a glass rod for 4 bucks at the head shop....heat it up with a butane torch or just on my stove.....clean bong hits all day and it vaporizes oils and hash...only drawback is you gotta wait 20-30 seconds until it heats up..

Sour Deez

bee-line for me. Makes the bud taste a lil better, but i noticed its alot smoother than with a bic which is a plus. I dont have the patience to heat a rod, although they do work well.


I use a hakko soldering iron with ceramic element. The taste difference is night and day, butane is nasty. Also, it is fabulous for hash.

Solar bowling is also nice in the sun.

Combustionless heat is where it's at.


Natalie J. Puffington
A word of caution about the beeline: Bee careful; I've had that stuff re-ignight...
I light a bowl, blew it out, set it down on the coffee table and a second or two later, out of the corner of my eye I see the beeline flaming back up. Fortunately, the table was slate, not something flammable.

Anyways, just use a little caution. :smoky:

:smoke out:


Registered User
^^^ I ran the hakko... almost burned a nice little hole in my nut sack, but dodged that just barely to burn a hole in my chair. The cord is a real pain in the ass.

EDIT... sorry Nat... u snuck that post in! but in the same theme... caution... ;-)

Scotch Mist

New member
i bought a glass rod for 4 bucks at the head shop....heat it up with a butane torch or just on my stove.....clean bong hits all day and it vaporizes oils and hash...only drawback is you gotta wait 20-30 seconds until it heats up..

Whoa nice deal, I doubt it'll be that cheap in my area.

As for the beeline- I never thought about that, and it also has flaky ash


Active member
Using a BIC or any other flint wheeled lighter you are getting flint dust. At a minimum go with an electric start lighter, torch, or hempwick.

Even better than that - get a decent vaporizer and fuck combustion completely :D


Active member
Scotch- A friend of a friend who blows made some for me. He said it was very easy to make. Just a ball on the end of a rod. I use those little camp stove tanks and they last a month or so. I hit that thing all day long too. If you grow another cool thing about it is you can sample shit almost picked fresh. Your bong water stays 90 percent cleaner.


Active member
Heres a method I use when smoking really nice bud in glass.

Heres my toothpick method.. If you want to taste the bud properly. I smoke 8-10 times a day like this. I picked it up from a guy on overgrow who had been smoking for 10 years like this lol I've introduced friends and they love it too. To share with friends bust out some toothpicks and a candle. Grind some bud and everyone can load and burn their own bowls :p The toothpicks also have less chemicals than matches. Almost none I believe. I find breaking them in half gives you a wider flame and you can burn the bowl better.




Bowl is gone in seconds... And it wont burn your throat.
Vape beats all methods of smoking hands down... but this is nice :blowbubbles: