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Someone said I should read a certain book and "WOW!"


Active member
Heyas, :)

Most of us know Michael Pollan for his "Botany of Desire" and the cannabis content within.

He also wrote a book called "The Omnivore's Dilemna" that's just fantastic!

Having just spent the last 2 years removing all processed foods from my diet (A long and terrible process that is even more rewarding than I anticipated) the breakdown of the processed food industry alone is an eye-opener. I'm even more un-surprised at the benefits of eating only real, unprocessed (besides prepping and cooking) foods.

I'm only on page 71 so far but figured I'd put it out there for people to pick up. Wow. :)

Can't wait to finish it. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

John Deere

Active member
Thanks, H-S. I'll definitely check it out.

Have you got a thread regarding your diet? I'd love to read more about that, too.


Active member
Thanks, H-S. I'll definitely check it out.

Have you got a thread regarding your diet? I'd love to read more about that, too.

I'm on page 102 now, just getting better and better.

My diet? I eat foods that are correct for my blood type. Of all the food lists out there Dr. D'Adamo's stuff has the best lab work and is spot on. Just do a search for "Blood Type Food Lists" and his link will be in the top 4 right now. Look for "typebase4" in the link address.

I've been pluggin this info for a while. Anyone who's sick, disabled, low-energy, whatever... should definitely look into it.

You'll drop to your ideal body weight. Or rise to it, if that's your issue. Your immune system will be free to fight bad-guys instead of 'bad-foods'. :) Your energy levels will skyrocket and your need for sleep will drop.

I've just completed a 2 year struggle to remove all processed foods from my diet. Except for a few muffins at work a couple months ago (chemical drugs in those things) I haven't had any processed foods in almost 6 months now.

All I can say is.... "Don't believe me, go do it for yourself." LOL I'm loving it!

Oh yeah, I just caught a 2-week flu from someone. Hit me harder than anything ever has before 2 days ago. I'll be back at work tomorrow afternoon, uninfectious and feeling well enough to work.

Kicking a 2 week flu in 3 days?!!? How's THAT for a recovering immune system? LOL (I was always sicker, longer than others. At least 4-5 times a year as well.)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
So.. was doing other stuff and finally finished page 102.

I can tell he's not heard of the blood type diet when he wrote this, wonder if he has now?

The disease formerly known as adult-onset diabetes has had to be renamed Type II diabetes since it now occurs so frequently in children. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in 2000 has a one-in-three chance of developing diabetes.

He just finished explaining that nearly our entire 'processed food' chain is made from corn. The meat is corn, the additives are corn, the sweeteners and starches and binders and whatnot are mainly from corn.

Corn, for the wrong blood type, inhibits insulin production and goes pretty much to fat. Our cattle farms (not ranches) produce cows that would probably die of diabetes as well, were they not butchered in 14 months instead of 4-5 years like they used to be.

Here's the blood type food list page for corn

I'm A "secretor" the only blood type that can handle corn... and believe me, there's not much to that 'neutral' status... it just doesn't do anything, not even digest. :)

Formula? Corn... even the organic stuff.

Like someone in the book said... americans are corn tortilla chips with legs.

It doesn't surprise me that diabetes is rampant. *shrug* No brainer there.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Eat Kosher foods and stuff from Whole Foods

American Diet is super Toxic...Everything is made from High Frutcose Corn Syrup


Active member
Since when is polysorbate-80 kosher?

Yep, saw that on some packaging the other day. It IS a good place to start though. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Hey hydro soil thanks for all this information. Gonna google that blood type food list.

I'm going going strong on 3.5 years no fast food. I also cut my red meat intake waay down

Keep the info coming in ! Appreciate it!


Active member
You're right, that book is great. My favorite section had to do with the farmer Joel Salatin and his agricultural 'ecosystem'.


Active member
Was just reading about that.

Awesome stuff. Right up there with the japanese farmer that never plows his land, just rotates crops and keeps ducks and such. Throwing the rice stalks and other plant stalks back when the grain's been harvested.

Totally awesome stuff. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Can reading too many books make you stupid ?

Certainly. I know people who've read thousands and thousands of romance novels. MAKE me talk to them for 15 minutes and I want to scream and pull my hair out.

I've read probably 10,000 books, about 50/50 fact/fiction. And most of that fiction was sci-fi. Personally, I don't have any issues conversing with "well-read" people or folks with college edumacation. :) lol

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

edit: LOL Hempkat! :)


Active member
What's wierd?

Corn wouldn't be around without humans. Seriously.

Apparently if an ear of corn drops off of the stalk... it's extremely difficult for a sprout to get past the husk... the ones that do, crowd out and kill each other off.

It takes man harvesting and spreading the seed to sustain it. It's mutant C4 sucking genes, nitrogen leaching growth and suckuppage of oil in its production is really gross.

Wait till you read what's done with it. :) It's really the scourge of humanity... except for a small subset that can handle it. Ancient civilizations that switched from hunting and planting native stuff to eating corn show a significant rise in diebetes, osteoporosis and other diseases that can be tracked through bones.

Not much different from now. *shrug* No wonder the B blood types say stuff like "I just LOOK at a donut and I gain 5 lbs." Their system is overloaded with corn.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Can reading too many books make you stupid ?

these will.





.....and I am a conservative Libertarian saying this. these people are fools. they denounce science and choose to be blind.


East Coast Grower
Cool man, I really like Pollan's style of writing. Whenever I look at healthy eating the alternative choices to food just weird me out. I just don't really eat weird things and especially not healthy things so its just real hard to try and commit to much other than salads or something. I only eat a very few fruits/veggies and never really been a fan of nuts or whole grain things... I was actually just reading how important the healthy function of your liver is to weight loss, and if its filled with shit, causes you to get a beer belly etc.

lost in a sea

yeah well part of the process for making it involves mercury for christs sake!

most of the entire rest of the world would never have nuked people or sprayed agent orange on people or used poisons like this on its own population..

how? why?

now your a terrorist if your a truther and a whistle blower trying to tell the truth a national security risk..

and the damage done has been calculated to be systematic and its simple stuff in biology that alot of things that kill you are a combination of factors resulting in the failure of a major system,,,

i want to start making bread from allsorts of random starch sources because normal flour is shit for your body,, basically that coupled with enough other crap leads to not just diabetes but also suppresses anti cancer genes,,

hydro have you read "nurture nature nurture health" by mitchell gaynor M.D ?

you will enjoy it i guanrantee :rasta:

What's wierd?

Corn wouldn't be around without humans. Seriously.

Apparently if an ear of corn drops off of the stalk... it's extremely difficult for a sprout to get past the husk... the ones that do, crowd out and kill each other off.

It takes man harvesting and spreading the seed to sustain it. It's mutant C4 sucking genes, nitrogen leaching growth and suckuppage of oil in its production is really gross.

yeah but thats human selected corn, picked for other traits than survival,, the wild corn does just fine ;)

its all corn over there all most of the cattle fed with it and the bread and shit made with it,,


Active member
hydro have you read "nurture nature nurture health" by mitchell gaynor M.D ?

you will enjoy it i guanrantee :rasta:

No I haven't... the only interesting torrent that shows is a tripping the rift episode. :) I'll definitely pick it up in print if I can. :) Thanks!

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

p.s. good to hear about the wild corn. A tiny segment of the population CAN eat it. I'm actually snacking on popcorn right now. LOL

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