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Someone please make me a 3D picture


Sorry for the delay. Had to run to the liquor store. I also forgot to refresh for your answer and went ahead and assumed 12 inches from center. I'll fix it tomorrow if you want, but for tonight I'll just upload two images I made. If you want me to tone down or up the realism, both are possible (I can add some amount of texture and coloring, or mess with the lighting so there's not so much shading).

I still think he probably wants CAD, which is "Computer Assisted Design". That's what manufacturers are usually looking for. In many cases they can plug a CAD document into a manufacturing machine and it will do the rest.

What I do is more geared toward film effects.

Anyway, 2 images are attached in jpeg format.


  • cabinet.jpg
    15.7 KB · Views: 5
  • cabinet2.jpg
    16.4 KB · Views: 11


So I figured I'd start the modifications with the hole positions and then make a quick animation to render overnight. But when I started changing the parameters for the hole positions, I realized you're talking about an intake and exhaust each pretty close to the center of your box. As I've got it now, your intake holes start nine inches above your floor. Unless that's all going to be covered by pots / DWC reservoir / some other growing medium, why move the intakes any higher? Or for that matter, the exhaust any lower? Hot air rises, so you should be starting as low as possible and ending as high as possible, right?

Either way, since I can't really portray measurements with C4d, I don't think your carpenter is going to care if the placement is off by 3 inches. So I'll just make up an animation as is in case it's of any use to you.

Rendering will probably take overnight. And there's always the possibility of some random technical difficulties. But I'll try to post a vid tomorrow for you.


Alrighty, I stayed up to finish posting a quick movie, but it's 45 meg, which is over the attachment size allowed. If you think a quick fly around animation is worth it, or you builder wants it, let me know. Otherwise I won't bother trying to optimize and upload the video.


Nany woodworker worth his blade should be able to follow the exact directions you just gave us

no doubt... scribble that shit on a napkin and hand it to him, thats all it should take... using cinema 4d for a little grow cab LOL... I would question his ability to safely use a saw and drill if he cant build that from dimensions...


your the man 007! sorry i couldnt post, icmag was having database issues. you went above and beyond what i was looking for as far as attention to detail goes.

Lol, don't worry about it. Truth is, ever since I started prepping for my current outdoor season, I haven't done a lick of design work. Felt good to crank those wheels again.

I also went ahead and compressed that video I made. I was fairly drunk last night, and I'm not sure why I thought you'd need a video. Overkill for sure but it's already made, and in case your carpenter is functionally retarded or something ;P.....

edit: it won't let me upload the video as an attachment. You can PM me an email addy if you really want it. It's just a lame 3 second fly around though.