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Some texas buds


Here are some buds I jst got in dallas tx for 50 an 8th and 300 an o...
most herb here that like this goes for 60 as theirs a shortage of seriousssss dank here(ive seen dealers charge 75 an 8th for imported sfv og which i bought once cuz i wanted som sfv being so far from cali, but only bought it once couldnt justify that much cost; id unfortunately rather smoke some popcorn than spend that much)... but i guess not at the moment, as this is the best ive seen from this guy(who has the best ive come across in dallas), and its cheaper than the lesser qaulity stuff sold for... anyway here it is-
really reminds me of some vortex/Apollo13/Apollo11/cindy/jh
its incredibly fruity and its some of the most sativa herb ive found in texas... if anyone can comment of wat they think it is id be happy for the input... watever it is i love it so far and im gonna try and get my guy to obtain a clone of this for me(supposing ill get lucky and this is actually a possibly... not sure yet tho)


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they look tasty

we don't hear much of texas' bud except for the brickweed/mexican

not being from the us, I have never seen mexican weed in my life and I feel it's a nice perk to be able to smoke some mexican sativas
or some other south american buds

oh and for a reasonable price

I know that with mexican it can be good and it can be bad :)


ya dude as far as the mexi goes here... its not wat ya think man

ud be hard pressed to find sativa goodness of yore... the strains may or may not(depending on the strain were talkin... i know Highland Oaxaca is still cultivated by some old timers in the mountains there) but for the most part the landrace sativas of yore are not sent up here anymore... if theyre not extinct... theyre staying there in mexico... usually going to tourist areas...

what we get here in tex, and what gets shiped all over the US(mainly the southern bordering states) is indica crosses/complete indica... so now we have the blandness of the indica with the crapy brickweed methods(which is what makes the bud so bad... genetics too to a degree)... now im talkin commercial... i dnt know if any couneseur makes it here but i doubt it... like i said im pretty sure it stays in mexico
u gotta understand the guys growing the landrace sativas in the 70s and before were from long family lines of farmers who grew these lines like they were apart of the family...
the bud we get now is from operations run by the cartels, as they control all the marijuana trafficking to the US

shitty situation... theres things i love about texas,(TEXMEX!!!) its can be a laid back place, but theres also somethings i cant stand bout tex(mainly marijuana prohibition)

thanks for the kind words guys


Active member
Trying to guess what a weed is by looking at a pic of the bud is really tough.But a guess from me would be,C99.Atleast it kinda looks like some ive grown,but odds are agains that being what it is.Looks like some decent bud to me,but youd think the buds would be bigger seein how its from Texas,lol.Happy smokin Bro,and its good just to be able to get some good Meds when yer in a strange and new state.Peace and Stay Safe,DancesWithWeed:ying:


Yes fmd its def nice to hav nice meds available... But i grew up here & came bak recently 2help preg sister(lol and nota min more)
So i still kno som peps...itd b harder if iwas new
tex is gona shit wen they c my sssdhz & blue sat:) lol
happy gowin yall!


Senior Member
lol ya looks like 50 a dub stuff, a week or two early picked...though it's hard to say with just 3 grams in small pics...no way to tell what strain it is at all... i mean there are thousands of strains out there, all created from the same basic genetics, and nowadays everything new seems to just be a hybrid of two older strains. many look almost identical unless you spend a LOT of intimate time growing and curing them...and even less chance with small low quality cell phone pics...


im so sorry senorsloth my pics arent better quality for you.
why did i even post as senorsloth obviously has better... so whats the point of anyone growing wen we have senorsloth.
thanks for not failing to b a prick and look down your nose acting like your some kind of guru and the rest of us are idiots hoping to garner 1% of your knowledge...
and for the record i said i thought there was some common cindy/apollo11-13/haze traits, and it simply reminded me of those strains... i never said i was sure it was prob c99.
it never ceases to amaze me how many people post here with nothing more than a negative know it all approach that they think makes them superior but in reality just makes u look like a childish prick trying to act like haha, stupid dumb little stoners... get educated like me ur shit sucks and you know nothing
go take ur condescending comments and start your own site called the marijuanaGURU.com
i bet not 1 person wuld ever visit the site. well maybe on accident

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
there is a really dank cindy cut that goes around houston, but it makes it around. Also you should not be paying more than 50 an eight for top shelf in big D. there is no shortage. if your guy is telling you that he has shitty, and/or very limited hook ups or is playing you.


it never ceases to amaze me how many people post here with nothing more than a negative know it all approach that they think makes them superior but in reality just makes u look like a childish prick trying to act like haha, stupid dumb little stoners...

Negative and childish like posting a reply to a post that's a year old? Shut the fuck up and pop some seeds...