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Step one: Scoop up said shit.
Step two: place said shit in paper bag.
Step three: place said shitbag on her doorstep.
Step four: light said shitbag on fire.
Step five: Ring doorbell and GTFO.


I would of grabbed her off leash dog and rolled it in the shit.

A friend of mine had a similar problem with dogs shitting in his garden, problem stopped when he started tying sandwich baggies of dog turds to their collars.
That's awesome. That lady is a twat.


Active member
I like the idea of tying the baggie of shit to its collar but I would just go out every time and spray the dog with the hose and if the lady comes on your property spray her "rich" ass. You should have also asked the cop if there was not a leash law in the area for which she could be ticketed. If all of that fails, get a hot wire fence and let the dog touch that to get into your yard = end of that shit. Oh and every time you see her on the street yell out "hey homies here is the rich bitch she says shes got money!"


Freedom Fighter
Maybe get one of these--:ying:


so she got a ticket ?

I know, right?

If she were ticketed everytime her dog took a shit think of how much money could be generated. Let's say the dog craps two times a day at $25 per ticket, and let's say that she gets a ticket everytime the dog craps, that means there's a potential that she could pay $750 per month just to let her dog shit. She can consider it her contribution for the greater good.


Active member
ive sent notes home on dog collars...it works

usually its something simple like "keep your dog off my property asshole"

im a huge dog lover and i always have mine on a leash....i often have confrontations w/ ppl on trails who let their mutts run loose...we have leash laws here, and i cant stand when ppl think that just cuz their dog is "nice"...means they can run loose.

my dog is NOT NICE and can hurt almost any animal especially ratty dogs that are "nice"...i don't want him to hurt them, or i would let him run off leash...he's a great pyrenees....a livestock guard dog and 150+ pounds of one...

some ppl really don't get it tho.

this is not yukon....just a pic for reference:


Yep, people who let their dogs roam free, on anything other then their own property, push my buttons too.

As far as other dogs/animals coming onto my property, they do so at their own risk.

I think CM had a sig line that said something to the effect of: I can make it to the fence line in 3 seconds flat...can you?


Love dogs, really dislike some 'owners' :wave:


I walk and hike with my large dog off-leash because I have CONTROL of my dog. If you don't, and it's obvious when someone doesn't, don't get pissed at me when it's your dog that starts or causes problems. Honestly, it's people who can't control their dogs, on- or off-leash, at home or otherwise that piss me off.

For example, those people that who take their dogs out places and let them bark their heads off while they wait in the car.
Damn neighbors dog is always doing it in our yard. I was outside today and lady had her dog on leash letting him shit in our yard I went apeshit on her ass. She will like how her siding has brown spots :)

h^2 O

If you were crazy you could put rat poison in dog treats and put them just over the property line, but that's cruel as fuck and its not the dog's fault.
Eye for an eye...err brown eye...sling some shit man!


the shit spoon
Money is power, the more power a person has the more than can affect the world.

The richer the good person the more good they can bring to the world.

The richer the bad person the more shit they can get away with, the more shit they do.

And the richer the self-destructive person the shorter their time.