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Some good info on autos. May help.


New member

Choosing a good quality soil will make a huge difference to your plants and will help them to develop to their maximum potential. If you skimp on the soil it WILL show. Plants will not be as healthy or vigorous nor will they grow as big and yield as much. I use Bio-Bizz All mix right from seed. Canna Terra and Fox Farms Ocean Forest are also great soils. Adding a little perlite can help with aeration and drainage.


Don't water every day! A lot of people make this mistake. It will slow growth, lower yield significantly and make your plants take longer to finish. Only water when the pot feels light or the top 2 inches of soil are dry. This is usually every 3-5 days.


This one is important. The first few weeks of an autoflower's life is spent developing a strong root system which will provide it with the nutrients and water it needs to go through the rapid growth spurt to come. If there is not enough space within those first few weeks, the plant will not develop a big, healthy root system in time and as a result will grow smaller and yield less.
Start in the biggest pots you can. The bigger the better. 5L to 7L is good, 8L+ is best.


If using a good quality soil like one of the above, start feeding after week 3 from seed. Give only 1/4 strength to begin with. You don't want to overfeed at this stage as this is when the plant begins flowering and goes through a massive growth spurt. Overfeeding will stress the plants and slow down growth considerably. After week 4 increase the nutrients to 1/2 strength and then onto full strength feeding every second watering. If you notice a pale colour to the leaves or the lower leaves beginning to yellow then you need to increase feed at this point. Despite what a lot of people say, some auto's have quite an appetite.



If you can, go with HPS. Do everything you can to go down the HPS route as apposed to CFL. Even a 150W will do wonders if you are only plan on growing 1-2 plants. When growing under HPS light, plants will grow lots of branches because the light is strong enough to penetrate further down the canopy and reach the small branches between the nodes of the plant. These then grow out and become their own little plants, each producing their own colas.


CFL's are ok and that's about it. Don't expect much branching or tonnes of bud. Plants will also be smaller and take longer to mature. Keep CFL's as close to the tops as possible, 2-3 inches away or maybe even closer if you can.
When growing under CFL's, plants won't branch as much as the light can't penetrate past a few inches and therefor doesn't reach the lower branches. These stay small and usually stay close to the main stem to form a single cola.


If you have nice weather where you live you can just grow them outside. You can get great results depending on weather conditions and how much sun you get. If you get sun all the time, expect BIG plants and BIG yeilds. Don't let plants stay out at night if it's too cold ( under 15C) though as this will slow growth. Monitor buds carefully in the last 2 weeks for bud rot.


Don't allow temperatures to exceed 30C (86F) as this will hinder growth. At night, stay above 15C (60F). Humidity can be between 20/50 the entire grow, too high and you could loose your entire crop to bud rot. Make sure you have fresh air circulating in your grow area at all times.


18/6, 20/4 or 24/0? Which one do you choose? That is entirely up to you. There isn't much difference between them. 24/0 will produce slightly shorter plants and about a 5% increase in yield. That's about it. Just remember to give your plants at least 18 hours of light per day for maximum growth and yield.


Be careful when choosing seeds, especially auto varieties. Do a bit of research on a strain before ordering. There are many new auto strains popping up from different breeders all over the place. Some don't show the auto-flowering trait and will have to be put into 12/12 to induce flowering. This is a pain in the ass so rather go with a tried and tested strain and save yourself the hassle of it all going wrong 3-4 weeks from now.

Here are some strains which I recommend and that have been tried and tested:

Lowlife AK47 - High yield, strong, big plant
Buddha White Dwarf - Strong, beautiful aroma, potent smoke
Lowlife Blueberry - Very tasty, strong, good yield
Dinafem Roadrunner - Strong smoke, good yield, not 100% stable but close
Lowlife White Russian - High yield, strong smoke
Lowlife Hindu Kush - Small, tasty, strong couchlock
Joint Doctor Easy Ryder - Tasty smoke, high yield
Joint Doctor Lowryder - Small, medium strength, low yield, low odour
Joint Doctor Lowryder 2 - Tasty, medium yield, good strength
Joint Doctor Diesel Ryder - Smelly, tasty, small, potent

There are many more, but these are some of the best and most stable.


Ok, so how do you know if you're doing it all right? This time frame should give you an idea of what to expect and when. If your plant is considerably behind what I've put here, then go back and read again.

DAY 1 - First real leaves emerge
DAY 6-7 - Plant has 3 nodes with smaller branches beginning to emerge
DAY 10-12 - 5 nodes
Day 17-21 - 8 to 10 nodes, plant sex is shown. Very fast growth by this stage.
Day 25-30 - Plant begins flowering and starts to stretch. Bud sites popping up.
Day 35-45 - Growth slows, gets a bit boring, buds slowly develop more and more each day.
Day 50+ - Buds begin to fatten, heavy trichome production and smell. This is the exciting part.
Day 65-75 - Harvest.


Yes, you can LST autos and it works a treat too! Start tying them down after they reach the 5th/6th node. I usually get 12-14 tops with this method. It also doesn't slow growth which is important. SCROG is also a great way to maximise yield. TOPPING and SUPER-CROPPING are big no no's though! There just isn't enough time for the plant to heal and so will actually end up reducing your yield quite a bit.

found this on another site. thought it was worth copying and pasting.


With all due respect to the efforts of the OP, maybe some of the auto growers / breeders can chime in on the veracity of this info before it's nominated for a sticky. Anonymous cut and pastes can be from anyone and anywhere, whereas we have some very talented folks on site. I've noted a couple of "factoids" that seem at odds with info already posted here, so let's get more input here, OK? Also, a good portion of the strains posted are not currently being offered by the good folks here, so the info may not be relevant specifically to us.


CFL's are ok and that's about it. Don't expect much branching or tonnes of bud. Plants will also be smaller and take longer to mature. Keep CFL's as close to the tops as possible, 2-3 inches away or maybe even closer if you can.
When growing under CFL's, plants won't branch as much as the light can't penetrate past a few inches and therefor doesn't reach the lower branches. These stay small and usually stay close to the main stem to form a single cola.


we have proved this untrue, for sure:laughing:


New member
Can you comment on the efficacy of 24/0 to keep plant short and increase yield?

I'm growing Easy Ryder in a PC case, with only 17.5" of vertical grow space available to me.
I've heard that LSTing an Easy Ryder is possible, due to the fact that it's Lowryder #2 X AutoAK47 (which apparently likes branching) but not necessarily optimal.

Would running 24/0 (as opposed to 20/4 as the breeder recommends) really keep the plant shorter AND increase the yield?



Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
I don't really know about going to 24/7 to keep a plant shorter and increasing yield. I have tried many light schedules and done pretty good on all of them.

I would suppose going 24/7 is going to keep a plant shorter as it is the drop in light time is when the plants usually stretch so if no dark time no or minimal stretch.



New member
I don't really know about going to 24/7 to keep a plant shorter and increasing yield. I have tried many light schedules and done pretty good on all of them.

I would suppose going 24/7 is going to keep a plant shorter as it is the drop in light time is when the plants usually stretch so if no dark time no or minimal stretch.


Thanks for the tips! Which light cycle gave you the largest yield?


Autos sound like an interesting grow. Thanks for the info here, I want to try em.


Active member
Thanks for the info. I got some attitude freeebies Kannabia Seeds Auto Hobbit & Auto Mikromachine. I decided to throw them in the grow room since ive never done an auto-flowering. They seem 5-8 days behind your schedule. Both showed sex at day 25. Its now day 29 and they don't seem to be flowering yet but they are noticeably bigger than all my other strains that are the same age.

Im doing Organic Soil. The feeding it what im working on. at day 23 i fed them with a high N veg nute tea. im supposed to water them every 2-3 waterings with my tea but since my soil holds water for around 7 or 8 days and their auto-flowering im thinking about just hitting them with the flowering high P nute tea on day 30 or 31. any input?


check out user 20/4 and user mitch_connor. They both do some amazing things with autos.. Mitch's garden of purple thread will blow your mind.

I actually stole this little synopsis from a mitch thread, on his basic treatment and grow cycle. It seems to work awesome.

"but, in a nutshell. Start them in something that isn't too hot, and has plenty of aeration.

Plain water until sex.

I just use grow nutrients for the first feeding(s). 1ml per litre

However my nutrients mean using grow throughout.

I have to hit them with nutrients quite hard during flower, but I think the HPS takes a lot more out of them than CFL would.

You might just have to guess a bit on the first run, and see how they react to the soil, nutes and environment.

Sorry I can't really offer anymore advise


Active member
Nice thread! Can you define what does High or good yield mean? High yield-above 50g per plant or what? Propz for all the info :)


Active member
The first three out of four tips are no good if you don't grow in soil.

I helped a friend grow 4 autos in coco using the lucas formula 6/9.
Under a 600 watt hps he got almost 12 ounces off two Super Lemon Haze autos and about 5 ounces from two Pineapple Kush autos. He had co2 going for about two weeks in there. He finished off someone's tank.

The SLH finished 62 days after sprouting the Pineapple took about 70.
I read there are 3 different kinds of autos.

the ones about 1 foot that yeild 1 oz

the ones about 2 feet to 3 feet that give 2 to 3 oz

the ones over 3 feet that take over 70 days and give 4 oz or over
(these are new and not many exist)


Active member
I have an auto grow now with 20 plants and 400+600W HPS lamps. I overwatered badly in the beginning and I also probably scortched the plants in the beginning but now I´ve raised the lights to about 1m. They´ve started growing again but slowly (about three weeks old, I understood the watering part only a few days ago. They don´t look very healthy but can I expect a recovery? No branching yet, 22/0 light, about 23C in the growroom, 6l pots with good soil, no ferts yet. Sigh. This isn´t easy and this is probably not the right thread but I´d like to know your opnions.


If you haven't tried 60 day wonder then you might consider trying it for a run. 60 days from seed to harvest. But that isn't the reason to try it. The high is like crack - instant.


I have an auto grow now with 20 plants and 400+600W HPS lamps. I overwatered badly in the beginning and I also probably scortched the plants in the beginning but now I´ve raised the lights to about 1m. They´ve started growing again but slowly (about three weeks old, I understood the watering part only a few days ago. They don´t look very healthy but can I expect a recovery? No branching yet, 22/0 light, about 23C in the growroom, 6l pots with good soil, no ferts yet. Sigh. This isn´t easy and this is probably not the right thread but I´d like to know your opnions.

honestly, you may have stunted them, but probably not badly. As far as the branching is concerned, it really depends on the strain; some are designed for short, compact, single cola plants, a little research on your strain will help you there. Finally, for your lights, did you mean 24/0? Either way, all plants (including veggies, flowers, cacti, etc) benefit greatly from having some down time each day to recover and build healthy systems. Think about this....if you worked 24 hours a day, for 3 weeks straight, with no rest period, how would you feel? The folks that have done tons of autos will either pick a 20/4 or a 18/6 light cycle, both have good results, and it's really a personal preference kinda thing. I like 20/4, but the next guy will say he like 18/6.
Hope this helps, and good luck


I have an auto grow now with 20 plants and 400+600W HPS lamps. I overwatered badly in the beginning and I also probably scortched the plants in the beginning but now I´ve raised the lights to about 1m. They´ve started growing again but slowly (about three weeks old, I understood the watering part only a few days ago. They don´t look very healthy but can I expect a recovery? No branching yet, 22/0 light, about 23C in the growroom, 6l pots with good soil, no ferts yet. Sigh. This isn´t easy and this is probably not the right thread but I´d like to know your opnions.
Also, have they shown the sex yet? You did a good thing by not feeding prior to sexing.