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Some damn bug's larvae are messing with my buds

Heya guys,
so here's the problem.

I've got a nice crop cooking up outside. There about 4 weeks into flower. A month or so until they finish.
Basically there are 3 mothers and a clone of each mother for a total of 6 plants.

There's one mother and her clone that are some Orange strain (not Cali'O as I thought but still has a very deep citrus aroma).

I noticed something like mold on the two Orange plants. So i prepared an Aspirin solution to spray them. The mold looked strange, not like the usual mold I've seen.
When I startd removing the rotting buds I found small yellow larvae inside.
Here are pics:

That's how the "mold" looks like

And here is a small bud removed, and you can see the larvae:

Anyway I sprayed them with an aspirin solution, but I doubt it will help.
Strange thing is that only the two Orange plants are infected, and between them there are 3 more plants that aren't infected. Obviously this bug likes the orangey smell.

Can someone tell me some good natural way how to treat them? Probably tobaco syrup will be good, and I'll try it next week. I also suppose that some garlic solution will be good too.
As for neem oil, we don't have such stuff in my country, so it is out of my plans.

Can somebody tell me if this infection os dangerous, and how to treat it?
The number of infected buds is pretty low, but I dont know if the larvae won't start eating everything around them

Here's one more pic of the larvae

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Unfortunatelly we don't have that stuff here.
Can you please give me some more info on that "BT bacteria"? Maybe I can find some subtitute that contains it.


Bacillus thurigiensis(Bt) is a bacteria that produces spores that are toxic to insects. There are different strains of the bacteria and each one is more toxic to certain bugs. For example; Bt israelensis is very toxic to mosquitoes and fungus gnats. The toxins that I think you should buy come from the Bt Berliner strain. I say this because it kills a broader spectrum of caterpillars than any other strain.

It may not say Bt Berliner on the container of a product that contains it, but it will say Bt and it may have a picture of a caterpillar or say "for caterpillars" on it.
thanx Weedninja, I'll look out for it. I'm sure I'll find something suitable.
We have very good insecticides and fertilizers here, it's just that they are some local brand and name.


Sorry I can't add any advise, I just wanted to comment on how nasty that is. Never seen/heard of larvae inside of bud like that..


You can make organic sprays from hot pepper sauce or garlic. There are a few recipes on this forum if you search.

It looks more like fungus or bud rot, and an array of insects were attracted to it. I say just remove any loose infected plant matter and finish flowering them. When you harvest, make sure you pull out the infected areas.
That is my plan for now @Twin.
I visit them once a week. I alredy bought an anti-larvae spray containing the bacteria that Weedninja mentioned.
But if the infestation hasn't spread I won't use it.

As for the recepies, I know the "tobaco syrup" recepie found in MyNameIsStich's thread. It is really effective against Mites when hot peppers are thrown in.
I'll look for the garlic recepie too.

And it's not regular mold, I examined a few infected buds. There's always a larvae inside that has made itself a gooey pocket inside the bud. And as I said this is happening only to the orange-smelling plants. I have plants with much bigger and denser buds, that show absolutely no sign of this infestation.

Anyways, autumn's here, temperatures have dropped down a lot, so I hope the cold will get rid of them.


all praises are due to the Most High
let me just say HOLY SHIT! that is crazy man... phew, i would just cut off all affected areas and try to salvage as much healthy bud as possible, you do not want to consume any of the shit on which the larvae hanged out and did its thing...
you need to remove the parts as soon as possible or all else will be infected soon.
no organic recipe nor even hardcore chemical can work at this far into flower if your season is getting close to over.

good luck man, look into all surrounding plants very well and spray those with an organic way to deter infections...

Well I already hashed all the infected buds... got me 2g of nice orangey hash. Hehe.
Too bad i prefer the herb over the pure hash.

Anyways, so far there're no signs that the infection continues to spread.