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Some basic greenhouse questions


Well-known member
Whats up everyone, I just put an offer on a off grid house.

Its been a long time coming and looks like we are going to get it. 5.25 acres of land, completely off grid, has a bank of 24 125w solar panels and backup generator.

Anyway... Im thinking theres plenty of room for a greenhouse and Ild love to utilize the sun rather then lights, and unless Im planning on adding another solar array (which I may do) the electric is a little shy of running anything over 1K for flowering. Although there is a 10 car garage with 60 amp breakers ran and I have no idea what Im going to do with it lol. In addition, theres two other outbuildings both with electric at 10x15'.

As far as the greenhouse goes though ..... My question is this, how do you guys handle odor control?? I have 5 acres, there are neighbors on two of the adjoining lots. Granted, they are at a minimum several hundred yards away with trees inbetween but Im curious if the odor would be to strong still or wander to much?

Whats your guys take on odor control? How do you handle it? Do you even worry about it or are all of you on 200 acre plots lol?? I see lots of greenhouses in urban backyards with people growing... so Im sure someone is doing something about odor.

Secondly, I would want to use an opaque greenhouse so its not easily visible inside. However, Im wondering if the diffused light is sufficient for flowering? Im assuming it is, but am not entirely certain.

Last but not least ... cooling... how do greenhouses heat up? How do you handle cooling? If I was to try and do some form of odor control, that means you need the greenhouse sealed up .... which means its going to heat up. How do you handle all that??

Thanks so much guys in advance for any input.


Active member
Green and good =) Rolled up a Casey J....

I love Greenhouse growing and i am happy to say that i am done with indoor growing and to hear other are going the same way makes me happy.

Good Choice u made, thumps up

There are so many good things about growing in a green house indoor growing is just a product off fucked up laws and small balls.

Regarding Odor control, i use to have in my old house, very close to others like 10 meters. There we had like indoor, Negative pressur, Big ass Carbon filter system with 5 filters that u could replace.

Regarding Temps u need Fans and alot off them is very important u want air cirkulation.

Also a big ass out take is important.

I newer blow air in i just have a big ass out take and one passive intake..

Regarding the plastic, its very important that u get some solid weather proff greenhouse plastic and get the clear one, u need all the light u want.

And u dont need to worrie about pepol can look thu, u need to come close to see what is growing there =).

Fore some inspiration i will explain how i did my greenhouse this year.

I cut 10mm Iron rods 5m long and drive them thu a plastic tube, ram them in the ground
and now u have a half cirkel, the frame.

To stablize that i use robe, that in each end is fix to a pole.

Then u put the out take in the one end and a metal tube in the other as intake, plus aim the fans towards the outtake.

Then u can just put the plastic cover over the frame and the negative pressure sucks the plastic to the frame and there it stays there or mine have untill this day.

Also when u get the plastic get it in one piece and have like an extra meter in the ends and a half meter on the sides.

Very simpel, then when the sun is baking i lift up the plastic and clip it to the frame, so the plants get natural ventilation and also in veg, early to mid bloom i let the rain help me water.

I build that greenhouse fore under 2000 dollars and it gave me back love and happiness
also runnign the house is very cheap around like 1500W pr houre

Btw i light dep.

The stuff i grow in the greenhouse is just a fine as indoor and 10 times more easy grow and take care off.

I love the feeling much more natural.

Also start with exploring some diff strains u will find the ones that work good fore u climate and conditions.


Well-known member
Thanks for the input. So how are you connecting a scrubber to this system if need be?? Maybe I dont even need to worry about it... you guys think Im being overly paranoid about it with the neighbors being at least several hundred yards away? I am on 5 acres.


Active member
So how are you connecting a scrubber to this system if need be??

U cant really do that maby some buckets off Ona Gel would help, i dont use any srubber at this location

But i think u really should be as carefull as possibol, i am, and if u make a house where u can control climate u will have many bonus that come with that but also a big expens to build it and run it.

Its all up to u many options many routes.


Freedom Fighter
Or you can make a solid side greenhouse, using white poly roofing-- We use swamp coolers to keep temps down-- As for light, it lets in plenty--
Here are some old pics of ours, before we enlarged it-- The black plastic was our black-out system--:tiphat:


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
also my choice.^^^

under $200. controls 5500 sq ft...

good growin'!

Hey Trichrider :bump:

I was asking another grower guy I know about ozone machines and he said that he used one a couple time on indoor grows and he said that it worked perfectly to keep odor down, but that the buds had no scent at all and barely any taste.

So what are your experiences? How do you hook em up? Blow the exhaust thru the ozone somehow?

I'm really interested in this idea cause of a couple small medical growers I know have very close neighbors.


Active member
put ozone near exhaust . let it mingle a bit an then get sucked out. you dont want it in the room or greenhouse unless it. s by the exhaust being sucked out. my friend told me the same story and we re arranged his ozone unit location an all was dandy. it needs a chance to mix with the stanky air to work. mine in greenhouse was setup by lighting ciggy by exhaust fan seeing how far it would pull smoke and then placing ozone unit at that spot.


Freedom Fighter
On another grow, a few years back, we used one of these in-line units-- Works great...ozone will hurt your plants if too much is in the room...also...don't make the mistake I did, and turn it on to check it out....it damaged the inside of my nose for a week!! lol

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