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Somalia Pirates: "Until then, we'll have to do what our forefathers did when they met


The United States has done a wonderful job with sending down the world's economy into a rat hole, don't you agree? The U.S. has placed plenty of Western-learning leaders into positions of power, Karzai, being one of them. Unfortunetly, none of them last as long. This is Karzai's second time back as a ruling puppet in Afghanistan. The last time I read, he is still trying to "intergrate" the Taliban into the government.

The United States is simply a hush-hush extension of the Bank of England.

Dont beleive me? ask BP...

In 1836, President Andrew Jackson, infuriated by the tactics of the bankers who were attempting to persuade him to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States, said, "You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws."
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815


Feeling good is good enough.
The most refined form of racism is to feel extraordinary empathy for those we consider inferior.


They roll their dices like equals... and should know the risks.

Or should they be treated to "other" much lower standards denied to fellow western law abiding citizens?

I mean... they are equal to any other sailor of the world.

I save all my empathy for returning Vets!!!

Nunya Biz

One word for Somalia's problems: Islam

Where do you think that ransom money is going? Food banks and shelters for poor downtrodden Somalis or maybe buying stuffed animals for sick children?

They stoned some poor little girl to death after she was raped so Somalia can go get fucked for all I care.


Too bad the Russians didn't do what the KGB would have done; which is executed them.
One word for Somalia's problems: Islam

Where do you think that ransom money is going? Food banks and shelters for poor downtrodden Somalis or maybe buying stuffed animals for sick children?

They stoned some poor little girl to death after she was raped so Somalia can go get fucked for all I care.


Too bad the Russians didn't do what the KGB would have done; which is executed them.

You actually need to change that one word to corruption. Corruption crosses all religious boundries.

Nunya Biz

You actually need to change that one word to corruption. Corruption crosses all religious boundries.

Generally I don't disagree, However there is no government to really corrupt in Somalia, Al-Shabab is the de facto government. They have suppressed the local media, routinely destroy any attempt by the government to regain control (the government controls only a tiny section of the entire country), have staged armed incursions into Ethiopia and Kenya killing among other things government forces and anyone who attends a different church, threaten to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa and extort businessmen, kill journalists, kidnap the few westerners who go to Somalia and of course stone 13-year-olds to death for being raped.

The links to piracy are a bit murky to find online unless you subscribe to trade journals about international affairs which I do but I can't link articles because you have to be a subscriber. I think I can copy and paste if you want to read them but they are very long.
Generally I don't disagree, However there is no government to really corrupt in Somalia, Al-Shabab is the de facto government. They have suppressed the local media, routinely destroy any attempt by the government to regain control (the government controls only a tiny section of the entire country), have staged armed incursions into Ethiopia and Kenya killing among other things government forces and anyone who attends a different church, threaten to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa and extort businessmen, kill journalists, kidnap the few westerners who go to Somalia and of course stone 13-year-olds to death for being raped.

The links to piracy are a bit murky to find online unless you subscribe to trade journals about international affairs which I do but I can't link articles because you have to be a subscriber. I think I can copy and paste if you want to read them but they are very long.

I'm sorry. I wasn't referring to the government, specifically, but those in power to do those horrible deeds. To me, those people are only using religion as an excuse to commit atrocities.

I could probably find some of those links through my university library.

Nunya Biz

Somalia Pirates: "Until then, we'll have to do what our forefathers did when they met

Somalia Pirates: "Until then, we'll have to do what our forefathers did when they met

I'm sorry. I wasn't referring to the government, specifically, but those in power to do those horrible deeds. To me, those people are only using religion as an excuse to commit atrocities.

I could probably find some of those links through my university library.

If your library has them try foreign affairs and jane's defence weekly both had fairly recent articles on cash flow analysis of the pirates and the insurgency.
Perhaps Jane's mentions the flow of money to Somalia from Canada to support these jihadist organizations.

The Canadian government is now looking at many of the illegal activities of the Somali community in Canada in regards to funding and supplying manpower for thier wars.

A naval and military blockade of Somalia and denial of refugee status would go a long way to stablizing that area of the world. To hell with Somalia.. Let them kill one another imho.
Perhaps Jane's mentions the flow of money to Somalia from Canada to support these jihadist organizations.

The Canadian government is now looking at many of the illegal activities of the Somali community in Canada in regards to funding and supplying manpower for thier wars.

A naval and military blockade of Somalia and denial of refugee status would go a long way to stablizing that area of the world. To hell with Somalia.. Let them kill one another imho.

They aren't killing one another. One group is killing innocent men, women and children who have no means of protecting themselves except for leaving their home and trying to run away.

If using naval and military blockages had any chance of actually working, countries with the capabilities would have already done so. Do you remember when the U.S tried using military means in Somalia? Do you remember how that turned out? o_O


Tropical Outcast
I could re-write the below quoted for Catholic Priests.

And those are here in the US and other westerly oriented countries fucking our children...and not somewhere half way around the world.

Why didn't you bring up out own religious problems first?

I suggest and strongly recommended trying to fix our own shit first.

Instead those Priests get away with...very easy.

One word for Somalia's problems: Islam

Where do you think that ransom money is going? Food banks and shelters for poor downtrodden Somalis or maybe buying stuffed animals for sick children?

They stoned some poor little girl to death after she was raped so Somalia can go get fucked for all I care.


Too bad the Russians didn't do what the KGB would have done; which is executed them.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

unless they're the 'welcome wagon' w/a fruit basket
they get blown right out of the water, kill 'em all.......



the pirates dont view themselves as pirates,they see them selves as the Somalian
coast gaurd.
apperently they are protecting there shore lines from toxic waste and other nasty things
and people.


Feeling good is good enough.
Talking about diversity!

Talking about diversity!

Pirate Punishments

Flogging with cat o'nine tails or rope end (togie)

As flogging was common naval method of enforcing discipline in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, flogging was therefore specifically outlawed on some pirate ships.

Tying to the Mast

Described in a court transcript in graphic detail for the benefit of newspaper readers at "The Tryal of Captain Jeane" of (1726). A lad aged 18 signed on to Jeane’s merchantman ship and was assigned duties as the Captain’s cabin boy. Accused of stealing a dram of run from the Captain’s quarters, whipped, pickled in brine and for nine days and nights was tied to the main mast, his arms and legs being extended at full Length; this did not satisfy the sadistic Captain, who had his former Cabin Boy untied and laid along the Gangway, where he trod upon him and encouraged all the Men to do the same. The Men refused and Captain Jeane was hanged.

Dunking from the Yard Arm

A traditional ceremony when crossing the equator, a sailor is attached to a spar which is hoisted high above the ocean and dunked repeatedly into the ocean, he’s attached so that he does not let go his grip with the surprise of hitting the water. A functional ceremony given primitive shipboard sanitation. The naval term "heads" refers to a hole in the head of ship for excretion purposes…

Sold in slavery

Piracy was both a rebellion and an economic activity. Pirates were not above selling shipmates as slaves, particularly those who had become outsiders whilst in a pirate company because they had transgressed the pirate codes or agreements. Selling a shipmate into slavery had a clear economic benefit to the ship's company.

Walking the plank

The offender could be blindfolded with hands tied behind the back and made to walk overboard. Not as common as its feared reputation.


The offender, sometimes stripped naked, was abandoned without fresh water on a desert isle such as one of the Tortugas, a group of flat coral reef islands north of Cuba and off the south of the Florida Keys (also known as Cays).

A token of mercy was to be given a firearm or knife, to withhold such means to a swift end was a particular torment.

There are accounts that marooning was a particular punishment for sodomites: the accused couple being abandoned together,


The most feared pirate punishment of all: a rope was passed under the ship from side to side as would be used for scraping barnacles off the ship's keel. The offender to be keelhauled was attached to the rope and thrown overboard and the rope pulled so as to force the offender underwater, underneath the ship's hull and up the other side. He might surface, gasp for air and taunting by his pirate comrades and then be keelhauled back underwater.
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Feeling good is good enough.
Nothing but thugs on boats...

Give'em what they preach:


Helps them sink faster to the crab's dinner table...


Feeling good is good enough.

Taken from your link:

"No, this doesn't make hostage-taking justifiable, and yes, some are clearly just gangsters – especially those who have held up World Food Programme supplies."

These are the ones I am referring to