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SOMA is in the hospital!!



He hasn't said yet BOG, if you follow my link (in my post above) you'll find his thread in which he announces he's in the hospital, and states he'll let us know the date of his surgery. That will be the thread to check for news.


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
BushyOldGrower said:
I should call Soma as I know the crisis he faces all too well. It is easy for others to say open heart surgery is no biggie but it is...

Bog - it's always a biggie for the person undergoing the surgery, very scary. However aortic valve surgery has been done since 1962 and both the procedure and materials have improved immensely to the point where the risk is pretty low.

So I am fully optimistic that Soma will be ok - but also know this will not alleviate the worry and anxiety he and his family must be feeling.

:friends: -MGJ


New member
hope everything goes well.
nothing but good vibes and positive thought goes out to you my friend.
after the storm the sun will shine.
PEACE, LOVE and the best wishes to you


Soma we all will pray for a speedy recovery for you man, and hope that everything will go fine with surgery. Just take care when you get out and take it easy and don't over do it. May god bless you Soma and take very good care of you my friend.