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Solution to Fungas Gnats ????


I want to see what you guys think about this................
I've got a serious problem now with fungas gnats and within 3 days I have filled up a whole pack of sticky strips. As soon as I think I've got them under control another batch arrives, so I sprayed some neem oil and it's pretty much knocked em out. I've got this fog machine that I got a few Halloweens ago and was wondering if I applied a little neem in with the water in the tank, if it would have enough of an impact to bother. Anyone ever try this? I don't see why it wouldn't, but I'm worried about maybe mucking up the plants by blocking the stomata?
Any thoughts?


Buy some mosquito dunks, that should knock them out no problem.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
What are you growing in? If soil, rockwool, cooco, a layer of diatomaceous earth on top of the soil will prevent adults from getting into the soil to breed and will kill young coming out of the soil by ripping their exoskeletons to shreds.

FWIW, I had tons-o-gnats when I grew in rockwool. Switching to DWC I see 1-2 gnats per grow.


I have an infestation of those bastards. I did my second soaking of gnatrol tonight. I had been using the dunks but the gnats put bbq sauce on that shit and party. Plus its been clogging my droppers. I did a layer of de on top of my bags too I hope it knocks em down a bit. Good luck


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am in soil. I put a piece of dunk in water and let it sit a few days and then water with it, saving the dunk for next round. Killed then in 2 weeks or so.


Yea I know all the stuff I can buy,but I was just curious what anyone thought about using the neem oil and the fog machine as the delivery system.


FB, I have several soils and a 8 pot DWC with clay pellets. Both are in the same greenhouse. I've got the gnats under control now and was just wondering about the fog machine w/neem oil. I mean it's basically a fogger, so if I added a chemical agent, wouldn't it work? If the gnats kick back up I'm going to try the fog machine with a low dose of neem.

What are you growing in? If soil, rockwool, cooco, a layer of diatomaceous earth on top of the soil will prevent adults from getting into the soil to breed and will kill young coming out of the soil by ripping their exoskeletons to shreds.

FWIW, I had tons-o-gnats when I grew in rockwool. Switching to DWC I see 1-2 gnats per grow.


Fungus gnats sucks bad, and I struggle with it too when I grow, currently not. Peat and perlite.

They have symbiotic relations to plant-pathogens and carry them around, nothing like inducing a lil root-rot to soften up the roots for food for their larvae... They SUCK!

Next time, I'm gonna try a little pine-soap (I don't know how to translate it, but it's a mild pine-smelling liquid soap mostly used for washing wooden floors here) in the water, got the advice from a gardening forum. The soap clogs up their "skin" and suffocates both larvae and flies without damaging the plants. Concentration 1dl to a 10l bucket.

Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
a recommend a noose and a stool! I am SOIL 100% no RW./.
they have ruined a year of my life,, if the infestation is bad, start again, just start again.
I had them find my veg room and it was game over.
Tried everything you can from Predators, Dunks to all products, thought i had won, but i was wrong.
i know this sucks, but them fuckers wriggling on my healthy white roots is too much to bare.
the larvae are ruthless.. Other peeps swear by the nill gnat and the dunks,. i had no such luck.. sorry man!!!
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a recommend a noose and a stool! I am SOIL 100% no RW./.
they have ruined a year of my life,, if the infestation is bad, start again, just start again.
I had them find my veg room and it was game over.
Tried everything you can from Predators, Dunks to all products, thought i had won, but i was wrong.
i know this sucks, but them fuckers wriggling on my healthy white roots is too much to bare.
the larvae are ruthless.. Other peeps swear by the nill gnat and the dunks,. i had no such luck.. sorry man!!!

HAHAHA!!! Ya I feel ya, I had them in my eyes, nose, throat and everyfuckingwhere! at their "peak" when I was in my rooms...



These bastards are ruining my room! I just spread de over the tops of my bags again then spank the bags so the gnats that are dug in fly up and get covered. Folks that are just using mosquito dunks only be warned they will get immune to that shit you gotta hit them from all angles.


I have an infestation of those bastards. I did my second soaking of gnatrol tonight. I had been using the dunks but the gnats put bbq sauce on that shit and party. Plus its been clogging my droppers. I did a layer of de on top of my bags too I hope it knocks em down a bit. Good luck

HAHAHA again! I only saw it now gdawg... bbq-sauce... it cracked me up I laughed for 5 mins here! Hahaha!

Thx, hilarious... I hate the fuckers...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
FB, I have several soils and a 8 pot DWC with clay pellets. Both are in the same greenhouse. I've got the gnats under control now and was just wondering about the fog machine w/neem oil. I mean it's basically a fogger, so if I added a chemical agent, wouldn't it work? If the gnats kick back up I'm going to try the fog machine with a low dose of neem.

Never used foggers or neem and feel unqualified to comment on their effectiveness. Never used DE in a weed grow but have in my aquarium days as a hard core/extra heavy duty water filter. Water passes easily but nothing solid, DE particles are tiny, tiny tiny. Anything as gigantic as a gnat will never make it through and would get ripped to shreds trying.


To stop your gnat problem, you need to understand gnats themselves. They love moisture, especially moist soil. If there is moist soil they'll just land on top start burrowing about an inch or so into the soil and planting eggs. Gnatrol and neem oil are only temporary fixes! They are good at getting rid of existing gnats when you've already dealt with the source of the infestation. If you don't deal with the source, then you'll always have a recurring gnat problem.

Solution: Top dress your pots with an inch of perlite. This prevents gnats from even trying to burrow down into your soil. The perlite stays dry most of the time which deters the gnats since they love moist living conditions.

To reiterate: You will never get rid of your gnat problem with sticky strips, sprays, or dunks. To permanently get rid of gnats, you have to prevent them from burrowing into your soil. A dry/impermeable top dressing deters gnats from even landing on the surface.
Glad to see this thread going..I have also had these same problems for about 6 months with nothing working really..Gnatrol,dunks,there all no good really..

Im gunna try perlite topdressing on the next batch of seedlings i plant..

Thanks zbenjii's



1. Top dress with builders sand. It will conserve the moisture in the soil like a mulch and also shred the gnats has they try to burrow through it.
2. Bottom water/feed your plants
3. TREAT ALL plants in the household. What good is treating just your grow room and not the rest of the house? I don't care how good you think your seal is on your closet/tent/room, you DO have to get inside to work on them correct? Well then, all it takes is 1 stray to get inside and start laying eggs and you'll be back to square 1.
EDIT: I don't know if this has been mentioned, but you can also get mosquito dunks, crumble them up and add to your soil. Does no harm to the plants and the 'fungus' kills the larvae has they eat it.


the battle maybe over!

the battle maybe over!

gnats! battling for about 1 yr.
SWC w/ big net pots.

wont use Neem anymore (gnats bathed in it!). misquito dunks sprinked on top of hydroton. no effect. h2o2/water spray on hydroton - no lasting effect.

Finally went a bought playground sand from HD. baked it @ 250F for 40 mins. applied to top of hydroton. sand hardened on top! much better situation than i expected! Gnats instantly "bugged out". HIGH HOPES! i'll spray sand with h2o2/water. Hopefully, the mealy bugs will die too.

Dont fear sand. give it a go. dont forget to bake it! wish i did it long time ago.


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