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Solar Energy from your H.I.D.

Think Green

Active member
I was just cruising the webs & came across an item that sparked an interest in my brain. I'm looking for a high output air pump to use for some hydroponic applications & I came across a solar powered pond pump. Thinking Green, I pondered the possibilities of the "Reuse" of my H.I.D's lumination. I use a 600w Hps & have found that my particular lamp has an output of 95,000 lumens. I believe a direct hit of H.I.D light may be enough to power this pump. In correlation, after "lights out" the electric pump may kick in saving a total 12hr cycle of electricity. This application of energy reuse, if successful, may be repeated in similar applications.

Solar panels can produce electricity (just a wee bit albeit) even in very low light levels. In fact, I've heard of folks who have said they get a voltage reading across their solar electric panels on their home under bright moonlight. That said, the amount of power being generated at that low lux is of course low.

Solar panel manufacturers rate their modules assuming 1000 watts per square meter of sunlight. This amount is approximately the power sunshine produces on a clear day pointing directly at a solar panel. In terms of lux, this is just a simple conversion:

1 Lux is equal to 0.001496 watts/square meter


668,449 lux = 1000 watts/square meter

Having thoroughly weighed all the variables, I believe that this just may be possible and am welcoming any and all opinions on this idea. For anyone who has more knowledge on this than me & wants to chime in with some science, I have included a link below to a Solar Collector Efficiency Calculator.




I am into just about anything that is green and will save money in the long run. Will the hps light charge the solar panel? Typically watt ratio per panel sucks with solar panels, but hey its indoors and will be connected to something that would normally suck up some juice. Very cool ;)

Think Green

Active member
Here's the thing.... the light is on 12/12 regardless, the light would be present to flower the crop whether there is a panel present or not, thus "reusing" the light that's already running.
But to get enough direct light on that solar panel, it would be shading your plants, right?

the cannabis plants won't get 100% of the light, surely some may hit the floor/ground

I could very well be wrong, and it will be interesting to see how this project goes - but I'm pretty sure that if you have enough spare light to power the pump via a panel, you are wasting lumens that the plants could put to good use.

Good luck though, it will be interesting to see!

Think Green

Active member
I imagine that if moonlight can produce a hint of lux producing electricity, than we should be able to use residual light from maybe under the canopy of possibly an area where there is dead space with adequate light shining through. This object that got my gears turning was a pond pump with a built in panel, not a huge panel hovering in my tent, however the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. This is all hypothetical.

Think Green

Active member
I think about this all the time. I don't believe in wasting anything. I believe that we have such strong technology these days.... I can't imagine not introducing some of it into our indoor grows.
It makes sense for those of use that dont grow vertical or stadium grows. ALLOT of looms get tossed off to top and sides that dont gots no plants. Heck, most times during the grow cycle that plants dont even use up all the space/looms/footage there is!

Great Idea... cost per unit/cost per grow/ saving in Kw per grow+ savings in$$>Kw

Think Green

Active member
Ty Sum! :yes: I've been poking my nose around the controversial threads & just figured I'd add my brain goo in the mix.


I'm new here, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to place a system of solar panels outside, or on a roof and harness the direct sun's energy to power your equipment?

I'm just thinking about efficiency here.


the elctricity you catch from your hid what were you planning to do with it? because i know for sure you cant run your hid bulbs off the energy they produce. charging a small battery bank?


Cool thread here, I understand that the sun should work well for this however,

If you have a 10x10 ft room with 3 4x4 trays, there is enough light running off the side of the trays for some thing.

Perhaps a clever hood which adjustably relays light off the edges upward to a flexible cieling of solar panels could perhaps power pumps/fans/air stones etc. . . While still not using up precious room around trays used to check/rotate/water etc..

Not too much thought out here but I dig the ideas


a 600w hps puts out ~210w of light, even without a plant inside your cab you would get less than 50w (~10w is more realistic) from a solar panel - put some plants in and you may be able to light a few 0.05w leds with it but not more :/

Think Green

Active member
I was prompted by a pump that had a built in panel just to power the pump....I know that solar energy is better captured by the sun, but like I said...my gears got to turning. This idea was to possibly save my self a 12hr cycle on a pump....or perhaps a fan. Starting small here....not sure of the possibilities of this application.

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