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Soil vs. Hydro


Rubbing my glands together
Key word, "see".

The finished product can be nice as well, but never tastes great down to the ash or down to the roach. Properly grown organic buds are much more superior and medicinal due to the smoothness and cleanliness.

One of the stupidest statements I've read in a long time. But if you never get it right I can see that being the case.


Active member
One of the stupidest statements I've read in a long time. But if you never get it right I can see that being the case.

Haha, my hydro has been good-great. I have also smoked countless hydro nuggets that my friends grew. The fact is none of them tasted great all the way to the ash. All the best herb I have smoked has been organic soil and properly done outdoor organic. You can't beat a bud that had everything it could of ever wanted during the grow. I like when I can pick up a half burned bowl and it still tastes like it did when it is green.

If you talk shit, call names, or show negativity, at least do so with some facts, or instances behind it. See, your post was one of the stupidest posts I have ever read mainly because there is a huge difference between plants grown in mineral fertilizers and plants grown with organic methods. My 8 years of growing isn't that much, but damn, I can tell the difference between a hydro bud and an organic one from a mile away.


Ok let me kick this filly. Which pussy tastes better? Fat pussy? Skinny pussy? All taste is subjective.... If your patient has limited time ,as you say? Hydro is faster PERIOD. A semi-pro hydro grower can put quaility medicine in your patients hand SOONER. You can measure time not taste. Hydro can still be organic. Just not as easy


Rubbing my glands together
Wasn't calling names. Just said your opinion of taste, smell, medicinal value of organic vs hydro was stupid. There is no amount of proof i could show/produce would convince you otherwise because you apparently already know it all. Take it however you want. If you don't get the same value from your hydro setup/nute regiment, you haven't gotten it dialed in therefore you can't declare organic is the BEST. Ya dig?
I've done it both ways for years and actually prefer the taste from my hydro setup compared to the organics in the garden. Personal preference. Not saying one method is better than the other. Just stating that if you know what you're doing either can be just as good. To say otherwise is well, misinformed.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
you said every smoke could be the guy's last. that potential short timeline is even less reason to reach outside the wheelhouse of your experience. if you're starting from scratch with either approach, it's immaterial, but if you know a method well...let's just say if somebody were counting on me, i'd have to go with what i know.

the best tasting pot is the kind you can take to its potential - the batting average on that happening the first time with a method aint always great.


Active member
I can attest that out of all the buds i have smoked in my 15 years of smoking, the organic soil has been the best. Its not just because the mouth watering flavors, but the smoothness. I have a sensitivity to harsh buds due to scarring done to my lungs from pneumonia earlier this year. Now I have not had a hydro harvest this year, I have smoked plenty of hydro buds. I know I can sit there all day and smoke some good organic buds and have no ill effects on my lungs. However, if I have a sac of some hydro buds I can't make it passed a bowl. A big portion of it has to do with drying and curing as well, but I have grown some damn fine buds with GH and I just can't get down with it. I grew some Blue Ogre once and an organic grower "friend" of mine bought a half zip of it because he said it was some of the best chemy buds he had ever smoked. Now I am a better hydro grower than organic grower, but my organic herb gets way more compliments no matter how it looks.

However we will see how this Platinum Purple comes out with coco and canna coco base with a few other products. Quality wise at day 35 it is looking great. I hope the flavor is all there :)


Rubbing my glands together
I hope your flavor is there too. Makes the whole effort worth the time it took to grow it.
Harshness=something done wrong. period. And I find harshness is a result of a few things. Too much or not the proper amount of the correct nutes at the correct time during the grow, not a good flush, and no cure. People seem to think that in hydro more than what the plant really needs, is what the plants needs. People are set in their ways. I've had organic grown weed that was grown with premium guanos that taste just like shit. Have had hydro grown weed that was for all purposes unsmokable. It all depends on the grower and their experience with the nutrients/grow style, etc, whither organic or chemical, how they use what they have, how they time the grow to finish what's in the pot or res, how they flush, properly done organics don't need a flush, and how they cure it.
Your statement that organics is better, which I called stupid, granted maybe I shouldn't have been as critical as I was, was simply subjective to the experience you may have had. Nothing more nothing less. Wasn't meant to hurt you feelings or anything so sorry if I did. So i do apologize for that.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
depends on the grower.

some guys who grow in dirt are all high and mighty about "organic growing" and their shit sucks. some guys do great work in dirt. Ive always found organic a little harder to get dialed myself. just because its "organic" doesnt make it good. just makes it organic.
some guys fuck up hydro grows because they over do the nutes and under love the plants. and some of the hydro guys make the dirt guys really jealous with their results.

i just want good pot... i dont care if its hydro or organic...

i will say though that without a doubt some of the worst grown pot ive ever smoked was "organic". but, simply to repeat, organic is harder to do well ime/o. and easier to fuck up....


I hold El Roacho's
Wether it's Hdro or organic it's what you put into it and what you get out of it and how much love you put down into your work, Ive smoked Hdro that burned my chest so bad because it wasn't properly flushed and smoked organic and couldn't even feel any burning at all because it was flushed properly.. I grow hempy with FF and flush were my nugs taste smooth and the smoke taste is superior to growing Hdro...

You will get thousands of answers and everyone of us has a different answer so before your head fills up and burst your best bet is to start off in soil and do a small dwc grow as well and decide which you feel is best for you and your patient, I only have less then 5 grows under my belt but I read and ask for advice but what might work for me might not work for you so it's really up to you to decide which does it for you & your patients....


Active member
flavor is my main concern, as user has been a pothead since nixon was in office. the effects of the smoke would be a second in line but dont want to complicate things:thank you:

curious why flavor's your "main concern?" for me (old school grower/toker) flavor's mostly irrelevant. i'm not eating cannabis or using a vaporizor - i'm smoking it. the buzz is everything. i've grown both ways. and i find that hydro/coco/hempy buckets give me more high quality bud with less work.


Active member
best herb i ever tasted was grown in mendocino organically in amended soil.....but i have seen some really nice buds come out of my buddys hydro GH and seen really good buds grown in Coco at the LV cup....flavor was up there too. a few years ago i could barely bring myself to smoke my friends hydro buds...always tasted nutey. he upped his flush to 2 weeks and just used 2 part now and his buds have a nice lavender floral taste now...

it all comes down to your preference as a grower, because the end result most cant tell the difference...

i grew in hydro and hated it...too much water, too many meters, too much risk to over-fert or underfert, deficiencies, etc....if i spent more time and effort im sure i could dial it in....but i use soil for now because its more forgiving.


New member
curious why flavor's your "main concern?" for me (old school grower/toker) flavor's mostly irrelevant. i'm not eating cannabis or using a vaporizor - i'm smoking it. the buzz is everything. i've grown both ways. and i find that hydro/coco/hempy buckets give me more high quality bud with less work.

mostly because ive known this guy my whole life, and we have had tons of talks about how a baseball bat sized doob of brown ass flat mex will get you high, but the flavor is what makes the smoke good. the lingering effects are what i personally gauge my opinion of quality on. to me there are different delivery systems if the high isnt where you want it, step up to this six footer, but flavor can only be obtained thru quality. i guess wanting to make the best out his bad situation.


New member
you said every smoke could be the guy's last. that potential short timeline is even less reason to reach outside the wheelhouse of your experience. if you're starting from scratch with either approach, it's immaterial, but if you know a method well...let's just say if somebody were counting on me, i'd have to go with what i know.

the best tasting pot is the kind you can take to its potential - the batting average on that happening the first time with a method aint always great.

i guess i did sound a little pressed by time. cancer brings that element, but hes been sick for a few years, and the dudes a fighter, my time constraints are more like i try to remember to say things to him cuz he wont be around someday, but hes not like hooked up to machines or anything. i have enough bad experience to know where i have gone wrong in the past and know how to correct it. and i do know soil better. gotta agree that hes counting on me. thank you much bro.



my secret is out ! but i will never tell you where to get the seal skins, unless you stop boggarting the U235. brings new meaning to the term "killer pot".


anyone who would leave negative rep (without a return address) for something like that should be strapped down and kicked in the taint until they get a grip. (or pass out) which would probably happen first.

is someone actually taking things that seriously ?

so i abort baby seals and my plants glow in the dark..... is that a bad thing?:moon:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Organic soil outside. Compost and guano teas. Can't beat it if done right.

I kinda beg to differ. :D I think if you can get your hydro roots clean enough and use enough sugar than you match soil, but it is hard and even with a decade of experience I have to do it just right if I want those results


anyone who would leave negative rep (without a return address) for something like that should be strapped down and kicked in the taint until they get a grip. (or pass out) which would probably happen first.

is someone actually taking things that seriously ?

so i abort baby seals and my plants glow in the dark..... is that a bad thing?:moon:

I have the same sense of humor as you. some people just dont get dark humor. I'll pos rep you to make up for there lack of humor


done fifty flavors of hydro and a ton of soil and soil'ish growing....
last few years i am loving 100% coir in smartpots.
all the mobility and re-use properties of soil, and the feeding regimen and precision of hydro.


Active member
the nugs that placed top at our 420 cup were all grown in coco....ive seen some major shardy icy nugs come from coco setups.....but ive also gotten some super frost in soil but it takes a little longer...

i had a bad experiance with coco a few years ago but im thinking it might have been a genetics issue (club cuts)......gonna have to get back on....might try a coco/perlite mix and just run a simple GH 2 part...


Active member
the nugs that placed top at our 420 cup were all grown in coco....ive seen some major shardy icy nugs come from coco setups.....but ive also gotten some super frost in soil but it takes a little longer...

i had a bad experiance with coco a few years ago but im thinking it might have been a genetics issue (club cuts)......gonna have to get back on....might try a coco/perlite mix and just run a simple GH 2 part...

Dude, if you rock your strains in coco, you wont look back! I love it and I kind of fucked up this run with a few minor things. I think next run will be a different ball game. If I was to rock a strain like Blue Dream I think it would be fairly easy to get 2 #'s per 1000 watt. I think this lower yielding platinum purple, I will yield me 2 and a half-3 #'s under 2000 watts under a first time setup and new medium. The look of the bud is great though! I hope the flavor and smell is all there! I will be stoked if it is comparable to my organic soil grows in the tast and smell department.