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SOIL SOG by SOGGY Biscuits


Hey all...thought I would start another thread in here...if u havent already check out the Soggys Wonderful World of Weed Thread...anyway I decided to do an experiment with a few crops doing a Soil Sea of Green...

Table 1 is on day 17 of flower tomorrow but I would say its more like day 14 bc of a few days recoup after giving every clone in my house HOGs bug dip...i think some of the Newlines clones i had had bugs so anyway...things are on the up and up...bugs are gone and they have bounced back from the dip...

so as of right now they are just in 6" pots and doing great...i vegged and topped primarily in 18oz cups...so that i transplanted to 6" pots like 7 days before flower so they are not even close to being rootbound...its great to see how well they are doing in just 6" pots...i will be putting another 6" pot below each current one to allow the roots to just grow thru all of the holes I cut and root the lower pot as well...that is all they will need space wise...

however the babies im flippin tonight were vegged longer in 6" (topped 2-3 times a piece and also trained down- so there are tons of tops)...i think after stretch they will need more space for their roots as well and instead of just giving them more 6" pots im going get some rubbermaids..cut holes in the bottoms...put them on the table and put each strain in its own Rubbermaid that has most of the tub filled with soil/perlite

...basically there will be one tub with 6 bushy Rescue Me...one tub with 6 SuperSkunks...and the last tub with 6 GWS...im thinkin ill get at least 2oz off each of these ladies...so times 18 thats not bad...plus i have a feeling some of these are going to yield 3oz...anyway here are just two pics for now of the two tables and one of the ladies that were flipped tonight...


hope ur all doing well tonight...take care and as always grow on!!

love peace and chicken grease

soggy bottoms :abduct:
Gday Soggy

Gday Soggy

I envy the amount of space you have to work in. Sweet little set up. Look forward to seeing your SOG in full swing man.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production


I'll probably be switching to tables in the future so it's nice to see how others set things up.

GreatLakes THC


Active member
Damn Sog, man...doin things BIG as usual! Glad to see ya over here in the soil runs.....the taste is so much better, it's the kind you def. keep for ya own stash! Hope you got them lil buggers deceased already and ya clones are looking good! peace, tRu


Glad to see you came from the darkside back to the rightside and decided to grow in soil.

Soil growin rocks....good work soggy you little freak


I love to see my friends finding that soil is better....great work soggy....keep us updated..


well here u go Hash...

well here u go Hash...

Hey guys!! THanks for stoppin in and for the props! THings are going well as of right now...ull see in the pics they could look better but that Bug DIP i gave them all had its effects...some leaves got burnt but all new growth is looking great! Sucks a bit bc some plants were not affected at all by the dippin and some were set back id say a good 4-5 days at least...anyway today is only day 19 of flower so I think they should recover just fine...here are some closer shots of Table 1...oh yea...i moved them all around now too since strecthing should be about over...i had the ones i knew would stretch most (SuperSkunks) in the middle of the table getting the most light to keep them tight...now i moved the tall ladies to the sides and all the topped and trained ones are in the middle now...they are happy campers!



forgot to mention i have now given them a good pruning of fan leaves twice...if need be i will do it one more time at the end of the 4th week of Flower...dont think theyll need it tho now
take it easy guys and gals!! have a safe and enjoyable weekend!


soggeroo :abduct:


Becareful pruning those fan leaves in flower bro.

I've found that leaving those fan leaves on increases bud growth.

I tried both side by side in my NL grow and the side left unpruned yielded an extra jar.

I think that cutting off the large fan leaves stresses the plant since these are major energy factories for these plants.

Either way great work I look forward to tasting these nugs