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Soil fert in Hydroponics


Hey, im currently considering changing to Hydroponics and i was wondering if it is possible to use soil fertilizer in hydroponics. I cant find no stores around here with Hydroponics ferts and the ones i found on online stores becomes very expensive to buy there, however i am able to find soil fertilizer.:thank you:


Enormous Member
You need to get a TDS meter. Most important hydro tool ever. Is there a nutrient strength dosage chart on the ferts? Shoot for 1000 ppm in veg, and 1500 in flower, and you should be golden.


Active member
I'm telling you dont waste your time,Hydro nutrient atre formulated for growing in a soilless medium most being 2 or three part formulas wich include micro and macro nutrients.That you are not going to find in ferts made for soil.
You cant take a bottle of miracle grow mix it with 5 gallons of water and expect to complete a cycle .If it could be done we would'nt spend the $ we do on hydro nutes.


what if i brew seaweed would that be enought to mix with a soil nute? I live next to the sea :)
also i read that you can had bat guano to the mix if you let it sit over night and filter the particles.


New member
As long as the ferts are water soluable you CAN use them. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on ferts. MG will do. You can add admendities as you see fit. Don't know about the Bat poop, never used it or seaweed tea.


Active member
gh florabloom $25 gallon 2 gallons micro $50,Ph test drops 6$, ph up and down $10,hydr0ton 10 $,net cups 5$,air pump 10$,air hose 5$,18 gallon tote 10$
130 $ .Its not that expensive to do it right ,Please keep a journal though.when you end up with deficiances or complete failure ,dont take offense when I'm the first one to tell you "Told you so"


New member
MG is a good product man. The question was, "if it is possible to use soil fertilizer in hydroponics?" And you reply was, "You cant take a bottle of miracle grow mix it with 5 gallons of water and expect to complete a cycle .If it could be done we would'nt spend the $ we do on hydro nutes." I challage that statement. As long as it's water soluable. I've seen grows done with just water, wouldn't recommend it thou


Active member
Ive been doing Dwc for 5 years now ,I can definately tell you straight water grows dont happen and I know that for a fact.My second point is you cannot use soil ferts and expect to have any positive results .You will have deficiancies and the op would have no acess to products to corect these issues. I suppose the OP can grind up sea shells to fix a cacium defficacy.
I visit the hydro thread frequently and have never seen a grow using soil ferts in hydro .It is definately not recomended or done on a regular basis.you As far as adding gauno to your res I would'nt recomend it.GH sells a seaweed additive But thats used in they're Organic line .The OP could read threw the Organic thread For more info on making his own nute and teas I guess.I dont think he'll find much about using soil ferts since those are not organic.Maybe he'll find another method with materials available.I dont grow Organic hydro and I dont know that much about it.But I can rock DWC .
You or anyone else can challange me ,but I'm not wasting my time or space to prove that its an experiment that will be plauged with problems and little if any yeild.
dicalcium phosphate. DCP. dunno if its quite water soluble, but its something you could try for a cal def. in a dwc with soil nutes...

dunno, just sayin'.


Active member
if your gonna use soil ferts grow in soil,You'll get better results,Trying to use nutes designed for soil will not work in hydro with better results than if he stayed in soil .waste of time and space for a subpar yeild if any


Active member
this may help
Hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil and only water and using home made hydroponic fertilizer or any fertilizer for hydroponic. Often gardeners use materials like coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, sand, perlite, rockwool or lava rock to hold the plant erect. The water contains the nutrients and micronutrients that soil normally provides.

When you make a home made hydroponic fertilizer, you need to include nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, sulfur, manganese, molybdenum and boron. If you have a deficiency of any of these, it damages the growth of the plant. For instance if your water doesn't contain enough manganese the plant has stunted growth and there's a yellow and green checkered pattern on the leaves. Sulfur deficiency leaves the new leaves pale green and stunts the growth.

pests,deficiency and diseases of hydroponics

Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous deficiency also stunts the growth of the plant but with a phosphorous deficiency the plant has a red or purplish cast instead of the yellow from too little nitrogen. A lack of calcium causes new growth to die. Iron deficiency shows up as a yellow leaf but you can still see the dark green in the veins. Molybdenum deficiency leaves stunted and malformed leaves, while the tips of the leaves scorch with a boron deficiency. Copper and magnesium deficiency cause the plants leaves to wilt and zinc deficiency makes them papery in appearance and yellowed.

While it's a lot to learn, its important to remember so you can adjust your water nutrients if you see signs of deficiency in your hydroponic plants. To provide all the nutrients you need to mix first the base formula and then add the micronutrients. The base formula is made from 5 ounces each of sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate and potassium nitrate mixed with 7 1/2 ounces of superphosphate and 2 1/2 ounces of magnesium sulphate.

The trace minerals you grind in a separate container include 1/2 ounce of iron sulphate, 1/2 teaspoon of manganese sulphate, 1/2 teaspoon of boric acid in the powdered form, 1/4 teaspoon each of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate.

Once you grind them together in a fine powder, add it to the base formula. Put a teaspoon of the mixture into a quart of water and use a liquid ounce of this for every three gallons in the nutrient system. The formula only lasts 24 hours once you mix it with the water for use.

Another idea for a hydroponic fertilizer is to make a tea from seaweed. Soak the bag of seaweed for several days in the sun. Add a teaspoon of Epsom's salt for every gallon of liquid tea. Mix this in your feeding reservoir. Be sure to continually check the pH of the water. You need to maintain it at a 5.5 to 6.5 level. It easily gets out of whack and no matter how well you take care of your plants, if you have too high of pH you'll lose them.

Hydroponic growing is fun, easy and provides a huge crop in a small area. With your own home made hydroponic fertilizer, try experimenting with other teas if you want an organic garden. Bat guano, earthworm casings, eggshells and other organic material can go into the mix. You might even add a few vitamin B tablets. Mix small amounts in your feeding reservoir until you find the one that doesn't leave tell tale signs

good luck


We are Farmers
Just order a bag of maxi bloom online. It is dirt cheap and will last awhile. Insanely easy to use as well.

This is what I was going to post. I would recommend against using any kind of organic nutes in your hydro setup. It can be done but it is a lot harder than running a sterile res. Get some Maxibloom, Silica Blast, SM-90 and pH Up and Down and you will be set. You will also want to have a pH meter and an EC meter. Best of luck on going hydro.


Active member
I can attest that I have used a slightly modified lucas formula with well water, tap water, and RO water and it has worked every time. For years I never picked up a pH or EC meter. I just recently started using them due to switching to coco. I do know that if you use just maxi bloom you will get nice results. Look up the water quality in your area and let us know what you find so we can give you better recommendations.


Hm, guess ill have to spend more $$ if i want do to hydroponics. Im currently growin on soil i was thinking bout changing to hydroponics because of the temps and to keep it more clean, the only way i can buy those nutes is from an online store.