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Soil amendments....... opinions?

Setting my holes today and next couple days im planting my clones. Im using
1.4lbs of dry Epsoma Plant tone
2lbs of wet organic compost
3lbs of Dry promix

im digging my hole roughly 6gallons mainly wider than deep and mixing my amendments+native soil+stream sedaments and doing the layer effect of organic rotting material in the hole to hold moisture a little better also mulching my base of the roots too.

any opinions????

Thanx :cathug:


Strongly consider getting some pulverized dolomite lime into the mix- approx 2T/gallon of soil- although ProMix has a tiny bit, your plants will eat it before flower when you really need it...

I find the 'Tones breakdown slowly- the nitrogen is slow release- says so on the package... You may need an additional fertilizer. Biotone starter may be a better choice if you have to go Tone...

The compost is the wild card- quality varies widely. It may be 'hot' and toast your clones...

How about some earthworm castings? A bit of coco like the Moonshine Mix???

I'd be tempted to go a bit bigger than a 6 gallon hole- maybe 10ish? Depends on the available water.

Make a few seeds for us while you're out there!

Best of Luck