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SOG too short?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I tried to keep it simple :) Hope it helps...

Space between the containers, cheap growbags, no real problem, when you have SoGged your way to riches, you can treat them to some nice new 6" square pots to max root space, just in case it makes a slight difference. As you have spotted, it is all about The Canopy... filling the space, maxing the light usage. Getting a Stadium not a Dome...

I think your Bonsai mums and small cuts are probably the best, if you take the biggest clones off large mums, they are already at the size you would like to flower them at, slightly smaller, with nice woody stems, is good. Then you can flower them really small, have nothing shaded, just 49 Donkey Dicks...

Like at Harvest time, if you label your plants, take photos, record everything, it makes fine tuning the whole thing easier and faster. I bet your best plants are not the biggest you flower, but the lushest, most vigorous growing, if you can look back at some photos of the harvested ladies 2 months ago, you can learn a lot, very quick.

If you put a taller strain or Pheno in the pots around the edge you can do well, think about the Stadium and Vertical growing techniques

Best of luck, will keep an eye out for your reports, I really miss my SoGs, you can learn so much so quick, I might have to set one up just for my own experiments.


I have them arrayed in a bowl as best I can, but there's not a whole lot of difference in height. The outer girls are 3 or 4 inches taller than the ones in the center, max. Pretty uniform growth actually, except for the 3 runts. As you say, I might need a second strain if I want to really grab all that peripheral side light. No biggie though because I'm adding another 1k after my next harvest. That will be 3 1ks over a 12'x6' (12'x5' really since I'm going to leave a strip empty along the edgee) area so plenty of overlap. The 3rd light is going in the middle, so there will be pretty good light coverage for most of the area, and less need for tall girls, since there will be less perimeter/low-light area.

Thanks for the luck. I promise I won't bail on this thread. No point to keeping one if I'm not going to post yields.


I have a question for you guys who have run SOGs. I want to put 5-7 days of veg in between cutting under flouro stage and flower under 1k HPS stage. I have a 250w HPS over a 2'x3' flood table that I currently use for early veg for bushes. I'm thinking about buying some 2" net cups and using it to veg my SOG. Do you think 2" cups are big enough? I have a 400w MH I could use but for now I'd rather use it to veg bushes (basically I take my moms due for retirement from the other 400w MH and put them under the second 400w to get them big enough to flower). I like having this safety net so I always have something to drop into flower should a currently flowering crop go south. I'm trying to figure out if 2" cups are big enough, or if I should go with 3", and if I should use the 250 HPS, or the 400w MH. I can fit more girls under a light if I go with 2", but it's not like I need that many girls so I can go with 3" if the 2" are going to be too small.


The SOG guys are right, I'm at day 26 since the switch and I'm still seeing vertical growth. Now most of them are 12 to 15" tall. There are a couple of stragglers, and a couple are 16" tall, but most are in that 12-15" range. It's a lot easier to see this post stretch vertical growth when they're single stalks.


you can veg in red 16 oz cups. I have had plants get pretty big in those cups. drill or poke a couple holes in the bottom, sides etc to meet your needs. I did E&F so I had holes in the bottom and side. You may just need a drain hole if using soil or soil type medium

you are not trying to veg monsters, 2" pots would be fine.

The 250W would be fine to.

Just dont let them get to big.

Remember your 1000 only penetrates so far and your plants are only going to produce a cola that is so big. you dont need plants 3' tall


Yeah I'm going to let the yield be the ultimate decision-maker here. If I get .75g/w or more then I'm not going to sweat the veg too much. In that case, I'll probably try putting the clone tray under the 400 for a few days to try to jump-start them a bit. But if I don't get that kind of yield I want to have something in place and ready to go for the next batch.

It's not so much that I think I need tall plants. Maybe a little. Where they are now probably isn't all that far off in terms of height. But I do worry about root development, and whether it was good enough at the beginning of flower.

Thanks for the advice.


Respect Chaos Cat........excellent advice.....

Respect Chaos Cat........excellent advice.....

Bro.......Not tryinta be right or wrong , but if you`re still seein vertical growth , then you`re still buildin roots and stretch ain`t over........guaranteed.....

Not sayin your cut`s not OK done at 8 weeks , but it`s not an 8 week strain/variety or vertical growth would`ve ceased at 21-22.5 days.......

Take em ta 10 weeks and you`ll be amazed at the difference in potency , flavor , and smell ........IF........you can stand it that long and it`s not fukin up yer rotations......

The real proof I suppose is watchin the trichs and knowin where yas want em color wise for what you like ta smoke and such......but...

I was told my Chem D`s were an 8-9 week strain , but at 10-11 it was narcotic.....and......it stopped stretchin vertically and started swellin at or around 28-30 days , so the scientific formula of 40% rings true IME..............

Good luck Bro....DHF......


The real proof I suppose is watchin the trichs and knowin where yas want em color wise for what you like ta smoke and such......but...
Not doubting you DH but yeah that's how I calculated flower time for this strain because it's from bagseed. I might have been off by a few days obviously but the high goes downhill (couchlock) the further I take it past 8 weeks and 50/50 cloudy/amber.


That`s why they make chocolate and vanilla ice cream Bro , you can take em at any time for your preference......but......I was only saying that each strain will stretch and build roots till it`s done , and that determines the strain`s "actual" finish time for the actual results it provides at that age......not what folks like better from taking it sooner due to their personal preference....

Any strain/variety taken early will exhibit the sativa-ish daytime smoke quality , but not because it wants to , only that it was made to from early pickings.......

As you said , it degraded to couchlock taken beyond 8 weeks , but maybe that`s the nature of it`s genetic makeup from the get........I`m just sayin.....it`s still stretchin....

If yas like the buzzier type strains , then SOG`s of em would stretch like mofo and give yields from Hell straight from rooted cut......

Just tryin ta help Bro....DHF.....:ying:....


Day 30 pics (sorry the closeups suck, I'll use macro next time):


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Thanks. They are starting to look sexy aren't they. :) I guess the discoloration is nute burn. I haven't figured out their diet yet, since I found out the mix I was giving them was nowhere close to Lucas. Seems like they need a lot less PPMs now.


I'm not sure exactly when I took these. I usually file and label them right away but didn't for these. I took some pics on the 1st and I know it was a few days after that. I think they're from the 5th or maybe a day before or after. That puts them around day 46 in these pics. It's a trip how much weight they've put on over the last couple weeks. They get visibly fatter every day. They're a lot fatter now than in these pics. Only 10 days to go!


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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I have a question for you guys who have run SOGs. I want to put 5-7 days of veg in between cutting under flouro stage and flower under 1k HPS stage. I have a 250w HPS over a 2'x3' flood table that I currently use for early veg for bushes. I'm thinking about buying some 2" net cups and using it to veg my SOG. Do you think 2" cups are big enough? I have a 400w MH I could use but for now I'd rather use it to veg bushes (basically I take my moms due for retirement from the other 400w MH and put them under the second 400w to get them big enough to flower). I like having this safety net so I always have something to drop into flower should a currently flowering crop go south. I'm trying to figure out if 2" cups are big enough, or if I should go with 3", and if I should use the 250 HPS, or the 400w MH. I can fit more girls under a light if I go with 2", but it's not like I need that many girls so I can go with 3" if the 2" are going to be too small.

From what I have seen, it would be best to transplant straight into the flowering pots you are going to use in the SOG.

It is critical though, so try a few different experiments and look at the differences, the rewards for getting a couple more grams per plant are multiplied by harvest time, so play around testing things, it is time very well spent.

I would stick them under the 400w Halide myself, if anything it should make them healthier and stockier than an HPS.

Also, when you have them transplanted, experiment with constant flows, the best clones I ever saw were fed constantly. You only have a tiny rootsystem poking out at the beginning, so give it everything.

For ages we went wrong, transplanting 1" rockwool cubes into 3", often hacked about ghetto style under some flouros for a day or two, just waiting for roots to begin coming out of the 3", often on poorly chosen surfaces that allowed 3d root growth, so when they were put out onto NFT tables most of the new roots snapped off.

Then we began using plastic corrugated sheets [hacked from the bottom of 4' Rockwool trays, the 12 spiked grooves type sold in the UK] and ran spreaderless NFT under them. This way the roots exit cube bottom, but turn 90 degrees sideways and grow fat, purely horizontal up the mini channels. Eventually, much better, more uniform results came with the switch to 2" cubes, standalone, not transplanted into any other rockwool cubes and the same corrugated plastic/NFT flow in the propagator, so as soon as a root shows, it gets a flow, grows like mad.

you are doing things differently, cool, no problem, my point with the story really is, that, especially with SoG, total care and careful experimentation at this stage, however you do it, will lead you to really improve, the flowering process is more of a just plug in and press PLAY once the room is dialled in.


Wow.......the girls look good even if yas did give em lil bit too much juice......Chaos nailed it with flower being "plug and play" once you dial the environment and plant`s needs......

I think you could double the plant numbers from what I see in the pics with room between each plant for another 1 if they stay that size till finish , and yields would increase exponentially........

Regardless..glad things turned out better than yas were thinkin earlier.........Killer job Bro.......

Take care and good luck.......DHF....:ying:....


Dude, where's my car? I parked in your grow and can't find it in that sea.


Cant wait for the plug and play. Was out of the game for a year and half, and all the little nuance's are driving me mad. Should be on lock second run though.