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SOG too short?


Ironic this is, since not too long ago I was trying to figure out how to keep a SOG short. Now that I'm actually trying SOG, It's too short!

It's an Indica or heavily Indica dominant strain. I put them into flower as soon as they were rooted. They responded very well, going from about 2 inches above the medium, to an average of 6-9 inches above the medium in a week. But now I'm on day 10 and they're not stretching nearly as quickly. They haven't stretched nearly as quickly for the last 3 or 4 days. 80% or more of them are 9 to 11 inches tall. I raised the light because I think that's why they stopped stretching, they grew into the light enough that they were happy with where they were, and started filling out and adding root mass instead of stretching.

Should I be worried? This strain usually slows down in week 3 and doesn't stretch much after 21 days. Is there anything else I can do to make them start stretching again? I'd like them about 18" tall, at least. I know it's not the nutes because I've been really on top of PPMs.

I just don't want to get a crappy harvest because they're stunted. Am I just being an old hen?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Day 10 is early times, give them more time and over a 6-8 week period hopefully they will be a big fat single cola about 3' long.


Well if you say so. I can't argue with experience. Do your girls stretch all the way through?

You really think I'm going to see 3' girls here? Not that I need them that tall. I'd be happy with 18". I'm confident raising the light will get more stretch out of 'em. But I'm thinking that if I don't see a good response in a couple of days, I'll drop the light back down a few inches so they can fatten up. The reflector glass is about 18" from the tops of the tall ones right now. What do you think?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I keep my light as close as I can throughout the whole grow. The stretch does not happen over night Dude, it is a gradual process with an indica. If you had a sativa in there you would probably be beating it back down with a stick by now.


OK, I'll just shut up and wait then. I just don't want any disasters like my last crop. I don't want to fuck up by not paying close enough attention, like I did last time. I took a New Orleans kind of attitude and it took a HUGE bite out of my ass. Never again.


I think you still have some time. Have you been feeding them veg nutes? I think nitrogen helps there.

Thats what dialing in is all about. Next time veg them a little longer if they dont work out


I feed them Lucas at the same PPM through veg and flower. I want to reach a peak in my yields with everything else before I start playing with different nute regimes. And I have veg and flower sharing the same reservoirs so I'd have to change some stuff up to run different concentrations.

Yeah I think I'll probably veg them a few days next time, unless they turn out perfect this time. I'm going to take more cuttings next time too. I've got 3 girls that are only 5 or 6 inches tall, and three more that are look hopeless at this point, they're only like 2 or 3 inches tall. I'm keeping them in the middle for now but they're going to get yanked if they haven't taken off in the next couple weeks.


Active member
I've struggled with this as well when trying SOG on strains I'm not familiar with. Its just dialing in the strain...
Blue dream haze is a picky one in SOG, give her one day too much veg and she'll stretch out of control. on the other hand, gdp can use a good week-10day veg before being ready to properly fill in a SOG.

If they are indicas and only 5-6 inches tall at this point, then yah, veg that strain a few days next time.


Active member
It sounds like the OP is not doing a true SOG. You are going to have to veg them for like 2 weeks before they are ready to give you anything decent.

If you are running REZ..or Lucas...You can try adding a Floralicious Grow during veg..and even 1 week in to flower if you want to try and beef that bitch up. Floralicious plus is also a great supplement.

Either way...you are going to have to learn exactly what this strain likes to do...and not all clones are going to grow at the same exact interval..some will be vigorous...and others will be duds...this is not your fault though. Just luck of the draw.

Let us know how it turns out.


They look like they picked up a bit. Most of them were 7-9" tall yesterday, not 5-6". There were 3 that were 5-6", and 3 that were "duds," but the rest were 7-9".

I just measured a few, and they seem to be responding well to the raised light. They all put on about an inch in a day. The tallest were 10", now they're 11", and the average seems to be 8-10" now.

If I get .25z each I'll be satisfied, and if I get .5z or more each I'll be thrilled.


Any duds I had were from plants that were not real well rooted. Sometimes I was in a hurry and was ready to start the next cycle and took every clone I had. 90% + were well rooted but a few would only have a couple roots showing through the rapid rooter plug.


If the temperature drops during the dark period, it will minimize the stretch.
I don't know your room temps, but keeping it above 75 at night(and day) makes for more stretch, overall growth rate and a faster maturation.


Any duds I had were from plants that were not real well rooted. Sometimes I was in a hurry and was ready to start the next cycle and took every clone I had. 90% + were well rooted but a few would only have a couple roots showing through the rapid rooter plug.

Yeah, same here. I put all the clones showing roots into 12/12. Next time I take cuts I plan to have about 20% more than I need so I don't have to use the duds.

If the temperature drops during the dark period, it will minimize the stretch.
I don't know your room temps, but keeping it above 75 at night(and day) makes for more stretch, overall growth rate and a faster maturation.
Good to know. My room doesn't have much in the way of heating so temps drop at lights off. That's part of why I run lights on at sundown. Less heat during lights on in the summer, less cold during lights off in the winter.


I just measured a few, and they seem to be responding well to the raised light.

DO NOT, raise your light for stretch. Now if they are responding well because the light was to close before (heat) then okay. But raising the light to cause the plants to stretch is counter productive. You'll end up with airy buds, not tight compact ones like you get with tight internodal lengths.
You DONT want Indicas to stretch. You want them squat and compact as possible.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
live and learn, that's why you run a strain multiple times before you know it

2 inch plants also seem a little small, you should let them hit longer, before hitting flower,

you might also want to give them all a little bend in the same direction, to get some more branching, and so there all leaning over the same way..

from tick, SOG king ! :



Um, as far as I know, Lucas, the guy who made the Lucas formula, fed it to his plants in veg and flower, in the same concentrations.

And for Pete's sake get off the 2" thing. There are three, THREE plants in there that WERE 2" tall. They grew an inch light cycle before last, and probably grew a good bit last cycle (can't check till lights on, at sundown). Most of them were between 8 and 10 inches tall. Can't you guys read? I'm worried about the ELEVEN INCH PLANTS being too short. I know the 3" plants are too short, and are probably going to be culled or put on the perimeter.

And I know it's not a good idea to raise lights too much, but 18" is the minimum recommended distance for a 1k, at least in flower. Any closer than that and plants burn in my experience. They do okay closer than that during stretch, though.