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socializing at the gym


Active member
JEEESUSS. Whip it out next time.....FUCKIN WEIRD. I really don't get it. That's 5 minutes I'll never get back.

If you were really serious you'd buy weights and exercise shit and work-out at home.

Please, call me a douche. Validate ME....Fuckin punk-ass, whinny.....REAL MEN?

"I sure wish all these women would just quit looking at my dick and just leave me alone." You probably had toilet paper stuck on your foot.

BTW, you doing jumping jacks are a very important part of speedo modeling. :tiphat:

h^2 O

When I go to the gym I don't make eye contact with anyone. Wear sunglasses most of the time and headphones. Nothing worse than running on the treadmill with a mild boner.


High Grade Specialist
i picked up my ex-gf IN FRONT of the gym, but as soon as i go in im in my own little world and dont talk or acknowledge anyone. unless someone is blocking the squat rack or wants to talk to me.


Active member
she is like flirting with me almost everyday, but won't talk. She kind of laughs or smiles at me.

...I like history and drive a 944 up hills.

Also, I really don't enjoy water on me and/or coffee, but don't want to get fired. :)


Girls only care about one muscle.

the penis is not a muscle

the asshole is though


Women in the gym do not like it when guys at the gym stare at them or even try to talk them... only a social idiot would think otherwise ... you probally scared her from staring at her akwardly and thinking such lame thoughts

we can't say that all women are all the same (maybe in some aspects..)

can't say they will all react the same

:) my humble opinion


I'm pretty social at the gym if lifting. Either you're not as big as someone else and could use advice, or you see some scrawny kid making an ass of himself and give him a few pointers. As far as women go, once you get all pumped and your juices are flowing why wouldn't you talk to a few? Everyone needs a spotter :biggrin: IME Most women who go to gyms are there to appreciate/ be appreciated. If they didn't want to be hit on they would go to the all women's gym.

During cardio I'm in the zone. Headphones on, eyes straight ahead. I get pretty pissy if I have to talk to people while on the treadmill lol. I hate cardio.


In that case, I talk to people all the time at the gym. There's only one squat rack and I hate waiting. Where else am I going to do curls? :D

There's a guy at my gym who is DD. That guy has a pair. Not a girl in there he won't chat up. And none of them tell him to fuck off. I'm thinking he's actually Kaiser Soze.


This is @ your apt complex? Dude talk about a random fuckup... she's a neighbor who clearly wanted a piece of you... but ya let it slip away.

That being said, if I'm at a REAL gym, not an apartment complex bullshitter, then no, I don't talk to people.


Active member
Hear about the guy who took 3 viagras before he went to the gym?

He couldn't get through the front door.......

My point ? What muscle are you using?

Can't even build a slight tolerance to lactic acid.Sheesh! She was probably reading your shirt that says:

"Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers"


i go with one buddy who is my spotter and i his. i talk to no one else there for the most part. i really dont like the whole gym atmosphere, i just like being in shape and having girls look at me outside the gym.


I know right? its on the list...but this ones at my apt complex and its a short walk and free so...

Try and train at the same time you first encountered her. You'll likely see her again.

I'd make sure she doesn't live in the same building or complex. She could heat up the spot.

Good luck.