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socal 2010 outdoor guerrilla grow


this will a joint-op with me and T.rips this will be our 2nd grow

we got 10 fem early skunk from sensi and 10 original haze x skunk#1 freebies. we will hopefully pop all 20 tonite
i'll be posting pics of the seeds and water source in a bit.
2 plots of 5 earlyskunk each and a seperate plot for the OHxS
the ES plots will have a drip system each, the OHxS we will water ourselves.
we havent decided soil yet but for nutrients we have Earth Juice Bloom and EJ Grow. the ES plants will go in 7 gal. pots and the OHxS will go into 42gal.(?) rubbermaids

edit: plans have changed, you'll just have to tune-in for updates.
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Nice looking beans lol

any pictures of your plots? Im gonna start scouting out a new spot myself for this year (got robbed last grow =(.. ) Just waiting on the weather to warm up. Its still FREEZING here in the northeast. Are you starting them bad boys (or should i say girls..) indoors?


Boomer- ya we got ripped last year too:lightning: and no we arent starting our little girls indoors its already 70F in So Cal...so they should do good outdoors..ill upload some photographs of our plots tomorrow and let everyone know if the little ladies popped or not..until then..



photo update with two of the spots & our water source
the seeds have been germing in the paper towel method for 20+ hours 0/20 have popped yet should i be worried? the seeds looked extremly small imo.


That looks like a great setting, I think your plants may become confused with the lighting schedule that exists outdoors this early in the year IMO. I believe plants may even start to flower this early(not that that is a bad thing though). The downside would be that it stops flowering and completely vegs out in the summer so best of luck!


New member
thcinfused, its looking great! I am attempting my first grow in a similar climate, so i am interested in how things work for you. Good luck!


hello fellow ic maggers i just went to our seedlings new home to plant the 8 early skunk seeds that germed.. we still have 2 early skunks and 10 original haze x skunk no 1 freebies that havent popped yet as well so were keeping our fingers crossedd that all the little girls will germ i will upload new picture when something happens



if anyone reading has any comments/criticism please post...also any input from anyone who has grown either strain PLEASE some advice would be GREATLY appreciated



a small update,
so far 15 of 20 seeds have popped with 12 in the ground already and 3 popped and 5 unpopped seeds have gone into peat pellets in a small plastic green house.

The 12 seeds in the ground are in a mixture of 25% Amend soil 5-10% native soil and 65-70% peat moss

we will be taking pictures as soon as there is something to take a picture of!

Only thing I could suggest is to make sure to cover your trail...there are always a group of kids or immigrants that are looking for a quick and easy stash. I am going to keep an eye on this one!

Edit: I did not mean this post in a racist way, but teenagers and illegal immigrants are the normal suspects that comb back-country trails in SoCal. I had no idea people were so politically correct on this website!


what do you guys suggest using in my mix, im deciding between perlite and coco, i really never learned the difference between the two... any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated keeping in mind this is an outdoor extravaganza. thanks in advance for any replies



our little ladies ( sorry if the photos are blurry i am no professional )

i have no idea what happened here we only put one seed in this cup!

little greenhouse with peat pellets


earth hole for a possible new spot... the shoe is a size 13 for depth reference

thanks for stopping by


:wave:hello all.. just went and checked on our little girls today..and sure enouph they are doing just fine, thought id let you all know how everything is going
any criticism is welcome:thank you:



If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
A couple things... # 1. I like what you have going on, and ICM is here to help so your in good hands. I'm not sure how experienced you are but i know that you will be very good growers some day. I personally havent stopped growing since i first started with bag seed (all over my neighborhood, gas station flower pots, my dads garden, everywhere) when i was 15. Over 10 yrs later and i think i have my shit tight. Anyways, a few things specific to Socal that night help you:

- Plants started outside right now without a additional source of light will start flowering asap. Not real veg, no huge fall harvest. It would have been best to wait another 2 months to pop those beans if you want to have a fall harvest. Esp that Thunk. That is going to start to flower and then revert back to veg (or hermie thats a tendency in the haze) once the days get longer. If you have no choice but to keep them outside then i'd say to place your next bean order soon. Although the others might sprout, flower and finish before the light (days) get too long.

- another thing is if you dont have your medium already just get straight soil. if this things goes the whole summer you will need a good base that holds a lot of water. Skip the coco, skip the perlite. Where we are you would have to water everyday. That is the desert in those pics. Canna does not do well in the desert. those holes will have to be deep.

- if you see that its going to get cold at night you will have to bring those in.. seedings have a hard time with cold and in the desert the temps drop quick at night. just keep an eye out, SOMETIMES it does get cold here, although not too often.

- ok and last.. oh, i had another one but i :smoker:and forgot.

i'll check back and see now your doing now and again.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
oh, and if its going to rain really had at this stage they will need some protection.

that is all repped you both


hi gyus, very nice grow, beautiful nature and of course fuck off rippers...i grew early skunk just like 8 years ago and its pretty easy plant to grow like all those skunks, it likes a lot of N...with skunkhaze try to get some guano and wormhumus to the soil, and go easier on nutes than with early skunk, its pretty heat resistant i guess...i think that skunkhaze will be real monster hehe but you definitely need good soilmix and some watering system, in such heat like in socal roots can be boiled... Natagonnaworrie is right, i dont know how it is with light shedule at socal, but you need more than 12 hours of light per day to veg them right i mean skunkhaze and early skunks a lot of light hours per day...

good luck and keep it up!


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