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So whats your local moonshine like


Cookie monster

Sampeling my local moonshine tonight us paddys call it poteen.
Made from potatoes and about 80-90% alcohol, has a real sweet taste not unlike tinned cherries and almonds, for some reason or so ive been told your not supposed to drink water the morning after a heavy session aparrently if you do you get hammered again.

So whats your local backwoods brew made out of and what does it taste like?


Active member
tastes like fire

this is pretty much the recipe:

50 lbs. corn meal
200 lbs. sugar
200 gallons water
12 oz. yeast
10 lbs. bran (optional)

Makes ~ 36 gallons


in the thick of it
I got some a month or so ago, (2) 1/2gal. one was grape and one was apple. I had the apple and it got me smashed! It tasted like ass, but after the third sip it was on. I've had a little of the grape and it has a hint of grape, but mostly ass. It does its job and thats the point.

Cookie monster

does the job! jesus i was still smashed this morning trying to walk the dogs.

Scarily im developing a taste for the stuff.


The stuff I get is made with sugar,water,lots of yeast,and a little neutrent.
Nothing else.Its the cleanest stuff you will ever see,and has NO HANGOVER!
It almost taste like water at 80 proof.Theres nothing at the liquer store that comes within a mile of this stuff,at any price.If you get some uncut,at 93%,it would make some great ethonal hash oil.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I bet y'all aint never really tasted good shine.

Corn shine is usually clear in color. But there are connoisseur grades of shine that are more of an amber, or "whiskey" color. These will not be had easily, and usually only those who are linked somehow to the distillers will ever get any. And it runs about $70-$100 a quart jar of it. I shit you not. My lovely female unit was gifted a jar from a very old man. (She hails from bourbon country in the hills) The stuff is smooth as silk, and deadly dangerous!

Shine that a man can usually find will be clear. To judge the shine, first see what it is in. If it aint in a mason type sealing jar, it aint worth buying I can tell you. May even be poison. Shiners don't do other than sealing jars.
When you find shine in a jar, turn it over and smack it real hard on the bottom, then look at the bubbles created. The more bubbles, the better the grade of shine.
Now, most clear shine you can't taste...until about gullet depth. But good shine should have a bit of a decent tongue to it. It should also pull back the lymph nodes in your neck and hit the gag reflex just a bit..right before you manage to take a breath and gasp OH SHIT!


Lammen Gorthaur
We have The Houston Chronicle. Nobody in Houston has a want for moonshine.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
1 bead ,2 bead ,3 bead it;s all good if made rite

Here's a pic of my "Oilshine"



West Virginia has the best shine I've seen! One tablespoon would knock your head off! It was around 150 proof, I'd guess with a nice oak barrel cure, amber color.

My understanding of shine is that when shaken, the Longer it contains air bubbles, the higher the proof. Shake and hold up to light, observing how long it takes for air bubbles to disappate. Get an idea from shaking store bought vodka or something marked. Apply knowledge to shine.

As Moonie Lynn said: "It's either the coal mines, moon shine, or move it on down the line."