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So, what would you do?



ok so maybe i did post this in the non-cooking forum. sorry! lol..forgive me this once

I cut down 3 male plants, probably a foot tall. 12 inches maybe a little less or something. anyway, i figured...they have to have SOME thc at least, maybe enough for a buzz...but i didnt want to smoke it. so i made cannabutter. let it simmer for 3hrs like the doc says, strained and seperated. shit is a nasty green color with a very weedy taste (not the good weedy taste)..

anyway, i put some on toast but i was so fucked up already i dont know if it made any difference.

some say the potency is probably blah, so for reference i used 3 male plants, around 2-3oz of trim to 3 sticks of butter.

i'm wondering what the quickest, easiest way to prepare the 'butter' is such as cookies/brownies, and would it be worth the baking effort.

do i have a legitimate chance of getting blasted off some cookies, or do i have more of a chance of a low heady buzz that only lasts 2 or 3 hours?


Melt it down with marshmellows and use your favorite cereal (such as Captain crunch, or reeses puffs) and make rice krispie treats with it. If you look at my pictures, youll see the edibles i make.


What I usually do is:

When you have the butter you made... I just add to it a little bit of sugar, cacao (cocoa?), and coconut.... mix everything together. Try a little bit just to see if you need to add some more of cocoa to cover that bad taste.
Then I just make little round balls. Then I roll them in coconut again, so they are all nice and white.

Put them in the fridge for 20-30 minutes. And it is DONE!
Quick, easy, no baking, no mess...

Who wants to try my chocolate balls? They`re really sweet :biglaugh:

Peace! :wave:


more of a question of how strong should they be (estimated obviously)?


Hmmm... never used males...
2-3 oz..? I would say.... not much.

But you can try of course. You MUST TRY! So then you can give us a report how it went. You have nothing to lose :D


They will have some potency. you never really know how much until you make something. and TRY IT SOBER for the first time. haha. Good luck!
i always just tossed my males...

I don't have the experience to breed or space for that shit... so off with their balls!