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So what the hell do aussies smoke?


Old School Cottonmouth
Hello pot smokers from down under!

I looked through your forum here looking for one thread in particular and couldn't find it. What are you guys smoking?

I'm from new orleans, home of the real mardi gras (though I wish ours were like yours) and for available weed we smoke alot of indica beasters or BC'sters which I'm sure you've seen pics of. Of course the name strains which are available from homegrowers like anywhere, but we also have mexico which puts out alot of crap, but also some nice mersh too, if you know where to find it. oldschool mexican sativas. golden and stony.

all the weed is grown mostly by rural farmers and mafia buys it from them for wholesale, usually the weed itself is pretty shitty, but sometimes the genes within are nice. or if you can contact a local head, they can find the old classics still. like this lowland oaxaca.

So now you know the state of stash in new orleans what is it in austrailia (or your area rather)? do you guys have native sativas? do you smoke mostly indica or sativas? is it mostly bush grown or indoor? mafia run or home growers?


I refuse to comment on the grounds I might incriminate us all. LMAO
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Old School Cottonmouth
??? I don't get it.

none of you know what most people smoke or grow in your country?


New member
I fear you have severly mis-understood the australian culture

The majority of us would probly just start blankly when asked what strain. lol

So long as it smoke smooth and gets me stoned I dont think ive meet to many peaple whove been concerned

(then again i dont know too many ppl growing either)


I have never ever been told/known a strain name other than what I have grown. Its either hydro or its bush.

I have tried some of my uncles older durban varieties (not related to the amsterdam stuff) which compare vary favourably to commercial indoor even when fully seeded.

In the 80's and early 90's good hashish was available. This dried up with the influx of indoor grown cannabis. Many older growers that I know strain's have hermi problems that came through around this time aswel.

This particular lady was a lone plant that I liberated found around 12 cm high in a semi remote area with nothing else around it but sand (growing out of the sand hills near a beach). I beleive that she was deliberatley planted but she had no chance of survival in the conditions that I found her. She was ripped about 9 weeks into flower and looked like she needed another 9 to finish. This photo was taken around the middle of January and she was 4 and a half months old fromwhen I found her. She put on another 3 foot during stretch.

As a city dweller you dont see much "bush" but venture out and get to know some peeps and the world opens up to you.



Old School Cottonmouth
oh thats really sad. that sucks. really sad to hear that.

the average asshole is like that here too. never even heard of name strains. or if they have they think it was just hype to sell it higher.

there are only a handful of people that know ANYTHING here. I mean the difference between indica and sativa. ANY growing info.

out of the 200+ tokers I've blazed with in real life maybe 6 had SOME comprehension about weed. most not a clue.

sad it really is.

thanks nwal and KUH for giving a REAL answer to what weed is like there.
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motaco said:
oh thats really sad. that sucks. really sad to hear that.

the average asshole is like that here too. never even heard of name strains. or if they have they think it was just hype to sell it higher.

there are only a handful of people that know ANYTHING here. I mean the difference between indica and sativa. ANY growing info.

out of the 200+ tokers I've blazed with in real life maybe 6 had SOME comprehension about weed. most not a clue.

sad it really is.

thanks nwal and KUH for giving a REAL answer to what weed is like there.

OUCH!! You're obviously in the wrong thread m8. Us Aussies know nothing about growing the finest dope in the world. My honest opinion is ya can call a strain anybloodything, like naming ya dog. Whether it is a good or shit smoke seems more important to me and most. We tend to let the rest of the world take care of the science, then just take advantage when it suits us. :moon:
As most MJ sites are for entertainment only, I'd prefer to be entertained with great grow diaries and great grow pics than be baffled with bullshit.
Just my thoughts, with no malice intended to anyone. :confused:

Edit: This is White Widow x Skunk#1.LMAO. :moon:

Stay Safe.Peace.
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Active member
i think its the same world over...i've been around...

only true devotees who either grow or know growers usually know what strain they are smoking....when i lived in other countries it was the same....

for a long time in Australia before indoor really took off you would hear of strains like Mullumbimby Madness, Mudgee Honey Bud to name a couple..but that was when I was young so I don't know whether they were real strains or just fancy names given to any old batch of weed...

These days I either know what my mates grow as a lot of them frequent these sites and even if I buy the odd commerical, it all comes from Adelaide so the dealers quite often know the name of the strain..Adelaide is like the indoor capital of the Southern Hemisphere...

So thereya go...some of us do know what we are smoking! And right now I'm smoking a cross one of my friends made from a Rezdog Wonder Diesel and a Female Seeds Ice...and i gotta tellya thats its just absolute ripper maaate


Old School Cottonmouth
good weed is good weed yes. but at least in america we seperate plants by characteristics so you have a great chance of finding the weed that gets you the high you want, instead of the high someone sold to you.

and if you know enough about plants and where they come from and what they do and know enough people you can get the stone you want EVERY time.

for instance the white family has a tendency to give me headaches. so that counts white rhino, white widow, el nino, and several others. if I buy a bag of "weed" and it gives me a headache I'd have had no clue that it was the family stemming from a south american sativa that doesn't mix particularly well with me. if I just called it "weed" I could get burned every week buy buying white strains because I didn't know better and to pick a different strain.

same thing with indica and sativa. maybe you really wanted an indica for insomnia and picked dense c99 buds instead of hashplant and got the complete wrong high you wanted. now your paranoid and can't sleep because of a haze influenced hybrid. all because the words haze and hashplant meant nothing different to you.

most of the hippies and rednecks were like that here in the 60's but most of them stopped by the 80's. pretty much everyone gets their hands on as much "headies" as we call them. different name strains.

that will also lead to exactly what you guys have told me happened. none of you have any idea where your genes came from. if they were native to aussie they are lost and gone forever. extinct. we're talking about strains that developed in complete isolation and a trophy to marijuana botanists. we're taking strain preservation VERY serious these days thanks to folks with enough foresight like ACE and a few others. the gene pool is getting smaller and smaller fellas and eventually it would have a serious effect on weed as our children will know it. we learned our lessons on the great thais which of the hundreds of magnificent different specimens all but a handful are gone or lost now. NEVER will they be back.

don't get me wrong its your weed and do what you want with it. but IMHO your missing out an a very serious level of judging weed. some people don't care and some people do, but most didn't notice until they got around people that did.

If I just called lowland oaxaca "weed" it would eventually disappear. its an extremely rare and highly sought after strain dwindling by mexicans being influenced by dutch promise of shorter flower times and higher yeild, and low and behold, another grower drops it until its gone. it takes people to preserve them. and you got to know what your preserving to preserve it. we're talking childhood memories. no more mexican sativas. oaxaca, gold, etc. that we all grew up with and brings fond memories up.

and most purple strains are a real letdown. on everything from potency to taste. but if you know what your lookin at. like this lavender. nothing but the best.

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im smoking some
skunk special, purple northern lights,iss x bc kush
plain northern and some crystal soon



what do Aussies smoke?...usually a whole Marlboro cigarette emptied onto 4 Tally-Ho cigarette papers joined together and to that they add a little hydroidized damp bud they over pay for..the ratio of tobacco to bud is usually about 5 :1 .....

I know, cos I was one them for decades until I got smart and dropped the baccy habit

even those who use a water pipe (bong) mixed a handfull of cigarettes with a gram of bud


with the widespread use of unfiltered cigarette tobacco being inhaled in Oz I reckon we'll see a big increase in lung cancers among cannabis smokers there.

to those who smoke tobacc with ganja....if you can't kick your habit then please, for your health's sake, use Drum or other rolling tobacco in smaller amounts with more bud int he jay or the mix....

manufactured cigarette tobacco contains about 200 additives, many of which are cancer causing..the tobacco is stale and low grade....roll your own tobaccos are purer, fresher, have less additives and are designed for smoking unfiltered

the thing is, tobacco doesn't do anything, it doesnt get you higher, you don't get to taste the subtle flavours and scents..etc..as a matter of fact it dulls the high and allows dealers to sell you wet bud...smoke cannabis by itself and be healthier, taste the difference and don't smell like an ashtray...drop the nicotine habit, don't be a slave to multinational cig co's that use reconstituted crap tobacco grown with chemical ferts........

99% of smokers in Australia wouldn't know what strain they are smoking...the most common name for cannabis in Oz is "dope"..which is what you are if you smoke cash crop hydroided shit full of chemical ferts, insecticides and fungicides and then add a handful of tobacco to it then smoke it ...sheesh!...England is the same!...madness!


Old School Cottonmouth
that is horrible. situation sounds worse and worse.

how did the euro trash tobacco mixing idea end up in oz? weird.

thats one I'll never understand. u gotta have some crappy weed to mix it with tobacco and think it tastes better.

its weird how countries vary in how they do things. in america an organization would step up whether you knew their name or not and you'd at least know to some extent what u were gettin.

from what your explaining I'd make a bet that throughout most of oz the weed situation is dry. hard to find. entrepreneurs putting out what they can but its never enough. oz doesn't have much mafia problems?

see in the states its not that we like them or anything but at least they provide steady flow. there are many large organizations that bank on your stashbox running out like clockwork. and they are there to refill it. 3 mexican cartels for schwag sinola, sonora, and la zeta. for beasters there are a ton of entrepreneurs- just independent smugglers and dealers from anywhere and everywhere, vietnamese mafia, and bikers including hells angels. and for head stash we have north california, colorado, washington, oregon, and country wide entrepreneurs.

sometimes its dry or you run out, but normally its steady. and you know where it came from alot of the time just by what type it is and how it was packaged.


Hey motaco

Where I live on the north coast of New South Wales, there is a tradition of mostly sativa growing. That has changed over the last few years as more varied genetics became available and is probably largely due to the internet.

But local strains like Mulumbilly Madness are sativa.

I think the preponderance of sativas up here is probably due to the climate and the fact that the area was settled into by hippies in the early 70's. Within this subculture, many people had travelled through Asia and so I suspect there are probably Thai genetics dominating the gene pool here from seeds brought back byy travellers.

Up here there is a fine tradition of outdoor sativa growing, although every year the police helicopters find many plots. But still, there are many connoiseurs growing on a small scale.

I think a lot of the organised crime growing happens indoors or outdoors in other more isolated rural regions that aren't so known as cannabis producing areas.

You can be assured that there are plenty of connoisseurs in Australia who know what strain they are growing/using.

As for the habit of 'mulling up' with tobacco, it should be outlawed! What a sin. Like mixing a single malt whisky with Coca Cola. I've never understood the attraction.

In the past when I've asked friends why they do it, the reply would be 'it helps the pot burn better'!!! But then again, they were tobacco addicts, so maybe it was just their addiction needing to be fed.


Old School Cottonmouth
see thats what I wanted to hear. I had heard in years past on OG about nimbin and different parts of austrailia having great sativas. thats really what I was lookin into as I'm a sativa fan. If I was coming I'd want to bring some mexicans as I know they would absolutely thrive there.

ol' thai based genes huh. probably indian genes too if hippies brought them. if you come across some pics of local buds I'd love to see them.


I just got my copy of The Cannabible 2 yesterday from Amazon and was surprised to see some pics of Australian plants, especially outdoor sativas from the Nimbin region.

And yeah, sats are where it's at :)

Here's a couple of links for ya:

Nimbin and Australia in general
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the problem with weed in oz is that nobody knows how to grow. nobody has any fucking idea what there doing. they don't even know what there growing, for the most part.

for the most part, weed you buy on the street is from bag seed, and you got a pretty good chance that some nimrod simply germed it, droped it in the ground, and cut the fucker down.

wow....this sucks, i have so much to say on the subject at the moment, but i am sooo fucking sick at the moment i just can't type properly...
the shear utter disappointment that is the australian weed community. its fucking abismal.

i think alot of the problem in OZ stems from the fact that "todays" growers are taught by "yesterdays" growers. and growers back in the 70's 80's had no idea how to grow, the infomation that is available today wasn't so readily available back them. hell...i knew of a comcerial grower who still grew full time under fluros ffs!.

erg..sorry people..so sick..can't string a comprehensive thought together...might come back to this later :D


Yeah, but there's no excuse now. The internet has been the best thing for an underground community such as cannabis growers/users. Both in terms of access to quality genetics and cutting-edge information.

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