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So what are the rules when some schmuck decides to plant on your property?


or you could just fuck with it.. One day go out there and take a massive whiz on it, then the next go out and dump a bunch of lime on it, etc. Confuse the hell out of those darned kids :chin:


Active member
your property so technically that is your plant. if it is just one it might just be a seed a bird shat.

me personally depending on the amount of heat i didn't need being drawn my way i would either rip it out of the ground and leave it laying there, most probably make a cut so there is no doubt as to what happened. but leave the plant there so they get the hint that this isnt the place for that.

is it almost harvest time? i assume yes since its oct3rd here, i would harvest my new plant, maybe leave a couple branches hanging behind. they will be happy it wasnt a total loss and know not to plant there next year.

but if it's one plant near your house i doubt someone planted it there, have you inspected it for footprints and signs of human care?
it could very well belong to the property owner that borders your land. He puts it on YOUR land so HE doesn't get in trouble......
oh yeah, and pull it and mess the spot up so it looks like nothing was ever there or just plant a tree in the exact same spot... that should freak them out

Classic Seeds

enough all ready if your worried about pigs rip the plant out ,if you do not want them growing on your property rip it out leave a note this is private land find some place else or leave a sherrifs card easy to get just walk in the office and ask for one so you can contact them for some bogus reason ,simple .or keep stewing about it and do nothing i would have ripped it out when i saw it on my land it is your land period


Well-known member
For sake of karma, what would I do?

To become intimidated by cops is some bad karma to swallow but often times one must be responsible towards others and make decisions opposite to ones principles.

Keeping good karma in mind, I reckon I would wanna get to see the guy(s) and open up the topic with them.

Can go either way, just depends on how comphorteble you can make them feel about their activity.

I'm for human encounters usually, but it will be up to you how they will deal with their newly presented situation.

Depicture some different possible scenario's of the outcome of such an encounter and pick the one that suits the situation the best I'd say.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
if u have a indoor grow then u HAVE to chop it down...just sayin,its heat bro...also u dont grow outside on your property do you?and i assume theres a reason for that no? ok so why would u let some stranger grow and crop off ur land???makes no sense yo..

i also agree that if ur neck of the woods is so heavily grown outdoors it could be a seed a bird ate and shit out in ur yard....

either way what i would do is take a few cuts off the plant,pop them in a cloner and see if its anything special. AFTER i killed the plant thats outside tho definetly.
just my 2...

The Hummus Monk

Active member
You're not in anybody's bad books are you? I mean...someone who knows you grow pot and has laid a brazen trap...highly visible plants from the air etc etc... Police find said plant outside and that's enough to search your property.

I'd be tempted to try and speak to this person...


Hang a new No Trespassing sign on the fence right where they are coming in and then spray paint the posts purple and then spray the whole plants "No trespassing purple" with Rustoleum so it kills the plant.They'll get the message....if some cop runs up on it, tell them you were out spraying fence posts today and sprayed it so you could find it again after you called them. You haven't had time to call them yet. Pull it after a couple of weeks and shred it or add it to the burn pile if you live where they actually get rain and can burn trash/limbs...


Might plant a male plant or find a false aralia and plant it right in the same hole...keep it fed and watered so it grows real nice and let 'em try and smoke that shit...lol


that is a tough one, if you own the property, the feds can and will F with you, depending on your situation, (legally able to grow by state law, and you are not over your max< 6 flower six veg)., whatever the case, then let it grow, but if you are worried about getting screwed with, i would rip em, like what was said earlier, if you do nothing at all, or leave herb at the grow, im almost certain they will see that as permission to do the same, or more next time around, i agree with all who said, chop em, and end it, if you come in contact with them, tell em go somewhere else, but i would scout it out, to make sure you know who you are dealing with, (kids, adults, cartel, ect.).

Cool Moe

Active member
Either way, a person who would be so brazen as to plant it right there in plain sight is the sort to be vindictive and spiteful. Just exactly the sort who causes headaches if they get the idea that somebody ripped their crop, and they know who it was...quote]

IMO this thought is on the money. Short story--A local landscaping truck pulling a trailer decided to turn around in my neighbor's driveway. He got all cockeyed and ended up giving them an accidental lawnjob (rainy season) but then backed into and knocked over their mailbox. Then the guy just drove away, but before he did he looked right at me watching out my window. Without thinking much about the guy seeing me, I called my neighbor with the phone number of the landscaping company, as it was in big bold letters on the side of their truck. One week later a very large patch of prime zoysia grass in my yard was dead, right in front of the windows we were looking out of. I couldn't figure out at first why my grass was dying, then it dawned on me that I had received a landscaper's version of thug justice--I'm pretty sure the clownboy spray-tanked my grass with roundup for calling him in.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Rip the bitch out of the ground....that's your house and you didn't put it there. Please don't feel bad...like you're doin' another stoner wrong, they did you wrong.

I'd pull it now. You pay your property taxes and mortgage, not the dumbass who can't hide a plant. The one who has more to lose is you.


Bent Member
let just say a neighbor, had agave and prickly pear that the Hispanics were always trying to steal. He even was assaulted trying to run them off. So he decided to remove the problem and mixed up some lethal spray to kill the plants, Well that was the same night the Hispanics decided to rip his property off. Two days later the cops show up asking why two dead Mexicans said they got ill from your agave.

His response was i did not tell them to steal my plants, and tell their relative not to eat the blackberry they stole cause they were sprayed TOO. - case was closed.


Well-known member
Take cuts if you're curious, cut the plant, leave a shit where the plant was.

Two days later the cops show up asking why two dead Mexicans said they got ill from your agave.

edit: zombie mexicans? Funny, hispanics aren't well represented in zombie culture at all.

dead mexicans tell no tales. what a totally fucked up country.