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So the scene really sucks there huh?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Would someone from Ireland please write back and prove that I should actually want to go there? I love the island and the people and wish to God that someone would come into this forum because I see a sincere lack of effort.


Traktor driver
Come n visit us in Germany, much cheaper and we have the benefit of sharing a border with the dutch :biglaugh:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
:chin: I might just do that, I hear good things about Venlo (sp?) is that close to you do you know anyone there? Is a visa a persuable option for an american? I am interested in legal standings... :chin: PS I took German for a time and seems like I could pick it up again, considering it's similarities to English. Thank you! :wave:


Hey mr mean I live in ireland and it's just not an open thing here to be talking free about it as its still a class A drug... But there are plenty of us that grow.........

Were like cops never around when you want us but then when you dont .....


brummygaz said:
Hey mr mean I live in ireland and it's just not an open thing here to be talking free about it as its still a class A drug...

Cannabis is a Class "A" in the ROI, fcuk me...... low prioity class "C" here in the UK..... same classification a Benzo's (Valium Etc) without perscription. Although they are considering a 2 tier classification to seperate potent weed and Cannabis oil.

Mind you on the flip side the upgraded Shrooms to class "A" this summer... friggin stupid IMO.... :rant:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Maybe it's so harshly classified because people don't know much about it there. Some may risk the harsher penalties to file away the severity due to prevalance. That was kinda where I was edging towards... but how many Northerners smoke? Percentages anyone. PS brummy and wardog Thank you so much for not making me feel stupid :D


Hey wardog im from england i moved here a few years back so I know the score back home.... and yeah the re-classing of shrooms is in the eu court at the moment as by eu law the uk cant make them class a when they are wet only dry.

EU law states that if a drug is illegal in one country it has to be illegal in all member states and the uk fucked up !!!

Hey mr mean they know about it here its just the fact that there are so many relgious old fucks over here that they get the say, but thats all changin as younger people get into power. There is a serious heron problem in the capital of Dublin and the average guy with a quarter of weed will get a slap on the wrist but its not the same all over the country which sucks ass big time !!

P.s I know what you mean by lack of effort even the fucking MOD dont show his face !!!
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I have noticed that many young americans when travelling go mainly to northern europe, especially germany. I respect everyone's taste, byt fellas, the places to go down south. Greece, Spain, Italy, the coast of ex-Yugoslavia (today montenegro and croatia) are one of the most beautiful places in europe (not to mention the cheapest). Amsterdam of course, paris is nice, some people like prague. Mediteranian is the place!


The scene is probibly the same as most euro contries!Any forigner is wellcome here,thers loads of Good Weed here.A descent person would have or shouldnt have any problem gettin some good smoke!
It just takes u to have the right kind of attitude.

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