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so sick......of my fucking neighbor




Deal with it yourself!

Fuck the po-po, you call them and they'll do f*** all and your labelled a stool pigeon!

Chop your crop when it's time, and go and see him, if he gets rowdy walk away calmly and put the wheels of plan-b into motion and get ready bury that mo'fo in your vegetable patch!

I'm not really a big fan of alcohol, I've seen sensible people do seriously stupid stuff on that shit when they have drunk themselves silly.
I could have lost my best mate to jail because of how pissed he got and the consequences that had.....I think near enough all the times I was in trouble with the law in the past I had had a skin full of alcohol-Tennants Super was the drink of choice LOL-NOT GOOD! I don't touch alcohol any more because I know I can't be responsible on it.


Active member
I totally agree with what most here are saying. Drink driving is a very serious offense that kills many many innocent people. I wouldn't say call the cops if this happened once or twice, but if I saw a neighbour regularly getting behind the wheel of their car under the influence of alcohol I would notify local law enforcement. I'm sure anyone that has lost a friend or family member in a car accident would be disgusted that some people wouldn't call the cops.

Remember.... Protecting your family and community is not even close to being a rat.

I don't like pigs anywhere near me or my house, but you have to anticipate that at some stage they may be outside of your house. That is why we use odour control.

You gotta do what you gotta do......


Driving wasted is a no go, in my mind. But a lot of people do it everyday, even proff drivers. Lot of people are a danger in the traffic and they are sober, but tense or aggressive. Its your neighbor and you will have to face him after the arrest. Do whats best for you and your family. Peace.

B. Self Reliant

Call in an anonymous tip. I don't usually advocate calling LEO's, but if you have kids and the guy is driving drunk in & out of his place next door, that's fucked. What if something happened to your kid and you had the opportunity to do something but didn't? That would be horrible! Call 911 on his ass from a pay phone and make an anonymous tip or something.


Freedom Fighter
Yeah if they are out driving drunk call the po. They can pull them over for suspicion, they don't need to say they got a tip do they? I agree drinking and driving is serious shit. Think about your kid on a bike.

So if someone runs over your child on their bike because someone was drunk you'd be totally fine that nobody called the cops..... uh huh. Yeah we'll see about that when you become a parent. If you are one wow, good luck with that. People are in immediate danger, the guys driving drunk with his idiot buddies.

Sorry, but I still consider it snitching....but, the good things about Humans, is we don't all have to think or act alike-- And I respect that--:)
Personally...I would have beat his ass and took his keys (Repeat as necessary)--:tiphat:


Call the cops, the guy is putting themselves, your family and many others at risk anytime they decide to drive after drinking 2x 30 packs of beer.

There is a huge difference between snitching on someone who is doing something that violates your ideals, but doesn't hurt anyone and someone who is doing something really stupid and putting lives at risk.


Freedom Fighter
Call the cops, the guy is putting themselves, your family and many others at risk anytime they decide to drive after drinking 2x 30 packs of beer.

There is a huge difference between snitching on someone who is doing something that violates your ideals, but doesn't hurt anyone and someone who is doing something really stupid and putting lives at risk.

That is the same argument ppl use before calling the cops on your Mary-J-Wanna plants--:wave:


That is the same argument ppl use before calling the cops on your Mary-J-Wanna plants--:wave:

There is a big difference and I already explained it. Not my fault some people can convince themselves that someone smoking pot on their back porch is putting other people's lives at risk.....

However someone driving after downing 30 beers and being 2x or more over the legal limit is ACTUALLY putting lives at risk. It kills thousands of people EVERY year.


the world needs less people especially dumb drunks and nosey bitchy neighbors who complain about your dog whinning when hes in the basement in the furthest corner from there house, just so they can seem like there such a great person...bitch u dont care about my dog fuck off


Freedom Fighter
There is a big difference and I already explained it. Not my fault some people can convince themselves that someone smoking pot on their back porch is putting other people's lives at risk.....

However someone driving after downing 30 beers and being 2x or more over the legal limit is ACTUALLY putting lives at risk. It kills thousands of people EVERY year.

I am not trying to start shit or anything...I am just expressing my opinion-- I grew up with Bikers...and it is ingrained in me..."Don't call cops"-- At least I added that I respect differences in opinion...:tiphat:


I am not trying to start shit or anything...I am just expressing my opinion-- I grew up with Bikers...and it is ingrained in me..."Don't call cops"-- At least I added that I respect differences in opinion...:tiphat:

Well I personally never called the cops on any person. Had the cops called on me a few times though... but thats another story.

However I think if someone feels they are not capable of stopping this individual themselves they should get ahold of someone who can and will. Be it the cops or other neighbors.


Freedom Fighter
Well I personally never called the cops on any person. Had the cops called on me a few times though... but thats another story.

However I think if someone feels they are not capable of stopping this individual themselves they should get ahold of someone who can and will. Be it the cops or other neighbors.

Agreed-- :smokeit:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I recently ran into a situation like this, and I think I found a rather good solution.

I saw my neighbor getting in his car when he was to the point he could barely stand. I went over and caught him before he got in (don't approach if they're already in the car: death). I told him he looked a bit unsteady, and he probably didn't need to be driving. I pointed out that spending the night in the drunk tank would ruin his fun, and that he could really get hurt. So I offered to drive him where he was going.

At first he declined, but I made it clear that I couldn't, in good conscience, let him drive. While I'm not one to call the cops, I flat out told him that if he forced me to, that is what I was going to have to do.

He relented, and all was well. Now, whenever he's had a few, he'll give me a shout if he needs to go out, and will actually wait for me if I'm not home. I'm sure he still gets behind the wheel occasionally, but not that I have seen or am aware of.

Now, I was friendly with my neighbor before this, I don't know your situation. But, if you're growing, you should know your neighbors, and not only that, be the best damn neighbor on the block. That 80 year old that hawks the street all day won't be looking at you if you're the nice guy that brings her paper to her door from the drive, or helps with groceries, etc.

As far as 'growers don't rat', bullshit. Affiliation with cannabis is no excuse to allow dangerous situations to continue. We growers should be responsible adults and members of our communities. That includes not having a preventable death on your conscience. And you will, eventually.
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Kill him and end it already.Take his pot and his woman if she doesnt make you want to rip your own heart up out of your chest.Quick


Active member
Oh lawd your gonna call the cops because your neighbor is an alcoholic? lollll, I live in the boonies and I know not to stand on the road, big F350 after another with drunk rednecks are so common, don't stand on the road it will fuck you up and they will fuck up your pets.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
This is a nice sentence but I don't think every grower gets it and really it ain't always easy to handle things in white gloves.

Only way growers are going to get it is if our more mature members keep reinforcing that ideal too younger growers.

Also, who said anything about white gloves? Sometimes being responsible means you have to get your hands dirty. But it also means that taking the gloves off is your last resort.

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