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"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
GODDAMMIT!!!!!! I want to go kick this assholes door in and straight BEAT HIS ASS!!!!

I was just walking my dog, minding our own business, just taking a stroll. We walk by a rundown ass house with 2 dogs barking and jumping up and down, the dogs are trying to get over the fence and are fighting with each other. The dogs keep going crazy with every passing moment, and move over towards the gate, when it suddenly flings open, and they both come rushing my dog and I. The first one grabbed my dog by the ear and wouldn't let go, at that my dog grabbed his throat and started shaking him. The other dog was trying to get involved, but I was kicking at him to keep him away as I'm trying to get my dog off this other dog. Here comes the owner, older, gray hair, swinging a metal pole. I pull my dog back and keep kicking his dogs, telling him to handle his f*cking mutts! He kicks them into the yard, then starts hollering at me!

He actually had the NERVE to say that I opened his gate! I told him it was HIS out of control dogs that got the gate open. He came toward me in a threatening manner, at which I immediately got in a fighting stance and told him to bring that pipe, I'll shove it up your ass! He threw it at me and ran back into his yard, still running his mouth! :biglaugh:

His wife/girlfriend had come out, and she looks at me like "WTF?". I tell her "Your man is a bitch, brought a pipe to a fight, threw it and ran. Your dogs attacked MY dog, he has the fucking AUDACITY to say WE opened the gate! Tell him to grow a pair and a fucking BRAIN! Half wit motherf***er!". As I'm walking off, I hear him screaming various threats, including something about my dog getting me killed and something about a gun. I laughed and said "Yeah, you proved what a tough fucker you are, go get a gun, you still aren't a man!"

I get home, my dogs ear is bleeding, and he has a few scratches, but nothing major, the majority of the blood is from the other dogs neck! So yeah, I'm pissed that two f*cking MUTTS attack my dog and the MUTT of a owner tries to blame it on US??? F*CK THAT!!! The crazy Indian in me wants to go kick his ass & scalp this prick! :blackeye:

Now that I think about it, he looked like he was on meth or something... Good thing he ran, I would've BROKE that tweeker! :asskick:


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
not that I ever believe in getting cops involved but with OLD PEOPLE they really don't have much longer to live and could give two shits BUT piss one off and those old school fucks just might get that gun simply due to the so called disrespect you showed him.

I am not scared of an old man with a gun, just the gun lol.

death threats?
his dogs attacking you?

I would if anything get a report done just incase, if you feel he was even half assed serious about killin you or your dog.

People have learned at a young age that saying you are going to kill someone really isn't something to joke about and can get you in a ton of trouble just for saying the words.

Side note

why the fuck would you open a gate that is holding two crazy ass dogs WHILE you are walking yours? Seriously old people scare me more than those young boys trying to "prove" how tough they are by doing dumb shit.


May your race always be in your favor
Do you have animal control where you live. I'd call them and make a vicious dog attack report. Bet he may have others on his dogs.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
What he said ... the next person my be a child

You should take your dog to the vet and get him checked out, there's a lot of hepatitis, etc in urban environments then send the asshole the bill.

When he doesn't pay you'll end up in a small claims court where restrictions will be put on the idiot to stop him ever doing it again, the Police will also be notified so they'll call on him ..... cops don't like nasty dogs, they'll sort it out


The cat that loves cannabis
Dogs will be dogs, no need for talk of poisoning them.
The old guy is another matter all together.
People suck, and don't like to take responsibility when something is their fault, and instead do a lot of false bravado posturing like this assclown, and act like it's your fault.

Fuck him, he's lucky he didn't get his dentures knocked halfway across his yard.

You call the cops it will be your word against the word of two people(him and his girl) as to what happened, and the cops won't do anything as usual.

I'm sorry your dog got hurt, but I'd just let it go for now, this guy acts tough again in the future, and I'd drop him in an instant without warning.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You definitely call leo. They need to document this for the system.
And for sure you have the dogs seen after no matter what, and keep the bills for court.
It's not the dogs fault, no matter how easy it is to hate the nasty fuckers. It is dick heads fault.

It doesn't matter if you opened that gate and did some jumping jacks, the owner has the responsibility of the dogs. And no, they are not allowed to rip ass on his own land, no matter if you walked into his yard or not.
People with animals generally piss me off because they have no fucking idea what the law really states. They do it their way. Fuck that.
Go to the court house or city hall and tell the clerk you want the statutes on pet ownership. It will normally be in clear language and detailed as to what can and cannot be in the world of pet ownership and the responsibility that accompanies it.

I have had to straighten out some dumb fucks on these very issues before. Had the back up of the court, the neighbors, and God.

You people that own dangerous beasts...I trust you have your shit together. If not, you are on my shit list.

and pearlemae may be right..I bet he has been called on before and knew to blame you right off the bat.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
you know where he lives, does he know where you live?

if he does not know where you live, consider yourself 1 up.

I would personally contact local police, and animal control and alert them of the situation.

People who do not know how to raise dogs should not have the privilege of owning one.



Hawaiian Inebriatti
"If you set out on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves"

"If you set out on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves"

Good advice! About "letting it go".
You can not fix stupid.
You can not reason with tweakers.
Best to just let it go.

But, I'm still trying to figure out where this came from?!!?

"Dogs will be dogs, no need for talk of poisoning them." WTF!?

I saw no mention of that here.

Then some very bad advice.
"this guy acts tough again in the future, and I'd drop him in an instant without warning. "

So far, bad-dog guy is in the wrong, and has invited a charge of aggravated assault.
If somebody gotta go to jail here, it should only be bad-dog guy, yah?

Never let adrenaline do your driving.


Classic Seeds

hey bro call animal control that is bull shit if it was ayoung child or a old lady walking her dog both could very well be dead.ya the guys a chick with a dick all mouth forget him and think about the rest of your niegbors and try to make them safe from this asshole and his dogs but you did the right thing in protecting your self and your dogs call the animal controll and meet them some place neuatral if your worryed about any blow back from what your doing aloha classic seeds
Sue the fucker for the vet bills, really twist his nipples for being a bitch. Sure you could beat the fuck out of someone, but dragging them into court and exposing them for the piece of shit they are is way more painful.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Thanks for the comments and advice ya'll, I'm a little more calmer now. I didn't see any mention of poisoning? I wouldn't hurt the dogs, anymore than the kicks they received. The owner, on the other hand.... I'd love to break his jaw at the least. Trying to be peaceful is hard when people blatantly push you like this.

I thought about calling the cops, but I'm just not a cop-friendly person. He has a bunch of signs warning about his dogs too (Beware of Dog), so he obviously knows they're shitheads. Big surprise, shithead dogs, shithead owner.

The more I think about it, I think SOMETHING needs to be done. A message needs to be sent. I'm not going to stop walking my dog near there either, but NEXT time, I'll have a can of mace, that'll make the dogs think twice...Maybe the owner too...

Still cracks me up how he threw the metal pipe at me (horrible and weak toss) and ran into his yard running his mouth like a little bitch. I'm not the biggest nor the baddest, but I'm sure he saw the anger in my eyes. After what happened to my dog, I was READY. My black belt ain't just ta hold up muh pants... ;)

And yeah, he doesn't know where I live... I however, know EXACTLY where he lays his head at night...


The cat that loves cannabis
Good advice! About "letting it go".
You can not fix stupid.
You can not reason with tweakers.
Best to just let it go.

But, I'm still trying to figure out where this came from?!!?

"Dogs will be dogs, no need for talk of poisoning them." WTF!?

I saw no mention of that here.

Then some very bad advice.
"this guy acts tough again in the future, and I'd drop him in an instant without warning. "
There were two separate posts about poisoning the dogs, I guess they were deleted before you got here.

As far as dropping the guy goes, I don't look for trouble, and you see that I recommended letting it go.
What I meant by my next line was that although I try to let stuff go on my end, I'm not a punk, and if someone keeps bringing trouble to me after I've tried to let it go, and walk away, then you're damn right I will swing on them, some people only understand that, and view anything else as weakness, and an invite to f**k with you whenever they want.

So yes, turn the other cheek, but only so many times.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Geez I'm in the mood to throw some asshole a beating..I guess it's time to smoke a little and get right. It pisses me off for someone to blame somebody else for bs like that. We both need to chill lol..I'm glad your dog wasn't seriously hurt dude..but that was bs
Dogs will be dogs, no need for talk of poisoning them.
The old guy is another matter all together.
People suck, and don't like to take responsibility when something is their fault, and instead do a lot of false bravado posturing like this assclown, and act like it's your fault.

Fuck him, he's lucky he didn't get his dentures knocked halfway across his yard.

You call the cops it will be your word against the word of two people(him and his girl) as to what happened, and the cops won't do anything as usual.

I'm sorry your dog got hurt, but I'd just let it go for now, this guy acts tough again in the future, and I'd drop him in an instant without warning.
I'm with this person. Poisoning them?
Just chalk it up to a lesson learned but calling the animal control board is a good idea.
Owning a dog is a big responsibility and unfortunately there are some people that don't take this along with owning the dog.
The bigger the dog, the more need for awareness and responsibility.
Its a shame some people don't take this more seriously and ruin it for other.

Last week I took my two dogs out for an afternoon walk down near a river. When we got there we noticed another women with a big boxer so went to a different area to play. Not long afterwards the boxer comes out of nowhere and starts attacking my one dog. Once I distracted it from the one it went after my littlest one who was a fraction of the size of this boxer.
My dog was crying and this women couldn't even control her own dog for f*cks sake. I then tackled her boxer in the water and got on top of it until it settled down and the women could come and get him.

She apologized but still. WTF? If you own dogs be responsible for them. We domesticated them for this very reason. To be our best friends. The LEAST we can do in return is take responsibility for them, but as a dog lover, I'd hope for much more.


haha i wouldve broke that tweeker! So classic I can't stand meth heads steal your shit.

What the difference between a methhead and a junkie? A junkie will steal your wallet, a methhead will steal your wallet and help you look for it!

Leon Brooks

Fuck him, he's lucky he didn't get his dentures knocked halfway across his yard.

ROFL... that would have been my course of action.

or go there in the night and pad lock his gate closed lol

if you came at a cop with a metal pipe you get shot so i REALLY DONT GET the, "no need to fight" comments, but i guess thats why there are people that... get beat with pipes.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
exactly what kk was saying Im also very passive but if this situation happened to me the way you described it I would try to avoid that path for a stroll, and if that doesnt work, wait till its dark, an creep on that meth head ,some people only understand force , however if u are going down this road be prepared for the consecquences of your actions, jail time or retalaition , some times you gotta prove a point, to me it seems like it may be the next time the two of you meet, so stay clear ,
hope your pupster is doing ok

peace TS


Stupid pets have stupid owners...sick the law on this social retard.Damage has been done,nip this in the bud so to speak.Don't let the situation go unresolved....animal control vicious attack report sounds good. Good luck,and stay civil.


Active member
Hey bro.

I own two dogs myself and think you should definitely phone animal control on this guy. I spent thousands making my property secure for my dogs so visitors and passes by could feel secure. I did this not only for the safety of my dogs but the safety of other dogs.

Maybe the metal pipe was intended for his dogs? It's probably his hick form of discipline

I think it's your obligation as a law abiding citizen to at least lay a complaint against this guy. Like others have said what if it was a child walking their dog? If you explain to animal control the reason for you laying the complaint is you want to stop it happening to somebody else not that you are angry at the guy or seeking reparation for vet fees they will be a lot more helpful.

I don't like dealing with the law on either side but sometimes we just have to for the greater good.. So yeah... I think you should dob him in..

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