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So my neighbor just pounded on my wall...


lmao, I would rather him knock on my door. Him and his girlfriend don't work, and I am 100% sure I smelled crack smoke coming from their windows before.

Makes me wonder how they bought a pair of new audis.

Sorry about the crack smell, I had no idea it was that strong. And the Audis are on lease. Gosh man. :D

Next time ill keep the windows closed when I blaze some hard, as long as you promise to get better taste in music and play some real rock..:headbange

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Turn it up!........ Turn it in!

Turn it up!........ Turn it in!

Medium level....Metallica??? He was definately asking you to turn it up.

If the banging has now stopped ?, maybe he was using the wall to jam pencils in his ears, who could blame him :biglaugh:

Wooden Eye

MOVE renting is for suckers like smelling Crack. Dunno what it smells like but alas Renters seem to know. Turn your music down he prolly wanted to hear some cRAP music.


all praises are due to the Most High
the rules are that one can only play two albums by metallica only: ride the lighting and master of puppets. anything else makes crack-heads bang on your wall as a way to inform you that crack-heads want to have sexy-time with you...

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Shared wall, you have to try and live with your neighbours

You can comply or ignore, its up to you

But the best thing is to try and live with them... you do not really know who is living there

And do you want to worry everyday about your? shit being there untouched?


i've never had the urge to mess with people who prepare my food, or assess my work, or live next door to my grow.

i don't like spit in my burgers or cops at my door. but that's just me...


The reason I made the post was to see if its normal to pound on neighbors walls intstead of walking 15 feet over to their door and having a civil chat.[/quote]

" Should I go over there and kick his face in for being rude?"

i guess you decided to vent online instead

turn your music down, dick, before you get double stomped by a hungry crackhead
If your in an apartment turn it down
if you grow weed turn it down
if your neighbors smoke crack turn it down

Yes it is normal to beat on a wall to have somebody be quiet. Ever think that the music might be as annoying to him as the knocking on the wall is to you? Because that usually what it comes down to, being so annoyed that you are willing to beat on a strangers wall.


New member
I have to put up with the bastards that live above me , stomping around at all hours of the day and night and dragging furniture acrooss the floor , dropping stuff etc .
I tried the ole broom handle on the ceiling as a polite indication they were not being too neighbourly but they dont really give a shit and just started stomping on the floor and shouting down at me , assholes.
I'll move out soon.

Woody Harrelson

Have some respect and be smart...

turn down your music and if you see him in the hall apologize...


what's up with the name calling ?

seems like your the dick

im the dick that needs to point out to this dick that if your neighbor is pounding on your wall, turn your music down. doesnt need to be turned into a group support session like it has for this fool.


Very few people will actually come over and knock on your door. Different people can have different reasons for not wanting to confront you face to face about how your Metallica music is disturbing them. Much easier to just pound on the wall. Safer too. You never know how someone is going to react in a face-to-face confrontation over their music being too loud.

I actually think that pounding on the wall is the POLITE way to do it. I mean everyone, no matter what language you speak, understands what the knock on the wall means. It means it is too loud and if you respect your neighbors you need to turn it down. And on the reverse side, if I am playing music too loud, I would prefer that someone just bang on the wall to let me know. I don't want them to come over to my apartment, which always REEKS of weed, to tell me my music is too loud.

If you really want some advice, go over to your neighbor, knock on his door, apologize for playing your music too loud, tell him you will try to keep it down, if its too loud again, just knock on the wall and you will turn it down. If you smoke weed, you want to get along with your neighbors, it don't matter if you have a doctors rec or not, don't rock the boat. Sometimes, you just have shitty neighbors. If the music really isn't that loud and it is not quiet hours, escalate it with a letter to your landlord.


oh the drama....time to move into a house if you want to grow dope and play your music at medium. if you can't handle that, know that everyone has a different agenda...so a little respect goes a long way where the walls are thin.


since the whole world obviously revolves around the OP, doesn't it seem kinda strange that all it could hook him up with was a sh!tty apartment full of crackheads and thin walls?

h^2 O

start talking loudly all the time and to yourself. "how was your day today?! MY day was AWESOME!" And walk loud, do everything more loudly. Cough a lot..constantly. Turn the TV up and keep it on 24/7. Run the vacuum often. Mixing bowls, any kind of kitchen equipment is loud. As long as you're not playing music loud they can't kick you out - the neighbor will either have to suck it up or move - and most liekly break his lease. Fuck his shit up. Maybe find a used car alarm and hide it in the bushes outside his apartment and in the middle of the night or whenever he's being quiet crank that fucker up. There's all kinds of fun things to do in apartment buildings. You could also make fake and anoymous compaints about the guy - "yeah we see people coming and going from the house almost 24/7, we think it might be a crack house." Anything you can. Because what's happening is the guy is a loser, and he's miserable and thinks living in an apartment entitles him to the same privelages applied to those who live on farms or cul de sacs. He needs a lesson. Send him crying home to mommy and daddy. He's trying to control you through his wimpy little ways of passive aggresiveness


Active member
start talking loudly all the time and to yourself. "how was your day today?! MY day was AWESOME!" And walk loud, do everything more loudly. Cough a lot..constantly. Turn the TV up and keep it on 24/7. Run the vacuum often. Mixing bowls, any kind of kitchen equipment is loud. As long as you're not playing music loud they can't kick you out - the neighbor will either have to suck it up or move - and most liekly break his lease. Fuck his shit up. Maybe find a used car alarm and hide it in the bushes outside his apartment and in the middle of the night or whenever he's being quiet crank that fucker up. There's all kinds of fun things to do in apartment buildings. You could also make fake and anoymous compaints about the guy - "yeah we see people coming and going from the house almost 24/7, we think it might be a crack house." Anything you can. Because what's happening is the guy is a loser, and he's miserable and thinks living in an apartment entitles him to the same privelages applied to those who live on farms or cul de sacs. He needs a lesson. Send him crying home to mommy and daddy. He's trying to control you through his wimpy little ways of passive aggresiveness

Why the hell would ya wanna do that? If you get these kind of feelings you should look into better genetics. I suggest Mr Nice SSH or La Nina. Will suck the bitter right out of ya.

Are you a kid? Like 20something? If so, that explains it ....

Karma is one viscous bitch.

h^2 O

i smoked a dime of dirt yesterday and now haven't smoked in a good 14 hours. I'm dying like the dudes in that movie life force

PS do a google search for "matilda may" - she was the starlett in the movie. Make sure safe search/moderate search is OFF. Sweetest boobies I've ever seen
Was listening to Metallica at a medium level, not loud. Next thing I know I have some idiot pounding on the shared wall (apartment).

Should I go over there and kick his face in for being rude? Ignore? lol. Some people never amaze me.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

thinks living in an apartment entitles him to the same privelages applied to those who live on farms or cul de sacs.
Don't be a dick, turn the music down. You have no idea how loud it is on his side of the wall.