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So my HPS crashed last night

Yeah I've done it again.

Was drunk as f**k yesterday and tended the plants.

The problem was that I thought having a open-door setup was allright during the night, so I tucked in the lightproof plastic in the shelf where my electronics are. And a couple hours later my ballast just went pooof, the fuse went out and there are some kind of burning damage to the plastic the apperantly were covering the ballast... so heat or it shortcut the electricity.

I had alot of luck this time, it could've gone real bad.

But now I have to invest in a new HPS.

Do you guys think I just need to change the ballast or is there any chance that the wiring and the powerplug wiring is damaged aswell? The bulb seems just fine....

Sure I'd like to invest in a new 250w HPS, but money is short like my reason and memory after a wet night with scotch and beers..

So whats yer opinion?


Did you read your manuals?
Heres mine
"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction"
"If health fails, teaching, knowledge, life itself, all comes to naught. It is indispensable, so have nothing to do with alcohol and avoid all things against which conscience speaks”
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amannamedtruth: Thanks for the quick response brother, hopefully it's only the ballast that is broken, Now I'm off to the local store :)

TribalSeeds Greetings brother, Yes I do have ideal I'm living according to. But still, I am a simple man and Babylon confuses me sometimes.


ghost in training
You have to have 50 posts. So post up!

And it could of been a lot worse! Ive lost plenty of little ones tending to them wasted. Was it a old magnetic ballast?

If your comfortable with craigslist theres plenty of good deals to be found.
cody2white hey, that sucks. This time my plants didn't take any harm. It was a pretty old magnetic one. Got a pretty sweet deal on a new magnetic that will arrive on monday. Had to complement the lightning with a couple of LEDs for now.

supermanlives Yeah after a 'few' incidents in the past should have learned me better. But apperantly my intellect isn't that sharp when I'm drunk.

DilbertYeah that would be ideally, but the ballast looked really fried and I'm not that good with electrics. Paid about $60 for a new magnetic with shipping. Which is kind of good deal for the part of world I live in.


thats crazy.. i built a thing to house my ballast in .. and added a passive exhuast to a window box.. so that the hot air would stay out of the room in the summer.. caused 5 degree drop in flower room during lights on just doing that.. but in the winter.. i uncover.. lol so the workspace/lung room is warm enough

Dilbert Do

DilbertYeah that would be ideally, but the ballast looked really fried and I'm not that good with electrics. Paid about $60 for a new magnetic with shipping. Which is kind of good deal for the part of world I live in.

This is the perfect chance to learn, then. Nothing to lose, since you already paid for a replacement. Crack that fooker open and learn some shit. At least look at the guts. It will come in useful later.