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so ive just discovered mites, and im doing a perpetual


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Go to WallyWorld and hit the spice section... You're looking for 100% pure Citric Acid in a powder form. It'll cost about $5.

Mix it @ 1 Tbs/gal and 1/2 Tsp Brer Rabbit Molasses.
Spray the piss out of all plants even if they don't appear to be infected.
Repeat every couple of days until a couple days before harvest.
The last couple of days just spray em down with fresh water

Your weed might have a hint of citric smell/taste but it is really slight and barely even noticeable if you do a good job of rinsing in the last couple days.

You can also use Rosemary oil in the same manner as above. I've never used it personally but know a couple folks who swear by it and I've read some reports from PubMed pertaining to it's mortality on mites when used on greenhouse tomato plants.
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Also as a LAST RESORT: you can go to Schucks and get a box of road flares. Cut ONE into about 2" lengths, it'll give you 4 pieces, place em in soup cans around the room, turn off ventilation and light em. Then leave for a couple hours and turn on ventilation again.
I put the soup cans inside of a bigger coffee can with an inch or so of water in it, to prevent them from getting knocked over, or getting too hot.

Like I said above: Last resort. It does leave a slight sulfur taste in the bud.
Be careful also cause them fuckers burn hot.


Some AzaMax or Azatrol can help the ones flowering, but mites are known to develop resistance to these quickly, so don't rely on them.

IVE READ NUMEROUS post saying this is one of the few things mites DO NOT DEVELOP resistance too. In fact i read numerious times including from Rez they forbid and avid work great but must be rotated as mites devolope resistance to them. But most want bigger knockout power.

What you are reading is wrong.

It is well known that mites develop resistance to Azadirachtin (the active ingredient in AzaMax).

It also seems fairly well known that mites have not yet been shown to develop resistance to Forbid.

Google it, because seriously I can't even see how you found information to the contrary.


Go to WallyWorld and hit the spice section... You're looking for 100% pure Citric Acid in a powder form. It'll cost about $5.

Mix it @ 1 Tbs/gal and 1/2 Tsp Brer Rabbit Molasses.
Spray the piss out of all plants even if they don't appear to be infected.
Repeat every couple of days until a couple days before harvest.
The last couple of days just spray em down with fresh water

Your weed might have a hint of citric smell/taste but it is really slight and barely even noticeable if you do a good job of rinsing in the last couple days.

You can also use Rosemary oil in the same manner as above. I've never used it personally but know a couple folks who swear by it and I've read some reports from PubMed pertaining to it's mortality on mites when used on greenhouse tomato plants.
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Also as a LAST RESORT: you can go to Schucks and get a box of road flares. Cut ONE into about 2" lengths, it'll give you 4 pieces, place em in soup cans around the room, turn off ventilation and light em. Then leave for a couple hours and turn on ventilation again.
I put the soup cans inside of a bigger coffee can with an inch or so of water in it, to prevent them from getting knocked over, or getting too hot.

Like I said above: Last resort. It does leave a slight sulfur taste in the bud.
Be careful also cause them fuckers burn hot.

Every thing you suggest seems like terrible advice. Citric acid won't kill mites. And burning road flares for sulfur? Sure, see ya on the 6 o'clock news - "Grow operation burns down house, threatens entire neighborhood". lolz


chill out guys. im greatful for any input from any1, i dont mind if it works or not. its all things to try out isnt it.

im lucky enough to have stemmed any problem on 1 my multi strain grow by just pulling the odd leaf that was infected, i used some cheapo spray that contained pythrin and they havnt been back, well only 1 mite has been back but i nailed him right away.

they love anything thats got cheese in it just like another member said, my other grow is infested but they are only on the nelly cheese's, ive had to ditch 2 plants already. i only set that grow up cos i had ecsess plants so nothing lost, ive got a sensi star smack bang in the middle of the nelly cheese and it dont have 1 mite on it. i can only get to it 1 time a week so no multiple treatments going on over there. next time ill fill it with trainwrek or sensi star or somthing, not cheese ill keep them for my everyday grow.

this is the first year ive had them ever! all my mates have them in my area. none of us have ever had them b4. must be the dry spring we have had. my grow room window has loads of trees outside it maybe they came from there.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Bubba - you ain't going to cure a mite infestation by plucking a couple leafs.

There is a reason serious growers stop at nothing to kill the bastards.

1 is too many.


well its worked so far and the last time i saw 1 was 2 weeks ago, ive only had to pluck 5 leaves in my everyday grow, granted my 1 time a week grow wont be cured like that.


Active member
Don't relax yet, they don't call them the borg for nothing. Assume they are still there and waiting. Every time i tried a nontoxic approach to control they would disappear then bam they were back with a vengeance. good luck though


chill out guys. im greatful for any input from any1, i dont mind if it works or not. its all things to try out isnt it.

Sure, but you can easily waste months trying all sorts of ineffective stuff. It will cost you - not just the cost of ineffective products but the cost of reduced yield and quality.

Don't relax yet, they don't call them the borg for nothing. Assume they are still there and waiting. Every time i tried a nontoxic approach to control they would disappear then bam they were back with a vengeance. good luck though

This guy's dead on.


i always assume they are there, my point was that if i catch em like i have been pulling the odd leaf works, the last 1 i got hd only made 2 holes, thats how on top i am with checking, im in there 3 times a day looking over each plant.


i always assume they are there, my point was that if i catch em like i have been pulling the odd leaf works, the last 1 i got hd only made 2 holes, thats how on top i am with checking, im in there 3 times a day looking over each plant.

I suppose if you have enough time to check every leaf in your garden 3 times a day ...

That would never work for me personally.

But yes, rigorous checking and leaf removal combined with great room cleanliness and routine water spraying or foliar feeding should keep them at bay.

What one wouldn't want to do is casually spray here and there with AzaMax or Avid, as doing so will allow survivors and the population will develop resistance to these products making eradication, if they get out of control in the future, much much more difficult.


i suppose its kinda like having a time bomb and all you keep doing is putting the clock back, the moment you aint there to put it back it blows on ya.


New member
How do, Yes i am, just thought i'd put my 2 pennies in, the best treatmeant I came across a few years ago was a starch product called Nite Nite Spidermite before it was redevolped, not sure how it works now but it did the trick for me after about a month of dipping all of each plant that was in my room veg not had them since until recentley after i was gifted a lady not happy about that but the lady is worth it, seems to me your right there is a lot of spider mite around at he moment very unusual, I'll let you know how it is soon gonna have to go get some @ the weekend been trying to stay manually vigilant but not quite clear yet

F. Dupp

Active member
Go to WallyWorld and hit the spice section... You're looking for 100% pure Citric Acid in a powder form. It'll cost about $5.

Mix it @ 1 Tbs/gal and 1/2 Tsp Brer Rabbit Molasses.
Spray the piss out of all plants even if they don't appear to be infected.
Repeat every couple of days until a couple days before harvest.
The last couple of days just spray em down with fresh water

Your weed might have a hint of citric smell/taste but it is really slight and barely even noticeable if you do a good job of rinsing in the last couple days.

You can also use Rosemary oil in the same manner as above. I've never used it personally but know a couple folks who swear by it and I've read some reports from PubMed pertaining to it's mortality on mites when used on greenhouse tomato plants.
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Also as a LAST RESORT: you can go to Schucks and get a box of road flares. Cut ONE into about 2" lengths, it'll give you 4 pieces, place em in soup cans around the room, turn off ventilation and light em. Then leave for a couple hours and turn on ventilation again.
I put the soup cans inside of a bigger coffee can with an inch or so of water in it, to prevent them from getting knocked over, or getting too hot.

Like I said above: Last resort. It does leave a slight sulfur taste in the bud.
Be careful also cause them fuckers burn hot.

Just burn your house down. That will show those mites who's boss.