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So I've got this water Quality Analysis... Nutrient profile experts needed!


I downloaded the 2009 Water Quality Analysis for my area and have been giving it a look today in the interest of making a better nutrient solution mix for my garden.

In the past I've had great success with Cal Mag and Pureblend at 5&15ml/gal tap water, but had limited success (if any at all) using the same recipes that were highly regarded by others. A few years ago I tried Floranova Bloom at Lucas dosage and ended up sending my entire garden into hardcore Mg Def which killed most everything. I went back to what I knew but eventually got handed a gift pack of Iguana Juice Grow and Bloom which I tried out, and things started to go south in the garden with a quickness. I played with the Iguana dosage trying to get the plants happy, but they progressively got worse till I went back to Calmag and Pureblend. Then I saw the KISS thread and it looked like I couldn't go wrong, things went well for a while but once again my garden went to shit even though all of my environmental variables are in check. I also tried a variety of nutes while I was fighting the famed Hydro tent offgassing issue way back when, but I've disregarded most of those experiences (except the smell of Earth Juice which will keep me from ever using that sludge again indoors.)

The one thing all of these experiences had in common was with the Pureblend I used Cal-Mag, the other regiments claimed not to need it.

In any event I've been sticking with 1tsp Maxibloom per gallon as of late and have been supplementing with a hefty dose of Cal-Mag to combat the Mg def and other issues I've been seeing. The girls have improved quite a bit, but I'm still fighting Mg issues so I've gradually been upping the Cal-Mag. Since I'm using more Cal-Mag than ever (10ml/gal tap water, approx 500ppm at .5 as of my last res change earlier today) I began to worry about potentially overdosing them with all of the N and Ca the Cal-Mag was adding. I began to consider using Epsom Salts, but I really have no idea how much I'd need to add, nor do I know if my fear of overdosing on Ca and N from the Cal-Mag is even a justified fear.

So, I downloaded that Water Quality Analysis I mentioned earlier. Best I can tell my water has a small amount of Calcium and a very low amount of Magnesium, but honestly I'm a bit over my head in sorting all of this out. I was hoping that someone proficient with nutrient profiles could take a look at my water analysis and tell me whether I should just stick to Cal-Mag, drop the Cal-Mag and switch to just Epsom Salts, some mixture of Cal-Mag and Epsom Salts, and roughly how much I'm gonna need to keep the girls happy while using Maxibloom. I'm running a drip system with Hydroton, as well as LP Aero Tables, fwiw.

Any experts wanna chime in and give me some scientifically based, reliable results?

Here is my local water report. Tried to upload it, but no go. : http://vancouver.ca/engsvcs/watersewers/water/pdf/WQReport_2009.pdf


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Purple Monster


Well you posted a 40-50 page water report, i doubt anyone wants to go through it. I tried, but it's bloated and I dont have time to read 50 pages.

What's your PPM out of the tap? pH?

You're using RO now? or the tap?

If its under 300ppm or less i'd just go w/ the tap water. If you have to supplement w/ cal-mag, start at 5ML/gal or something light.

*ADD* I read a little more on your water report, you are def short on cal-mag from the tap, so if you feel like you need to add it in for cal-mag hungry plants, go for it. I'd stick with just maxibloom at 7-8g/gallon. It should have plenty of cal-mag. If maxibloom alone isn't enough for certain plants, as I said you can supplement w/ cal-mag start at 5ML/gal.

If you can't keep a plant happy with just maxibloom and cal-mag supplement then you have other issues going on.


Active member
go into shroomdr's nute profile thread and look for your self but cns17 by botanicare is better for coco if thats what your using. i was just having the same problems.

if its hydro i would say maxi should give no problems and it could be your water.


if you wouldn't mind go through that report and then post:

Ca ppm
Mg ppm
Fe ppm
Na ppm
alkalinity...however they list it

If you are willing to go through it to pull those things out i am sure we can help.


Reading the whole report wouldn't be necessary, I would have assumed just scrolling down to the charts would have done the trick. Sorry for throwing so much at yas.

In any event, nothing is really listed in ppm, it's pretty much all mg/L... however that translates.

Results from the sampling stations are as follows and show lowest recorded to highest recorded levels:

Ca mg/L 1.3-2.0
Mg mg/L .1-.2
Fe mg/L .05-.25
Na mg/L 1.5-5.8
Mn mg/L .1-.2

The following elements were too low to record apparently: Arsenic, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc.

My systems are Hydroton drip and another which is LP aero. Presently using CalMag at 10ml/gal and Maxibloom at 1tsp/gal. Been working the Cal Mag up from using none at all to where I'm at now. Ph, Temps, RH, Co2, pests, offgassing, etc have all been explored as potential issues and have all been ruled out as culprits best I can tell.


Your water has quite a bit of Ca...probably enough that you would want to account for that.

Is there any mention of the alkalinity of the water. This is the one that really determines whether or not you are going to need any RO water.


If that number is ppm then your water is fine. If you were planning to use any CalMag you could just get away with epsom salt instead.

If it is listed as anything else we will need to figure it out.


You might missed a decimal point:

Ca 1.3 - 2.0 mg/L
Mg 0.1 - 0.2 mg/L

Thats 2 ppm Ca++, it's almost like RO water.
Tap water around here has 60pmm Ca with 20 ppm Mg


You might missed a decimal point:

Ca 1.3 - 2.0 mg/L
Mg 0.1 - 0.2 mg/L

Thats 2 ppm Ca++, it's almost like RO water.
Tap water around here has 60pmm Ca with 20 ppm Mg

I double checked, didn't miss a decimal point, that's what the report claimed. We've got clean water here I guess! :)


Active member
soft water

soft water

You have good soft water .
Mg/ltr is ppm
no need for R/O waterA.


I misinterpreted the numbers. Great water...no need for any special treatment. Any decent formula should work.


Thanks folks, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out and saving me a few hundred bucks along the way.

For my Mg hungry strains I'll continue supplementing with Calmag, and may pursue Epsom salts at some point if I suspect any Ca or N overdosing.

Wish me luck! :)