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So is there anyone else that just does not care to "hang out"


Active member
I don't do the "hang out" thing anymore. My cousin who is 52 years old ls like 2 blocks from me and his house is the "hang out" house he hangs with a bunch of 20 something year old's has a room mate who is like 24. Bunch of alcoholic's and I was one to finally had enough. I am a lot younger than him and there is just way to much bullshit ego's and drama with all the alcohol. Seems people can't hang out unless there is fucking booze involved I had enough of it and plus everybody wants to smoke all your weed up and never has any to offer fuck that...:wave:


What happens if it's not friend that stay too damn long but family? Got a younger step bro that all he wants to do is come over here and play call of duty and smoke my weed and hash all day and sometimes late into the night. Love the fucker but feel like a dick when I explode on him cause I see him too damn much.

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your family!


There was a real cool diagram... 3 circles

it represented what students could have

the variables were

social life
good grades

you could only have 2 out of 3

health was not in there


I'm sure when you will want to hang out, you will find people

you could always volunteer if you feel like seeing people,
helping people and being around people who like to help people (or are forced by the court to help :) )

there are some good times to be had and good feelings to be felt there

at least you have a career, good for you

I myself am sort of a hermit too

I think I might have a light asperger syndrome

it was always like this

a lot of people don't understand me

or I have a hard time standing them (I know that, that can sound like I might have too much expectations or whatver, I will not put up with people who don't respect me, fuck them, and fuck them forever.)

I love to be around people from time to time, but I really need a calm, private environment.

I am more of a nature/country person
and I too think that sometimes it's better not to be around people but I don't give up on people like I don't give up on myself, like I wouldn't want people to give up on me either

at the moment my life is in the works and I have a little way to go before I can really relax

reach for your dreams
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State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I know of 3 things

1. weed (can talk about it all day + smoke it)
2. My kid/family (good for about a 20- 30 min convo,)
3. The real truth (what some people might call conspiracy theories)(talk all day)

if its not one of these three things i dont like to talk to people. -=P

but i do find if your an intellectual person its alot easier to hang out and hold conversations...
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Im a full fledged hermit. I lost my job a few years ago so now I rarely go out. I like to go on long hikes with my wife and that's about it.

I don't require much human interaction and I don't really like people in my house.
I hate "entertaining" guests, I'd rather spend my night like I always do, smoking joints, and reading stuff on my laptop, playing an online game with my wife or taking care of my plants.

Im under 30 but have been this way since my early 20's when I stopped drinking alcohol in heavy amounts. Once I significantly slowed my drinking and had a full time girlfriend it really ruined the desire to go out and party.

I have never really found anyone I really connected with on a friend level in my immediate geographic location. Most people I have come across in my life are either stupid, don't share the same interests as me or are far too needy and full of drama. I like internet people better and have found it to be that way my whole life as I have been on forums since I was like 13, so much easier to find like minded people on the interwebs, I even met my wife on a message board ;).


I deleted this post and added it to the one a couple posts above ^^

made it more coherent
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I keep it like P Vahall
seems like a lot of ppl i meet cant tell me something new or interesting.
And sometimes i meet some cool ppl but still i like to do my own thing


Professor Organic Psychology
Sadly the most reliable friend for so many is the internet and TV. Some still read books, but it is the same kind of thing. Laying around and recharging.

As the OP stated, time is short if you have a job and family. The chances of connecting with people your age and interest, those working and with a family is mathematically against the odds. You have to force yourself to be social and connect others that are forcing themselves to have a social life. As you get older the importance of a social life seems to fall to the side.

I will say this, you are better to force yourself into the social arena than not. You will be happier and have more energy. Play golf and softball, do some volunteer work. Anything to get away from the TV and Computer.


I'm in my early thirties, and I feel hanging out is for people who have nothing better to do. I have lived In the same county my whole life and there is plenty of people to hang out with, just none of them are cool or very inteligent. It seems as if every one I used to hang out with is cupcaking hella hard with some chick or an alchoholic, don't get me wrong I will drink on occasion, but drinking should not be a hobby. More people need hobies, there is no other feeling like accomplishing something with your own two hands. I have had to cut out so many friends over the last five years. I really can't stand those people that think their time is more important then others.I have a certain quality of life I like to have around me and it seems that peeps don't have that same care about themselves.Say what you mean and mean what you say!
Another thing kinda on the same subject. I find it a little awkward when meeting friends of friends who are "square".I always feel like a criminal or I just have nothing to talk about. I wish I could tell people what I really do for a living and not be judged. Sorry for ranting but this thread stirred it up a lil.
Say it all you want, it won't make it true for all. I agree, sedentary is always bad, but an active life in isolation is as valid as a social one and certain people thrive in seclusion. I move all day, my internet usage is periodic. I grew up in D.C., Hollywood for the ugly, a culture of fronting smug narcissism. I've had enough of status bleating from unethical bullies and their creeping tyranny. I don't relate to the rednecks where I live, but it's affordable and pretty and I live on 5 quiet wooded acres, as free as anyone can be at this point. </rant>

Cats rool. :)


Kiss My Ring
i don't hang well.
been cloistered in beautiful surroundings keeping to myself. maybe agoraphobic, not sure...
i really do not like to go anywhere where i need to interact with peeps. i find i have little to say relative to what i find important, which don't include them...i only know three or four peeps where i park my ass, and years of working for the public has jaded my enthusiasm for meeting any new.
my daughter thinks i'm going 'Ted Kazinski' whilst i sit in the garage toking and scheming, my wife and i are drifting apart, and i find myself morose and mean.

i would gladly give up my isolation to hang with a few friends, exchange pleasantries, smoke and joke till the wee hours...

fuck! i didn't realise how miserable i was until i began this reply, and all i can think of is to hit the pipe and fade it all.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ok, so just to put things into context, I am 44, have a "career" as opposed to a "job", and am essentially away from home 12 hours a day, and when I am home there is still a certain amount of work related stuff I am expected to be doing. Overall it is kind of a shitty situation, but I make good money, and have financial responsibilities so things are not going to change anytime soon.

The downside is that in my limited free time I am essentially mentally fried beyond belief, and really desire to do nothing more than try to keep up with my hobbies or chill with a good book, or just spend time hiking with my dog. These days I have very little interest in "hanging out" until all hours of the night/morning, nor do I have any interest in getting in my car (after an hour commute one way to work) once I am home to drive another 30-40 minutes somewhere.

People are welcome to stop by, hang for a bit and have a glass of wine or two, but anything more than a couple of hour visit I consider too long, and as far as me leaving my house for hours on end when I am not working is not going to be happening right now.

Anyone else??

The kind of "Hanging out" you're describing sounds like the kind young people who have nothing to do, engage in. You on the other hand sound like you have a very full and busy life. So it's no wonder you're not interested in "just hanging out". When you get a bit older and retire perhaps you'll find yourself "just hanging out" again when you have less demands for your time? I wouldn't worry about it though, you're not unusual, nothing is wrong with you although perhaps some of your former hang out buddies are making you feel that way. Which is also natural, it's much easier to find fault with the person who has changed in a group rather then look at yourself and concluding the problem is you haven't moved on and found a better use for your time.


Active member
Join the club. After years of going out at night searching for I don't know what, I am much happier "hanging out" @ home. I have no desire for the "night life". And I'd rather watch sports on TV than actually going to the game. Not particularly fond of crowds, especially if they are drunk.


Active member
i tend to focus on work and things around the house more...but i need to go out at least 1-2 times a week..nothing too crazy like staying out doing coke till 5am, but usually hit the bar or a friends house and drink/smoke until satisfied.

when im home in seclusion i think sometimes that its better to stay in, but once you are outside and about you realize shit is way funner to go out experiance things....i would hate to be a hermit you only live once go out and enjoy shit!

but shit if certain things make you happy than by all means...i enjoy staying home and playing COD too but i definately cant do it all the time...i enjoy walking around the city late night with a can of beer and a paint marker thats good times for me..


but i do find if your an intellectual person its alot easier to hang out and hold conversations...
Brother I'm 49 and always relish the opportunity to have a good conversation with someone. It almost doesn't matter WHAT it's about and can cover a lot of areas. Quality interactions like that are hard to come by! For sure there's a few close friends I spend some time with.

I'm done just hanging out...actually that was quite a few years ago lol.

Max Yields

Active member
I'm a young dude & I kinda gave up on "hanging" already. I'll still go out once in awhile, but I'm trying to re-network with peeps that are worthy & its hard to find those nowadays. I've seen & heard too much about good dudes takin' a L because of their associates. So I stay to myself more. I still go out, but it's usually not near as often as before. It's all good, they say misery needs company...& I don't need misery.