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so I'm meeting my potential roommate tomorrow from craigslist



I'm scerrrrred. He's "420 friendly," and hopefully not a full fledged weirdo. So we'll see what happens.

Being broke sucks. It's either this or I don't hack California, and my attempts at finding my place in this subculture are cracked. Paying my dues, I guess.

If I don't post in the next two weeks, I hope some kind of remembrance thread pops up for me. After all, many vital organs will probably be in a cooler on the way to some rich dudes house, so I'll be worth remembering in moral terms.



Maybe you are meeting Yummybud. He might have finally decided to leave Big Mommas house.

If so, prepare for the worst...


Maybe you are meeting Yummybud. He might have finally decided to leave Big Mommas house.

If so, prepare for the worst...
I totally room with yummy. He's definitely to himself, that's for sure. Definitely don't feel like he'd be the type of dude to try and walk all over people.

I'd have to get out a timer though, and allow him a specified number of minutes of which he may speak to me per day.


Active member
just be careful....other people have done that and turned out OK i guess.

me...id live in my car before i would live w/ anyone.

again good luck ...people fukin suck tho


Active member
I'm scerrrrred. He's "420 friendly," and hopefully not a full fledged weirdo. So we'll see what happens.

Being broke sucks. It's either this or I don't hack California, and my attempts at finding my place in this subculture are cracked. Paying my dues, I guess.

If I don't post in the next two weeks, I hope some kind of remembrance thread pops up for me. After all, many vital organs will probably be in a cooler on the way to some rich dudes house, so I'll be worth remembering in moral terms.


i hope u know where this thread is gonna go?....there is totally no way that this crowd will make it nice.

...and on that note....welcome home roomate:



i like yukons sense of humor and the way he thinks, fuck roomates,, i think id take the car too, or take a roomy for a month or so till i got a place
maybe a hotel cheapo something,look for effeciency studio apts
its been a while since i hung here at the den , funny shit today, im still laughing hard on randudes post in my thread
Maybe you are meeting Yummybud. He might have finally decided to leave Big Mommas house.

If so, prepare for the worst...

oooh, i'd def room with yummy!

I'd make him pay all the rent... Then i'd smoke all his weed. Of course, in return he'd get my advice on women. I've gotten three of my most loserish friends to lose their virginity and actually man up and learn how to get women on their own. I mean... i grew up poor macking on rich girls and i ain't exactly the nicest car on the lot. My mack is flawless

And yummy, just in case you read this, i'll give you a free tip right now: until you get enough confidence to know what ou are doing and manipulate situations to your convenience, play the numbers game... Plus, that way you don't fuck up "the one", ie, that girl from your work, you're just getting rejected by random strangers you'll no doubt never see again!


u could end with a new best friend , hope it works out well for all .

Weedman Herb

I won't remember you in 2 weeks so I'll start writing that Eulogy now ... How healthy is your liver?


i hope u know where this thread is gonna go?....there is totally no way that this crowd will make it nice.

...and on that note....welcome home roomate:


OMG I remember this picture in another post..something about what you were having for dinner....thinking, I am so glad that I do not have to clean up that mess! Do people really live like this?! I would have to be completely baked 24/7 just to deal. lmao :joint: