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So, IC, how does it all end?

So, IC, how does it all end?

  • Mushroom clouds sprout

    Votes: 11 12.8%
  • US goes down the shitter, takes everyone else along for the ride

    Votes: 16 18.6%
  • Space says "FUCK YOU EARTH"

    Votes: 15 17.4%
  • Gaia says "FUCK YOU HUMANS"

    Votes: 17 19.8%
  • Zombies

    Votes: 27 31.4%

  • Total voters


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
So, how does the end of the world as we know it happen?

Here's the top contenders in my opinion:

1) Fun with Nukes

Thankfully, the MADD Doctrine is a thing of the past. The planet annihilating WWIII envisioned during the Cold War is a ghost, fading into the mist as the conflicts erupt on a smaller scale.

However, a limited nuclear exchange is actually becoming more likely. Pakistan has the 'Islamic Bomb' thanks to AQ Kahn, who peddled turn key nuclear weapons systems to a lot of bad folks, like North Korea.

Like Iran, for instance, who is now reported to have enough nuclear material for 2 nuclear weapons. Yay! The country that invented suicide bombing potentially has nukes now. No way that could go wrong :rolleyes:

Oh, and let's not forget India who is none to fond of their nuke neighbor, Pakistan.

Of course, we can't forget Israel. Not only have they recently rejected a non-proliferation agreement, but they've also moved submarines with nuclear tipped cruise missiles to the coast of Iran.

Who's president said "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

So, you've got an unstable area with unstable leaders with nuclear toys. Pretty much everyone over there hates Israel, and Israel feels about the same. Pakistan and India have a long history of conflict.

North Korea, well, they're leader is batshit insane, and looking for an excuse.

So, a pretty viable option in my opinion. Even a limited exchange of nuclear weapons would have a devastating effect on our world. One can hope such a horror would polarize the world into a new era of peace. Which would certainly be the end of the world we currently know.

2) The Collapse of the United States

This one doesn't seem to change the world at first glance, but a look at the new global economy will clear up that perception real quick.

Here's how I see it going down:

WMD (Nuclear, methinks) Detonation, or attempted detonation by a terrorist group in the Continental US. This paves the way for drastic new regulations that destroy our civil rights. The heavy handed government presence in the cities results in an exodus from the cities to the country, as people become more and more disillusioned with the government.

Eventually, armed conflict breaks out, and the US is in the midst of a civil war.

With troops having been recalled from overseas to secure the US from another terror attack, or to deal with the civil war, a giant power vacuum forms. The US and it's military have been crucial in deterring wars, but with the US in disarray, minor conflicts flare into raging bonfires, devouring countries.

Also, the US Midwest produces a huge amount of food that is sent as aid. With US focused on it's own problems (like tanks in the wheat fields), literally millions will die from starvation all over the world.

This doesn't even account for the massive economic effects that would be felt worldwide, and make the recent troubles seem minor.

Again, the world changes massively from what we know today.

3) Cosmic Karma (Galaxy Alignment/Planet X/Asteroid)

The Mayan Calendar that has sparked so much fear ends on the Winter Solstice, 2012. Not coincidentally, that's supposedly when the Earth, Sun, and the Supermassive Blackhole at the center of our galaxy align. This theory predicts massive gravitational effects causing massive solar storms that could result in all kinds of horrible things here on our little blue marble.

The Planet X/Nibiru Theory says that our solar system is actually a binary star system, with the companion to our sun being a stillborn star - a brown dwarf star, the most common type in our galaxy. With the two stars engaged in a cosmic tug of war, the dwarf gets flung into a radical distant orbit that brings it into the inner solar system every 5000 years or so.

Obviously, an extra sun plowing through inner solar system would cause all kinds of horrible shit to happen. As the star enters the inner solar sytem, the added power and heat from our sun supposedly causes a re-ignition of the dwarf. Meaning it starts to look like Tatooine down here with dual suns in the sky, which would be pretty cool, actually. Well, until you figure in what else it does, that is.

The gravitational forces resulting from these two suns pulling at each other leaves Earth in the equivalent of galactic rapids. Massive earth quakes rip the land into unrecognizable shapes (ocean front property in Nevada, anyone?).

Massive tidal waves generated by the earthquakes slam miles and miles inland, scrubbing the land clean.

Super-hurricanes boasting sustained 300+ mph winds feed off of altered currents and a new heat source to spread hundreds of miles across. Imagine an F5 tornado (The Finger of God) that lasted for 3+ days, and you're probably close.

Asteroids, meteors, and comets disrupted by the stars gravity shower the planet.

The increased heat and temperatures cause massive droughts and wildfires.

Truly, it would be the Biblical Apocalypse.

This one is probably my favorite of the 'far-out' theories. And it's interesting to note that many civilizations record a great cataclysm about 5000 years ago, Noah's flood being an account most are familiar with.

4) Gaia's Pissed

Simply, we've abused our planet far too long, and it comes back to bite us in the ass. In my opinion, it'll be some nasty little germ that is discovered by the rape of virgin rain forests, or mutated by pollution. Ebola meets the common cold, anyone?

5) Zombie Hordes

Last but not least, everyone's favorite, the Zombie Hordes.

Some perversion of medical science goes too far, and the results are seen in a near infinite number of Hollywood flicks.

It's actually not unheard of in nature. There is a fungus that creates Zombie ants, taking over their brains.

Penicillin, anyone?


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Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
you mean the illusion as we know it

the world will turn until the sun goes supernova in a few billion years

and seriously NiteTiger? #3? I thought you were smarter than that....


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
with tomorrow being a helluva lot like yesterday, until such time that i crawl in a little wooden box they nail shut.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
and seriously NiteTiger? #3? I thought you were smarter than that....

It's fun reading! If ya gotta go, getting gobbled up by a rouge star is a pretty spectacular way to do it. Out with a bang, and all that jazz. :D

Plus, two suns! :biglaugh:

But the zombies you're okay with, right? :D


I can feel space will be our death dealer...hence why we should have BEEN colonizing space...its too late now
The end of the world as we know it (hdtv/ipods) will result from the USA going down the crapper and taking everyone else with us. But there will still be humans. I agree with Dojo that space will deal us a catastrophe that will end the existence of humans on earth, just like it did the Dinosaurs.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
The end of the world as we know it (hdtv/ipods) will result from the USA going down the crapper and taking everyone else with us. But there will still be humans. I agree with Dojo that space will deal us a catastrophe that will end the existence of humans on earth, just like it did the Dinosaurs.

Yeah, I'm figuring some scrap of humanity will survive just about anything, Earth shattering being the obvious exception. As pointed out above, we're like cockroaches. Just our luck it'll be up to religious nutters in caves to repopulate the earth :cry:

StonerChick said:
You forgot the Zeta Reticulans.
Do tell!


Survival of the human race is #1...shit if we get the mad max thuderdome version ill be happy as fuck knowing we could rebuild...knowing that some of our history will remain...perhaps some relics

But space man...space is really creepy if you think about it...ANYTHING could happen to earth from an outside force...which is why if earth was ever reduced to a dead mass by space or man made we would need a back up plan...and its not hiding in caves...its going star trek star wars on that ass and upgrading our ambitions...

we should have a big mothership we should have been building for generations...stem cells and everything else we should be hitting hard as fuck because whats not moral right now maybe the only hope for the future if somthing was to arise....im just ranting on but this subject has always been one that makes me the most passionate...its only out of true love for humans that i would want our legecy to stretch into the light years


Andinismo Hierbatero
planet gets devoured by Galactus of course


Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
at least the idea of zombies has more to do with what is reality than the BS any dumbfuck westerner is spewing about the mayan calendar which they know fucking diddly about they just are repeating the more than retarded idea that the mayan calendar somehow ends. let me ask you this dumbfucks, does a circle end?


Freedom Fighter
Worldwide Cannabis Legalization will end it all!!!
So many ppl will plant weed, that the Earths atmosphere will get over saturated with oxygen...and we will blow up when somebody lights their bong!!
Really...I swear!!:dance013:


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Well with the rest of the versions being more speculative in nature. I voted space..

Not that xeny mayan calendar horse shit. But sooner or later something will destroy this planet GUARANTEED! If not a cosmic object or solar flare of some sort. The sun will eventually become a red giant and vaporize this planet. So i am a 100% comfortable with my answer. It's not a question of if but when..

That being said i would like to point out the main problem with us. Why we are such assholes. It is our mortality.. and what we are doing with the planet environment wise is testament to that fact. We can't even ''wipe our own asses''. Once technology will allow us to live essentially forever. It will be a very different picture. Right now there really is not much point in caring. If it's not my ass why should i care ?